Worst thing about the game (and I think we can all agree)


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
CBS Sports Network.

Holy hell, that was painful. I thought there was a flag on every play because of the "FINAL" in the bottom right corner, their camera angles were awful, and Tom Selleck seemingly got more air time than the field.

Never. Again.

CBS Sports Network.

Holy hell, that was painful. I thought there was a flag on every play because of the "FINAL" in the bottom right corner, their camera angles were awful, and Tom Selleck seemingly got more air time than the field.

Never. Again.

YES. YES. YES. YES. That was AWFUL! Everytime we had a big play, I thought we had a flag as well! Poor placement and most of all, COLOR! CBS better get to work.

Man I thought it was just me. Why would you use yellow for any type of notice when broadcasting a football game?

CBS Sports Network.

Holy hell, that was painful. I thought there was a flag on every play because of the "FINAL" in the bottom right corner, their camera angles were awful, and Tom Selleck seemingly got more air time than the field.

Never. Again.

Agreed. Cannot believe that yellow final sign snuck through. Also, the lack of an HD channel was a little disappointing. If anyone watched the previous game, one of the two announcers sounded like an inaudible old man talking about who knows what.

hahahaha @ the Tom Selleck opening. Hope we never have to play on this channel ever again.

CBS Sports Network.

Holy hell, that was painful. I thought there was a flag on every play because of the "FINAL" in the bottom right corner, their camera angles were awful, and Tom Selleck seemingly got more air time than the field.

Never. Again.

LMFAO!! I thought I was the only one.. It took me the first 3 quarters to get used to that dumbass ticker line.

As far as Selleck or the play-by-play guys go, I was at Sensor's, I got to listen to some doooouuchebag 'fan' cheer for UNLV just because. They do need to use their cute sideline analyst more.. She was smoking!

What ever happened to down and yards once in a while? The angles of the game sometimes reminded me of a slow moving kaleidoscope, or maybe it was drugs when I was younger... anyway, I agree, it was painful.

It was pretty low level production, no doubt. The lead announcer was turrible too.

What bothered me was they missed the start of at least 10 plays because of horrible direction. The yellow flag was solved by putting paper over the lower right corner of the TV screen. The color man for UCLA sounded like ROn Zook and was horrible. The Conehead color man we had was so bad he had to be muted.This was one of the worst produced TV games of all time.

Man I thought it was just me. Why would you use yellow for any type of notice when broadcasting a football game?

I actually didn't notice it until my fiance said something in the 2nd quarter.

What bothered me was they missed the start of at least 10 plays because of horrible direction. The yellow flag was solved by putting paper over the lower right corner of the TV screen. The color man for UCLA sounded like ROn Zook and was horrible. The Conehead color man we had was so bad he had to be muted.This was one of the worst produced TV games of all time.

That was Ron Zook

The announcer didn't bug me that much but the camera work was aweful. Weird framing, odd timing on cuts, odd shot selection, it was like the guy in the truck was producing his first ever live broadcast. Sometimes they were so far away you couldn't see anything, other times they would go to a low angle shot that was partially blocked, or cut to a shot that made no sense. Very amateur job done on this broadcast.

Oh and the yellow final thing was pissing me off all game. Should have thought to tape something over that part of the screen.

LMFAO!! I thought I was the only one.. It took me the first 3 quarters to get used to that dumbass ticker line.

As far as Selleck or the play-by-play guys go, I was at Sensor's, I got to listen to some doooouuchebag 'fan' cheer for UNLV just because. They do need to use their cute sideline analyst more.. She was smoking!

Yea I'm glad I stopped drinking after a couple beers I was sitting pretty close to that idiot last night, and I almost lost it a few times.

The camera angles drove me nuts, especially on some of the FG's. I was sure we missed everyone of them except the last one.

I watched at Mac's with the sound off, but didn't really care for the production. I can only imagine it was much worse with commentary. Luckily it's going to be awhile before we play a Mountain West opponent in the regular season again, and we wont have to deal with them again any time soon.

A couple of things that made this a low level production:

1. Obviously the yellow final sign
2. TERRIBLE camera angles. Everyone at home didn't even get to see the first field goal that wettstein missed. There were several others.
3. The announcers with the mustache on their fingers? They were just awful. I've never been picky about announcers, but when you are putting on a kid's program on the side it gets on my nerves.
4. The announcers making crazy comments such as, "If the Gophers can eek this one out, they have a great chance to start 4-0." Really? That was the last thing I was thinking about. At that point I was praying we would win 4 games all year.
5. Stupid political commercials (not their fault but there were way too many).

1. I agree that CBSSports Network is a low quality production. However; I'm glad that they have that channel because sometimes the C-USA and MWC has some pretty entertaining games.

2. I have Dish Network (for 2 more days) and it was available in HD.

3. The yellow thing on the scroll bar drove me nuts too.

Yea I'm glad I stopped drinking after a couple beers I was sitting pretty close to that idiot last night, and I almost lost it a few times.

I've been sober for over 5 years now.. and as I was sitting with my wife I kept looking over at that clown then back to the Mrs. and finally I leaned in and said, "Golly Gee, hun, aren't you glad I don't drink no more?"

We both know that if I were still drinking, first, I would have consumed at least a liter of my favorite rum and, second, I would have jacked the dude in the jaw. Well, I would have tried at least.

I thought it was fine given the matchup. The worst aspect of the game was unlv pass defense.

Yes, the CBS Sports Network was awful. I'm glad it was televised though as I'd rather watch the game then not watch it.

What bothered me was they missed the start of at least 10 plays because of horrible direction. .

the camera work was aweful. Weird framing, odd timing on cuts, odd shot selection, it was like the guy in the truck was producing his first ever live broadcast. Sometimes they were so far away you couldn't see anything, other times they would go to a low angle shot that was partially blocked, or cut to a shot that made no sense. Very amateur job done on this broadcast.

THIS - It drove me crazy - I tune into a game to watch FOOTBALL!! As obvious as that is, many producers don't get it. They zoom in on the face to catch the "drama" of the moment. It works great with Oprah and her fans but someone should tell these "areTEEEEEEST" producers that there is no crying in football and that what works for Oprah or some soap opera doesn't work for a football game. I don't want to see cute shots from unusual angles. I want to see the O and D formations, the personnel groups, pre-snap motion, etc. Someone should also tell the announcers to talk about the game in front of them NOT what the SEC is doing this weekend, what shows are on CBS this weekend and so on.

I think this was the worst produced game I have ever watched on TV and I watch a lot of games.

THIS - It drove me crazy - I tune into a game to watch FOOTBALL!! As obvious as that is, many producers don't get it. They zoom in on the face to catch the "drama" of the moment. It works great with Oprah and her fans but someone should tell these "areTEEEEEEST" producers that there is no crying in football and that what works for Oprah or some soap opera doesn't work for a football game. I don't want to see cute shots from unusual angles. I want to see the O and D formations, the personnel groups, pre-snap motion, etc. Someone should also tell the announcers to talk about the game in front of them NOT what the SEC is doing this weekend, what shows are on CBS this weekend and so on.

I think this was the worst produced game I have ever watched on TV and I watch a lot of games.

Yep, that was the worst part of the game.

It's a 10 PM start for a large portion of the people watching the game. Does CBS Sports really think that they need to be "fresh and exciting" to lure in the kind of fans that were a watching a Minnesota / UNLV football game in the middle of a weeknight in August?

Just show the game, talk a little, show some college girls and cut to commercial.

James Bates is a Mountain West guy. He was thrilled and overly excited with UNLV's players, and resigned to that of the Gophers. The Angles, how about the punt that went through the UNLV players hands and through his legs without touching him. That is either an awful punt returner or a poor officiating job.

The most expensive/best seats in the house are at mid court(BB) or midfield(FB) yet these yahoos want to keep showing camera shots from the end-zone and every other dumb ass angle.

The most expensive/best seats for baseball are behind the plate, yet they always use the camera from centerfield.

Go figure.

The most expensive/best seats in the house are at mid court(BB) or midfield(FB) yet these yahoos want to keep showing camera shots from the end-zone and every other dumb ass angle.

The most expensive/best seats for baseball are behind the plate, yet they always use the camera from centerfield.

Go figure.

Well, if we all had the vision of a 30x optical zoom I would choose to sit in the outfield everytime.

Well, if we all had the vision of a 30x optical zoom I would choose to sit in the outfield everytime.

What we need is an optical zoom on our tv remote. Zoom in or zoom out, viewer choice. Nice to see the whole football field once in awhile.

Sam Boyd Stadium is 8 miles from the Las Vegas strip.

I got to relearn this after every commercial break.

I thought I was the only one distracted by the yellow FINAL on the screen.

There were several comments in the in-game thread from people getting irritated by the yellow final flash on the screen. What a stupid thing to put on a football broadcast

LMFAO!! I thought I was the only one.. It took me the first 3 quarters to get used to that dumbass ticker line.

As far as Selleck or the play-by-play guys go, I was at Sensor's, I got to listen to some doooouuchebag 'fan' cheer for UNLV just because. They do need to use their cute sideline analyst more.. She was smoking!

Okay, that was what was going on. You must have been the fan that looked like they wanted to give this guy a backhand. It was loud enough, that I really couldn't make out what that fan was saying.

I was sitting next to an UND fan and had a pleasant time and conversation. It took me a while to block out that annoying ticker as well. Overall I was glad I went out to Sensor's. The other choice was to watch it from home. Always nice to be surrounded by fellow Gopher fans.

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