Worst Team Gophers or Vikings?

Yeah, 1969 was a little before my time as a Vikings fan, but from what I understand that was the Vikings' best shot at a title in that Super Bowl against the upstart AFL. I really can't think of a team in all of sports that has squandered away more talent and golden opportunities for a championship. The Red Sox were up there but they finally ended their World Series curse. So keep your heads up Vikings fans curses can and do end, although it make take 100 years or so. As for me, I'm off the Vikings bandwagon.

Actually Bud Grant has said the 1975 team was his best. That's the year the Vikes lost NFC Championship Game to Dallas on the original Hail Mary pass.

As someone from the Chicago Cubs organization said about ten years ago: "Hey we had a bad century".

I guess you don't really appreciate the fact that since many Viking fans love to ridicule, make jokes about, or just plain ignore the Gopher football team, many of us in GopherHole look for opportunities to give it back to the Purple. This is always the best time of the year for us because we can ALWAYS count on the Vikes to fail spectacularly in the playoffs. This year was one of the best ever in that regard because we were blessed with Saint Favre throwing another historic pass interception to cost his team a shot at the Super Bowl. Good times!

And you don't appreciate the fact that most people who watch Gophers games on Saturday are also watching Vikings games on Sunday. In any case, I don't think that ignoring the Gopher football team ought to be included in the same category of ridiculing the Gopher football team. I just haven't met that many Vikings fans who ridicule the Gophers. There are trolls online, of course, they just should loudly, but there aren't really that many of them. There are more Vikings fans than Gophers fans, but Vikings fans and Gophers fans are not two mutually exclusive camps at war with each other.

I wonder if the Vikings are the only team to get beat in the Conference Championship by two different teams that have only had one appearance in the Super Bowl? Both in OT, none-the-less.

At least the Gophers don't get in position to break our hearts at the end of the year. If that is a good thing?

I love this "I'm off the bandwagon stuff". What 's with that? I've been a Gophers fan since before they lost the Rose Bowl to Washington. I was still one after they went 1-11 two years ago. Winning and losing matters, but it doesn't make the difference. Not to me and a lot of other people I know. We're here because that's who we are, not because the latest thrill can be found at TCF Bank Stadium. I'll say one thing for the Lions. Their fans keep coming back for more and they're not afraid to let everyone know who their favorite team is, no matter what the record.

I love this "I'm off the bandwagon stuff". What 's with that? I've been a Gophers fan since before they lost the Rose Bowl to Washington. I was still one after they went 1-11 two years ago. Winning and losing matters, but it doesn't make the difference. Not to me and a lot of other people I know. We're here because that's who we are, not because the latest thrill can be found at TCF Bank Stadium. I'll say one thing for the Lions. Their fans keep coming back for more and they're not afraid to let everyone know who their favorite team is, no matter what the record.


I love this "I'm off the bandwagon stuff". What 's with that? I've been a Gophers fan since before they lost the Rose Bowl to Washington. I was still one after they went 1-11 two years ago. Winning and losing matters, but it doesn't make the difference. Not to me and a lot of other people I know. We're here because that's who we are, not because the latest thrill can be found at TCF Bank Stadium. I'll say one thing for the Lions. Their fans keep coming back for more and they're not afraid to let everyone know who their favorite team is, no matter what the record.

Well, I was the one who said, "I'm off the Vikings bandwagon." I guess it's admitting that I'm a fair-weather Vikings fan. The fact that I've stuck with the Gophers in football for years and years of nothing great makes me a diehard fan there, like most Gopher football fans.

I was under the impression that most gopher fans were viking fans

I'm a fan of both and if you compare what the gophers do to what the vikings do.....it's time to pull your head out of your azz

According to this ESPN article, the Vikings stand behind only the Chicago Cubs in the officially tortured teams category. I liked reading this article and I was definitely one of the people that would have taken a shot to both the gut and groin than have all that excitement built up towards the end like that and then destroyed by a bologna pass interference call and a field goal.

So are the Gophers.

Not really.

I'm sure you can admit there are dozens of areas where "the Gophers" are nothing like a business at all. I can think of so many ways that they are unlike a business I would grow tired of listing them all here. But I will start with one that is huge: TITLE IX

With the Vikings/ NFL, I find it very difficult to determine how they opperate any differently than Target Corporation or Northwest Airlines. NFL football is packaged in a way to convince its consumers that "their team" is just around the corner from a championship. This keeps the consumer buying.

NCAA Football doesn't care so much about preserving that important illusion.

Gopher Football has been so bad for so long (my entire life) that their ineptness becomes sort of pride or beloving, though I hope if I live to 80, they'll play in at least one rose bowl during my lifetime. I understand Cubs Fans.

The problem with Viking and gopher fans is that they can't seperate the two and how each exist in their respective leagues.
Vikings have salary cap and revenue sharing.
Gophers live in a league with no salary cap with some revenue sharing.

So in saying that what most Viking fans don't realize, when they are frustrated by the lack of big ten titles by the gophers, is that schools like Ohio State make and spend 4 times what the gophers can spend on recruiting and facilities.

Imagine what this years Viking team would look like if they only had half of what green bay and Chicago spent?

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