Worst crowd since pre-Mason yesterday

Some guy

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2014
Reaction score
Granted it was two mediocre teams playing poorly. I can't remember a crowd that out of it for any game (including non-conference) in the last 20 years. Even the Iowa fans seemed not to care

Granted it was two mediocre teams playing poorly. I can't remember a crowd that out of it for any game (including non-conference) in the last 20 years. Even the Iowa fans seemed not to care

I agree, it was the most cordial game against Iowa I've been to. Everyone I talked to just talked about how bad their team is.

Then the teams took the field and played not to lose. Brutal all around.

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It was cordial and was played so quickly that fans barely were able to leave early.

How were we over in the student section? We were packed in and seemed to be fairly loud where I was sitting.

How were we over in the student section? We were packed in and seemed to be fairly loud where I was sitting.

I didn't notice the student section was bad. I'd say the student section was about what it usually is. The rest of the crowd was like a funeral.

How were we over in the student section? We were packed in and seemed to be fairly loud where I was sitting.

Students were solid, at least in numbers. Not a lot to get excited for unfortunately, but you represented well.

Go Gophers!!

Thank god for the student section.

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I didn't notice the student section was bad. I'd say the student section was about what it usually is. The rest of the crowd was like a funeral.

Students were solid, at least in numbers. Not a lot to get excited for unfortunately, but you represented well.

Go Gophers!!

Thank god for the student section.

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Glad to hear that. I can never tell if we're loud enough for the rest of the stadium to hear us. All I know is that my ears were still ringing last night.

The upper east sections...211, 212, and 213...were in it on Iowa 3rd downs throughout the game...even some second downs.

Granted, not rewarded much because Iowa often converted.

Not sure how this is being defined. Students certainly did their part.

Crowd was not very into the game over where I sit in 232, heard hardly any Who Hates Iowa chants and for the most part the atmosphere was very blah. I've heard more Who Hates Iowa chants at non conference games than I heard at an actual Iowa game strangely. Seems every time the student section did start to get something going there would be an immediate commercial/announcement to end that quickly.

I have not been to an away road game, do other stadiums have so many announcements that the crowd can't get into the game?

When I was at that colarado state game, I got looks for cheering. Pathetic fan base.

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Section 110 was sedate and even the Iowa fans only got excited when they saw Floyd. I did walk to the student section to watch the last 2 minutes and one of our students told a troll from Iowa he was too old and not a student so he could not enter their section. Overall, boring play on both sides but the students did represent. Should be a wake in there the rest of the season unless the Gophers transform themselves quickly.

Me and a bunch of my friends did the Iowa game and then the Vikes game today, totally different atmosphere created around the team by the promotional crew. It is like night and day and makes the Gophers staff look like a bunch of amateurs.

Joking aside, it was a bigger deal when it was in late November and they could go Christmas shopping.

I sat in section 133 for the first time and the crowd was into the game. It might be my new favorite section as you have a great angle of the game, and the student section helps build energy in the area.

We are saving it up for the Rutgers game - that one will complete sell out - SRO

I thought attendance was good for what was two horrible teams derping it up.

My wife watched the game with me and said the MN fans never seem excited.
MN nice I explained.

My wife watched the game with me and said the MN fans never seem excited.
MN nice I explained.

The impact of the Norwood/ Beth Goetz "donation" plan was very clear to me during the CSU game and even this last week. I gave up my seats rather than paying close to $1500 for the two seats I paid $850 for in 2013.

For the CSU game I paid $20 for one ticket, went in and talked to some old friends for a while during the first quarter, then found a great chairback seat in the lower part of the second deck, and watched much of the game with no one within a few seats of me. It was like being at home on the couch.

For the Iowa game, I walked away from the scalpers asking $75 to $90 an hour before the game and paid $30 at 10:40. I walked around for first 10 minutes, then went up to the second deck and again found full empty rows of premium seats in the first rows of the upper deck, right around where the entrance portals are. I watched much of the game form this area, and over time a few Gopher fans from further up started to trickle from further up as they realized no one was going to sit in these great seats.

I like to walk around the stadium a lot and watch from different points, especially as the field position changes, and I have never seen so many empty seats, wide open to sit in in the better chair back sections.

This is all on Norwood's plan, and Beth for not blowing it up before the deadline this year in March. Baring a 10-11 win season and West Division Championship most of these ghost fans are never coming back. Many will not even show up and buy on the street like I do, they are just gone forever. That is big cost to pay, regardless of how the short term revenue numbers work out.

Even the Iowa fans noticed how bad the atmosphere was, and two years ago they were commenting on how loud, hostile and energized the general atmosphere was at TCF, relative to past visits. Thankfully as usual there were probably only about 7,000 or so Iowa fans in the building, including the anemic Hawkeye Marching Band.

Even the Iowa fans noticed how bad the atmosphere was, and two years ago they were commenting on how loud, hostile and energized the general atmosphere was at TCF, relative to past visits.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the score of that game vs this game may have also played a role in how "loud, hostile, and energized" the Gopher fans were last time. Just maybe.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the score of that game vs this game may have also played a role in how "loud, hostile, and energized" the Gopher fans were last time. Just maybe.

Well I guess you are out on a limb now, since apparently have no recollection that the 2014 game was competitive until the later in the second quarter. That day there were not prime chair back seats open all over the place and an apathetic crowd form the start. Maybe you were not there that day, but if you could not tell the difference from pregame onward between 2014 and last week, your observational skills need work.

Well I guess you are out on a limb now, since apparently have no recollection that<b> the 2014 game was competitive until the later in the second quarter. </b>That day there were not prime chair back seats open all over the place and an apathetic crowd form the start. Maybe you were not there that day, but if you could not tell the difference from pregame onward between 2014 and last week, your observational skills need work.

I was at the 2014 game. We won 51-14. Rather than admit you overlooked the most obvious reason the crowd was different, you are going with the bolded part? Okey Dokey.

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There were not empty chair back seats all over the stadium ten minutes into the first quarter in 2014. The students were raising hell before the band took the field in 2014.

The place was a tomb from the beginning last week, in 2014 there was a great deal of energy in the stadium long before it turned into a laugher. The Norwood donation plan is mainly what created this atmosphere, which many of us predicted.

The impact of the Norwood/ Beth Goetz "donation" plan was very clear to me during the CSU game and even this last week. I gave up my seats rather than paying close to $1500 for the two seats I paid $850 for in 2013.

For the CSU game I paid $20 for one ticket, went in and talked to some old friends for a while during the first quarter, then found a great chairback seat in the lower part of the second deck, and watched much of the game with no one within a few seats of me. It was like being at home on the couch.

For the Iowa game, I walked away from the scalpers asking $75 to $90 an hour before the game and paid $30 at 10:40. I walked around for first 10 minutes, then went up to the second deck and again found full empty rows of premium seats in the first rows of the upper deck, right around where the entrance portals are. I watched much of the game form this area, and over time a few Gopher fans from further up started to trickle from further up as they realized no one was going to sit in these great seats.

I like to walk around the stadium a lot and watch from different points, especially as the field position changes, and I have never seen so many empty seats, wide open to sit in in the better chair back sections.

This is all on Norwood's plan, and Beth for not blowing it up before the deadline this year in March. Baring a 10-11 win season and West Division Championship most of these ghost fans are never coming back. Many will not even show up and buy on the street like I do, they are just gone forever. That is big cost to pay, regardless of how the short term revenue numbers work out.

Even the Iowa fans noticed how bad the atmosphere was, and two years ago they were commenting on how loud, hostile and energized the general atmosphere was at TCF, relative to past visits. Thankfully as usual there were probably only about 7,000 or so Iowa fans in the building, including the anemic Hawkeye Marching Band.

This plan looks very appealing to me next year, as I too am becoming a weary season ticket holder.

The impact of the Norwood/ Beth Goetz "donation" plan was very clear to me during the CSU game and even this last week. I gave up my seats rather than paying close to $1500 for the two seats I paid $850 for in 2013.

For the CSU game I paid $20 for one ticket, went in and talked to some old friends for a while during the first quarter, then found a great chairback seat in the lower part of the second deck, and watched much of the game with no one within a few seats of me. It was like being at home on the couch.

For the Iowa game, I walked away from the scalpers asking $75 to $90 an hour before the game and paid $30 at 10:40. I walked around for first 10 minutes, then went up to the second deck and again found full empty rows of premium seats in the first rows of the upper deck, right around where the entrance portals are. I watched much of the game form this area, and over time a few Gopher fans from further up started to trickle from further up as they realized no one was going to sit in these great seats.

I like to walk around the stadium a lot and watch from different points, especially as the field position changes, and I have never seen so many empty seats, wide open to sit in in the better chair back sections.

This is all on Norwood's plan, and Beth for not blowing it up before the deadline this year in March. Baring a 10-11 win season and West Division Championship most of these ghost fans are never coming back. Many will not even show up and buy on the street like I do, they are just gone forever. That is big cost to pay, regardless of how the short term revenue numbers work out.

Even the Iowa fans noticed how bad the atmosphere was, and two years ago they were commenting on how loud, hostile and energized the general atmosphere was at TCF, relative to past visits. Thankfully as usual there were probably only about 7,000 or so Iowa fans in the building, including the anemic Hawkeye Marching Band.

Did the Hawkeye Marching Band march down University?

This plan looks very appealing to me next year, as I too am becoming a weary season ticket holder.
Did this very thing a few years ago. I love standing on the 50 lower concourse watching the game. Sometimes I move down and sit. Always lower bowl. Always under $20. I don't care what the ticket says is the seat. Maybe someday this won't work anymore, I actually hope so, but for now it's the only way I get to go to the games in person.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the score of that game vs this game may have also played a role in how "loud, hostile, and energized" the Gopher fans were last time. Just maybe.

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Totally, Gophers were derping it up all over the place, hard to get excited about that.

Also I don't think I heard squat from Iowa fans so I'm not sure who they're talking about.

The impact of the Norwood/ Beth Goetz "donation" plan was very clear to me during the CSU game and even this last week. I gave up my seats rather than paying close to $1500 for the two seats I paid $850 for in 2013.

For the CSU game I paid $20 for one ticket, went in and talked to some old friends for a while during the first quarter, then found a great chairback seat in the lower part of the second deck, and watched much of the game with no one within a few seats of me. It was like being at home on the couch.

For the Iowa game, I walked away from the scalpers asking $75 to $90 an hour before the game and paid $30 at 10:40. I walked around for first 10 minutes, then went up to the second deck and again found full empty rows of premium seats in the first rows of the upper deck, right around where the entrance portals are. I watched much of the game form this area, and over time a few Gopher fans from further up started to trickle from further up as they realized no one was going to sit in these great seats.

I like to walk around the stadium a lot and watch from different points, especially as the field position changes, and I have never seen so many empty seats, wide open to sit in in the better chair back sections.

This is all on Norwood's plan, and Beth for not blowing it up before the deadline this year in March. Baring a 10-11 win season and West Division Championship most of these ghost fans are never coming back. Many will not even show up and buy on the street like I do, they are just gone forever. That is big cost to pay, regardless of how the short term revenue numbers work out.

Even the Iowa fans noticed how bad the atmosphere was, and two years ago they were commenting on how loud, hostile and energized the general atmosphere was at TCF, relative to past visits. Thankfully as usual there were probably only about 7,000 or so Iowa fans in the building, including the anemic Hawkeye Marching Band.

I hate to say it, but someone did something similar to this where I currently live, still got tickets to every home game and saved a ton by dropping season tickets. All tickets bought through the U. Now with a little boy born in June of '16, the 3 hour venture one-way is becoming more cumbersome and I am actually considering doing the same. I hate to say it, but it is the truth.

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