Workout to blame

I blame my spoon for my spare tire.

I blame the seams on the baseball for the grand slam I gave up in the state tourney 14 years ago.

I blame my physics textbook for my lack of a Nobel Prize in that field.

My favorite quote:

"We're not able to tell you exactly why it happened," said committee member William Hines, a law professor and dean emeritus at the university's College of Law. "We can speculate ... but that's a mystery that will have to remain unsolved."

I love how they put together an "investigative panel" comprised solely of people on the UofIowa payroll. You just gotta love the lengths the University went through to cover up what has probably been a decade of PED use in the program.

Is the NCAA investigating this? If not they should be. I would think they would be concerned about the student athletes health and also the integrity of the game enough to investigate it themselves.

Joe Schidt the RagMan is running for campus police chief.

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