Words cannot describe


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Nov 20, 2008
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our performances against atrocious Michigan teams in football and basketball the past few years.

I had to put my kids to bed at halftime. The second half is on the DVR. I am not even going to watch it. I think this will be the first time in my life I have made a decision like that.

Thanks 2009-2010 Gophers! In true Minnesota sports fashion, you even made me believe in you one last time, so tonight could be extra devastating. I won't be fooled into believing in a BTT run.

I am officially ready for next year.

Also, the Royce threads start up again about him "meeting" with Tubby and this happens. Coincidence? Just sayin... (I'd like to put a funny face here, but for some reason they aren't available right now.)

Sorry to reply to my own post, but I didn't want to start another Royce thread.

I feel the same way.

In basketball, level of effort is easily determined by the casual fan, even watching on TV. It's almost unlike any other sport in that way. I'm anything but a novice and I saw many disinterested players in team basketball. Due to that high volume, it was easy to expose the defense. When 3/5 of the starters are playing like it's an obligation to be out there, it's not wonder Michigan scored at will. This team is badly wounded after the collapse at Illinois. That win was a loss given what I just watched. The confidence is gone after nearly blowing a 19 point lead in less than 5 minutes. It's like they saw the writing on the wall and saw their destinity and accepted it as fate. Almost every Michigan possession proved the last sentence as fact. They rotated on defense like their ankles were shackled and pressured the slow Michigan guards like they were infected with TB. Neither analogy is true so the only logical conclusion is a complete lack of effort and will to win.

When you lose by 30 to a sub .500 team in an absolute must-win game that defines your season, something is incredibly wrong. Beating Illinois was suspension of a death sentence and it took a near historical collapse to prevent a loss. The Michigan game was the true test and the Gophers just loss in one of the most embarrassing games I've ever seen a team in their position lose. I hope the players on the team read this post and understand that this Gopher fan since the 80's has never been more disappointed in a Gopher team's season and this game was the ultimate low. No player gets a pass with this performance and that includes the coaching staff. Inexcusable is an understatement.

Time for the team(the players that still care) and the coaching staff to reflect and think about their place in the program.

I feel the same way.

In basketball, level of effort is easily determined by the casual fan, even watching on TV. It's almost unlike any other sport in that way. I'm anything but a novice and I saw many disinterested players in team basketball. Due to that high volume, it was easy to expose the defense. When 3/5 of the starters are playing like it's an obligation to be out there, it's not wonder Michigan scored at will. This team is badly wounded after the collapse at Illinois. That win was a loss given what I just watched. The confidence is gone after nearly blowing a 19 point lead in less than 5 minutes. It's like they saw the writing on the wall and saw their destinity and accepted it as fate. Almost every Michigan possession proved the last sentence as fact. They rotated on defense like their ankles were shackled and pressured the slow Michigan guards like they were infected with TB. Neither analogy is true so the only logical conclusion is a complete lack of effort and will to win.

When you lose by 30 to a sub .500 team in an absolute must-win game that defines your season, something is incredibly wrong. Beating Illinois was suspension of a death sentence and it took a near historical collapse to prevent a loss. The Michigan game was the true test and the Gophers just loss in one of the most embarrassing games I've ever seen a team in their position lose. I hope the players on the team read this post and understand that this Gopher fan since the 80's has never been more disappointed in a Gopher team's season and this game was the ultimate low. No player gets a pass with this performance and that includes the coaching staff. Inexcusable is an understatement.

Time for the team(the players that still care) and the coaching staff to reflect and think about their place in the program.

I agree with everything you wrote and would add that (using amateur psychology) as the year went on Tubby seemed increasingly less engaged on the sideline. I've never met him but the camera frequently caught what appeared to be a look of resignation on his face. I think the players and the HC both quit on each other this year. A very surprising and disappointing season.

I had something else going on tonight and I took great pains to avoid the score. Got home and watched the first half on the DVR, the started fast forwarding after about 4 minutes of the 2nd half to see if the Gophers would actually start playing...they obviously never did.

I don't understand the lack of effort in such an important game. Tubby's coaching/preparation left a lot to be desired as well...you'd think Michigan was actually good if you just watched them play Minnesota the last 2 years.

As Williams Arena Guy stated, it's extra frustrating as this Gopher team has basically ended their season 3-4 times this year with terrible performances, yet have done just enough to pull fans back in to believing they had a chance to salvage something...and this was the final death blow.


I have been to 97% of the basketball games in Williams Arena since 1975. Been at all the
Big Ten arenas, Nit Games at the barn and New York, and NCAA games. Die hard Gopher
fan!! The loss at Michigan last night goes down as the POOREST game I have seen.
The loss to Georgia Tech at the Superdome is not as big as last night, if we had won
we would have been in the Final Four in Denver. That team accomplished something.
All this team knows is to roll over and die.

I hope this team and coaches take a long hard look at themselves in the MIRROR
this morning!!!!

Good points everyone!
Also some gopher fans will or have given Tubby Smith a free pass on the lack of effort that his players show. I don't understand why. I agree that he and his players have both quit on each other this year. It is clear to see when they show Tubby on tv and he is just sitting and looking to pull out his remaining hairs. Say what you want about Clem Haskins, but his players always played hard and if they didn't he pull them and sit them on the bench. This isn't the case with Tubby Smith. What does Tubby owe Westbrook? Not a damn thing, but he continues to play him and his no effort, terrible defense, me first attitude.

worst D i have ever seen at any level... men or women..

also, these guys continued to stay 'in script' when down by 30??

ex: in the 1/2 court with 10 min to play, rodney gets pass after pass at the right wing with the baseline wide open off the dribble.. time after time he stood there, feigned a look inside, and passed back to the point.... like he was in a trance. why not go baseline to the rim until they stop you??

Just a small part of the over-all poor performance, but Westbrook was often asked to guard Harris. This poor match up led to a lot a easy buckets for the Wolverines. Johnson did a good job on Harris at times ,but I guess he can't guard everyone.

Say what you want about Clem Haskins, but his players always played hard and if they didn't he pull them and sit them on the bench.

Haskins' teams only played hard at Home. They rarely won a road game of significance. Clem owned the Barn but used the old excuse of how hard it is to win on the road in the Big Ten.
I really thought those days were over. But I see it's more of the same. Play hard at Home lose on the road. Same Old Same Old...

I know we beat Illinois in Champaigne for the first time since God knows when but that only proves my point.

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