Women's program is headed for the bottom

Sure think oak st. That's why her recruits for next year come from Princeton, Hinckley and a conservative Christian school in Kansas City. In the following years there will be recruits from those liberal hotbeds Parkers Prairie and Bemidji.

I agree with you in this. I don't understand this particular argument at all. So she's not getting recruits because she might be a lesbian??? WTF???:eek::eek:

In this PC era no one will be honest , but there may be a recruiting issue here.

I agree with you in this. I don't understand this particular argument at all. So she's not getting recruits because she might be a lesbian??? WTF???
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only took a page and a half for the Homophobes to come out. Michelle Bachmann would be proud of us.

only took a page and a half for the Homophobes to come out. Michelle Bachmann would be proud of us.

Well, this is the same poster who is over on the football board gleefully patting himself (or herself) on the back for some crap about the result of the Dunbar hiring and subsequent firing...

Considering that fact, I guess it isn't all that surprising...

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