Wolters & Gophers?


Feb 10, 2009
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Nate Wolters of SDSU, contemplating transferring to Minnesota?

lots of pages, even bryan from here checked in.

his coach, nagy is getting interviewed at NIU. (doubt he'll get it, as he is 0-10 vs NDSU)

I dont think Tubby would take him, he's kind of a head case, and wasnt tubby bringing in a JUCO PG?? plus he'd have to sit out a year.

Nate is no where near a head case and tubby would be extremely lucky if he decided to transfer to minnesota.. This team is still dancing if we had wolters to back up Al after he got hurt.

Wolters a head case? I'm not sure about that. Have saw him play many times for many years and know that the kid is not a head case. But with that said, not quite sure if hes quick enough to be a good player at the big ten level. Definitely could play on this team though. Were in a huge need of point guard depth and a pure shooter like Wolters

No chance unless he walks on. I can't see them holding up a scholarship next year with 3 guards already committed.

I'd be surprised to see him transfer to the Gophers. However, his high school teammates and coaches told me (when he was in high school) that he wanted to be a Gopher and strongly considered walking on.

I never blame a kid for taking a scholly though...free school=awesome

well, his dad ran his recruiting, maybe he's running this... thats why i called him a headcase... well...that and his 0-4 vs NDSU the last 2 years, and shot 2-13 last game.

It would be interesting to see if TUBBY would take him, has Tubby ever had a white point guard??
Im just asking the question, I know at minnesota he hasnt and at kentucky.

Patrick Sparks was a white point guard under Tubby at UK. Technically Blake Hoffarber was too :-/

lakesbison you have a source that his dad ran his recruiting or are you just throwing blasphemy because he didnt want to be a bison

19.5 PPG
6.1 AST
40.8% 3PT

he also averaged 23.1 points againts teams that made the tournament. I say bring him in!

Of course, those of you familiar with lakesbison (and knowing he's been banned from most message boards in the midwest including some temporary bans and limited posting privileges on his home board, Bisonville), will instantly know the opposite of what he writes is the case: The Wolters transfer story is something lakes has been promoting and just can't seem to get any traction---because it's false. Lakesbison has been upset with Wolters going to SDSU. Period. If you want to waste your time, you can research on your own the various statements lakes has made for the past two years about Nate Wolters.

The story about SDSU's coach Nagy interested in the Northern Illinois job probably is of no interest to Gopher fans. Again, lakesbison is spinning a story because he hates the Jackrabbits. A head-hunter gave four names to Northern Illinios. Nagy's name was one. Nagy said to the press that he isn't looking. Again, who on this board cares? You have lakesbison talking about a player, a coach and a school he hates -- on a Gopher basketball forum thread?

For those of you who are not acquainted with lakesbison, consider yourself introduced to the 12-year old. If some of you are aware of pantherhawk but not lakesbison, think of them as identical twins, separated at birth.

Many of you know Nate Wolters or know of the St. Cloud product. Trust what you know, not what a known troublemaker, lakesbison, writes.

Sorry this kind of crap spills out on your board. I'm a frequent reader of GopherHoler but a very infrequent poster. Lakes doesn't like me and he'll have some choice comments which I will ignore (I'm a moderator on the SDSU board where lakes is permanently banned.)


This isn't lakesbison's rumor, people with much more credibility have talked about this rumor on bisonville. As usual lakes has added some unnecessary fluff to it, Nate is obviously not a headcase(that is preposterous). Here is a quote from a poster on Bisonville that knows what he is talking about and has always been credible...

Only Nate knows if it will ultimately happen, but Burgandy is right on, the Wolters talk has been going on since Jan. and there is too much talk about this among alot of coaches for it to be just a made up rumor. Minn. coaches got wind of it months ago and so have other regional coaches. With two years left, this will be the only time Nate will have this option so if he really desires to test himself at the highest level, this is the time, don't think Woodside didn't do the same although he redshirted so that changed his siutuation. if nate stays, good for him, if he leaves, so be it and good luck with that.

Oh yea JackJD. This is gopherhole, not your board where you ban people for sneezing.
seriously, you're personal attack on me is hilarious, you should be warned. At least the gopherhole moderators have class and PM me.

I made this thread for gopher fans (LIKE ME) to know what the rumors are.

sorry jacky, nice try.

to answer someone else's question:

Yes, Nate was going to NDSU, but his Father A) didnt want Nate in Woodside's shadow and B) asked if Nate would be guarantee'd a starting spot.

NDSU said we dont guarantee anything, SDSU obviously did, so he went to sdsu and is currently 0-4 vs NDSU and we are in his head big time. If he cant handle playing vs NDSU, he sure wont be able to perform at point guard in Wisconsin/Michigan/Iowa, sorry.

This isn't lakesbison's rumor, people with much more credibility have talked about this rumor on bisonville. As usual lakes has added some unnecessary fluff to it, Nate is obviously not a headcase(that is preposterous). Here is a quote from a poster on Bisonville that knows what he is talking about and has always been credible...

FargoBison: I understand your point that more than just lakesbison are talking about the -- your word -- rumor. There may be posters who have credibility generally (particularly when compared to lakesbison) but has any actual source ever come forward with actual knowledge, actual facts? Even the poster you cite doesn't present any fact. It's a classic message board rumor.

JackJD, please drop by anytime. I thoroughly enjoyed your posts in this thread - particularly the first one. Ouch!

FargoBison: I understand your point that more than just lakesbison are talking about the -- your word -- rumor. There may be posters who have credibility generally (particularly when compared to lakesbison) but has any actual source ever come forward with actual knowledge, actual facts? Even the poster you cite doesn't present any fact. It's a classic message board rumor.

No actual source from what I know of but there are people over there that I know are pretty solid and some just hot air. Bryan is solid. He didn't say it was happening, just that there was talk which could be nothing or something but from what he has posted on our board he seems to be pretty dialed in on the MN sports scene.

No actual source from what I know of but there are people over there that I know are pretty solid and some just hot air. Bryan is solid. He didn't say it was happening, just that there was talk which could be nothing or something.

FargoBison: I do not disagree that there was talk which could be nothing or something. I have only read that "talk" on NDSU's board. And, with the numbers put up by Wolters, I can see why other conference schools would speculate about such things once somebody planted the rumor.

So why would anyone on Gopherhole care about this? (I picture the Gopherhole Moderators saying "Okay guys, let's take it outside...this is a respectable establishment :) )

I see what your saying JD, I'm not the biggest fan of rumor mongering either unless there is something pretty concrete behind it. This seems to be in that murky gray area, so I could see why talk should be put on the back-burner unless something more concrete emerges.

If untrue I doubt Nate would like to deal with the talk about these rumors. I've already seen one talented player from Oakland's team have to deal with somebody hacking into his twitter account today and spreading a bunch of false crap about him going pro and leaving the team early.

yea gopher jake, really classy of him huh.

I'm sorry lakes, it's not personal, honestly. I have no idea who you or JD are. I just liked his smart-a$$ed wit. I rarely laugh out loud at a GopherHole post. I guess sometimes I forget there's a human being on the other end of a zinger. Sob....

Fargo Bison: Sending you a PM... hate junking up someone else's board.

I heard he was actually transferring to the Gophers to play football. Kill was looking for another player who never shows up for games against NDSU!

Yes, Nate was going to NDSU...

Link please

...didnt want Nate in Woodside's shadow...

Link please

...asked if Nate would be guarantee'd a starting spot.

Link please

NDSU said we dont guarantee anything, SDSU obviously did...

Link please

lakes...shouldn't you really be saving up cash to buy beer for the "hotties" you stalk at the lake all summer?

Just remember that the age of consent in MN is 16, I know you've been stalking some little split-tails younger than that.

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