Interesting, they predict the Gophers to be 4-8 overall, and 2-6 in the Big Ten. That means 2-2 in non-conference play. I assume they are predicting a loss to USC. I also assume they are predicting a win against NMSU. I would think that means they are predicting a loss against Miami U.

Miami U is supposed to be tough, but they have a new staff like MN. NDSU I believe is suppose to be a top 10 FCS team this year. Every week is going to be interesting this fall.

I like reading these reviews of the Gophers by their opponents.. It gives me a different insight on how others see our favorite team without the maroon and gold tinted lens. Also, I like when they make predictions because that gives me as a Gopher fan a goal to cheer for when it comes to their record. Of course, HOW they achieve that record means a bit more than the record itself. This past year's 3-9(8) record is a perfect example of a poor record that was achieved in probably the best possible way.

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