I'm old enough to remember the 1977 season and the Orange Bowl. 10-1 Arkansas was an 18-point underdog to 10-1 Oklahoma. After Holtz
suspended four players who accounted for something like 75% of the TDs that year, the game went off the boards (Vegas knows what its doing).
Everyone was expecting OU to strum Arkansas badly, and for much of the pre-game practice time, OU looked like they would. Arkansas
practiced badly and was demoralized.
Then, the day before the game, Holtz managed to change their mindset. Prior to that, all everyone could think about was who wasn't
going to be there, day after day. Holtz got them to think about who WAS going to be there. He got the team to believe in themselves.
Say what you want about Lou, he was very GOOD at that).
The result was a 31-6 Arkansas victory, which is on Youtube. An unknown RB named Roland Sales stepped forward and ran for over
200 yards.
You never know what is going to happen in 60 minutes of play. If you've been in sports long enough, you know that the physical part of it
is only so much. The psychological/mental part of it can be very powerful. Who knows who has been chomping at the bit to get some PT.
Some players are terrible practice players but do well in games. We'll just have to find out.
I'm more interested in who is there than who is not.