Will the student section be empty for Michigan State?

Ok Schnouzer, perhaps I misunderstood your message and for that I apologize. I am just tired of these types of threads. They go one of two ways. A season ticket holder makes a post that is negative about the student section, which puts the students that frequent this board on the defensive and feel it is an attack on them. Or someone makes a post about the bad fans that happen to be season ticket holders and then the other season ticket holders feel the same as the students do in the first example. In either case the end result is the same, angry people.

P.S. sorry for the generalizations in this post, I made them for ease of writing.

simple solution...win games...students will be there...as i've said a million times, there is such a thing as a bandwagon fan as sad as it sounds....

why do people care if the student section is full or not? what's it to you? and why do people care if actual students are in it and if they are ID'd? Worry about yourself. Honestly on cold days or nights it is more comfortable to watch at home indoors and I don't blame students for staying home, it does not make them any less of a fan.

This shouldn't be that hard. Have a 'rush line' of students who don't have tickets but want to attend that particular game. Since there's no assigned seats anyway, if you haven't swiped your ID card by 30 minutes before kick-off, your seat will given away to any other student who shows up and wants to get in. If you miss more then say two games in a season, you lose your student season ticket rights and can join the rush line for the remainder of the games. From the looks of things, chances are everyone in the rush line would get in most weeks. It's done this way at other schools and generally ensures a full student section.

if you don't use your tickets you should lose them? or if you are running late your seats taken away? Once you purchase tickets they are yours and you can do what you want with them. You should go to the game but if you want to throw your tickets in the fire that should be up to you.

I have a feeling it will be a fairly good student crowd for the MSU game, for the simple fact it is a night game. As a recent University graduate, I have been very dissapointed with the student section at the new stadium. I think they need to have the 2 center sections in the upper deck be for students, and turn the 2 outside sections into public tickets. I'd rather have people in those seats than see the upper corners of the student section empty, seeing that drives me crazy.

if you don't use your tickets you should lose them? or if you are running late your seats taken away? Once you purchase tickets they are yours and you can do what you want with them. You should go to the game but if you want to throw your tickets in the fire that should be up to you.

The student tickets are highly discounted compared to "regular" seats elsewhere in the stadium. With that price difference, comes some unique situations... general admission seating, must show student ID, must use student gate to enter, etc. etc. I think some of the ideas being discussed here would simply add another stipulation or two in an effort to make sure the empty student section gets filled. The assumption is there are students that would want to attend the game but currently can't despite a half-empty student section. If adding more of these unique conditions means the original student ticket holders would be refunded... I'm all for it.

I'm not advocating that student tickets should cost the same as regular seats. However, if that was the case, I'm guessing the students wouldn't find it quite so easy to skip the games. Right now, how much are they "out" if they decide to sleep in on a Saturday... $10? Who is going to go through the mess of remarketing and selling their ticket to a fellow student for a whopping $10? There is no incentive for a student to make sure their ticket gets used.

If you hold a ticket with a face value of $50 and you can't make it to the game, it is worth your time to sell it to someone else. If you hold a student ticket, can't make it, and the ticket can only be used by another student... you might as well eat it. It isn't worth it. Meanwhile there are other students that would love to attend the game but they fell outside of the 10K that got season tickets. Why not come up with a creative way to fill the student section?

A full stadium for every game would be awesome, however I do not advocate more regulation of anything or people losing their tickets if they miss 2 games or are 30 minutes late like some are advocating. All I am saying is that once you have paid for tickets it is your prerogative to go or not go, to sell them or eat them or give them away. Lots of people want to go to the game that don't have tickets so you should sell them or give them away but nobody should make that decision for you. Once you have paid for your tickets they are Your tickets not the U's.

I disagree with you. I would agree if student tickets didn't exist. But, if you believe they are yours to do with whatever you want, I'm assuming you also advocate they be priced the same way, and students should be able to sell them to non-student visitors, use them at any gate, these tickets should NOT be general admission, etc. etc.

For me, I believe student tickets should be highly discounted just like they are now. I also believe in a creative solution to refund unused tickets and allow entry to other students to fill the seats. I would find it ironic to raise the student ticket prices in an effort to raise their value enough to ensure they'd be used or resold.

I hate when people rip on the student section and people post to email Maturi to have him fix it. People need to realize that the student section is SOLD OUT!!!! You can not oversell a stadium. It breaks fire codes. And you cannot say, "If you dont show up right away, you will lose your seats and we will sell them to others". Kids have other obligations and cannot always make it or make it on time. People need to quit their bitching about this crap and there is nothing the U can do about it. With that being said, the student section did have some returns from people who were not actually students. These are being resold to students. MSU does have some tickets available, so if you are a student, go buy them up. All of these tickets were sold for the last two games, meaning they were SOLD OUT.

DLguy, exactly. people need to stop worrying about the student section

I hate when people rip on the student section and people post to email Maturi to have him fix it. People need to realize that the student section is SOLD OUT!!!! You can not oversell a stadium. It breaks fire codes. And you cannot say, "If you dont show up right away, you will lose your seats and we will sell them to others". Kids have other obligations and cannot always make it or make it on time. People need to quit their bitching about this crap and there is nothing the U can do about it. With that being said, the student section did have some returns from people who were not actually students. These are being resold to students. MSU does have some tickets available, so if you are a student, go buy them up. All of these tickets were sold for the last two games, meaning they were SOLD OUT.

WHO IS RIPPING ON THE STUDENT SECTION? It has a lot of open seating... that is a fact. Just looking for ways to fill it, preferably with STUDENTS. I believe there is plenty that can be done about it as others have pointed out - creativity has worked elsewhere and it can work here too. In this thread, I have seen a whole lot of suggestions and very little (any?) "bitching."

I'm not sure what is the best solution, but I do believe there is a solution. Perhaps next year sell 7K and reserve 3K for each game for walk up sales for those with valid student id's. Maybe that or maybe something better.

Are you kidding Schauzer? How dumb are you?

'I'm not advocating that student tickets should cost the same as regular seats. However, if that was the case, I'm guessing the students wouldn't find it quite so easy to skip the games. Right now, how much are they "out" if they decide to sleep in on a Saturday... $10? Who is going to go through the mess of remarketing and selling their ticket to a fellow student for a whopping $10? There is no incentive for a student to make sure their ticket gets used.'

Do you have any idea how much 10$ or 20$ is to a college student? Are you crazy? Have you ever been poor or were you spoiled and handed everything your entire life? Nearly anyone in college or their early-mid 20s considers that a lot of money. Your comment is ignorant and truly disgusting.


Well, for starters, I am smart enough to spell "Schnauzer" correctly. You lost me after that.

A lot of people are ripping the student section. What I am saying is dont email Maturi and demand the ticket office fix the problem. Students bought the tickets. If they dont show up for any more than 1 game, that is their right. You may not like it, but it is still their right. And you cannot oversell a stadium. It just isnt legal. And you cannot say to sell RUSH tickets based on no shows because they can show up in the 4th quarter if they want. Also, I cant speak for all stadiums, but when I went to Iowa a few years back, their student section had the same problem. Upper corners empty because of no shows and crowding down below. This is something the athletic department will look into this spring, but right now nothing can be done.

Well, for starters, I am smart enough to spell "Schnauzer" correctly. You lost me after that.

I'm dumb because i misspelled your gopherhole name. What are you, 12? The point is that the student section isn't the problem. People like you, with your negative attitude and misinformation are the problem

and if you really don't realize how much money 10 dollars is, then yes, you must be 12.

Since you have clearly established your superior intellect, can you explain to me why those extremely valuable $10 tickets aren't being sold by the poor unfortunate students? One would think this large amount of money could change their lives, but the tickets are remaining in the desk drawer. Is it because those student tickets are so valuable, the students don't dare take them out of locked storage?

Also, you are new around here so I will cut you a break. I think you will find that I am anything BUT one who harbors a "negative attitude".

I am going to say this one more time... I have no problem with the students or their choice to skip the game. I'm just looking for creative solutions to match other students with an opportunity to attend a game and fill the student section.

Ahli, in addressing me you have said "How dumb are you?", "Are you crazy?", suggested I am 12 years old, called my comments "ignorant and truly disgusting" (note: not just disgusting, but "TRULY disgusting"). You've managed to say all those things after I asked questions about what could be done to fill the student section. You're a pretty smart fella so do you think it is possible you just might be overreacting?

As of this writing, you have made 15 posts on this site and three of them have been spent here calling me names and defending a group of people who clearly are not being attacked.

Here's to a full stadium on October 31st, some good solutions for next year, (and a little anger management for you)...

I would love a Brewsterville!

I like that idea of saving around 3,000 tickets to create a high demand for the students who actually want to go to the game! We are all Gopher fans and I think we all want to create a great atmosphere for the players and make it hard for opposing teams to play at the "Bank! The students are what drive the energy of the stadium and are who are responsible for getting the rest of the fans going! I for one am sick and tired of hearing how great of fans Iowa, Wisconsin, Penn State, and Michigan are. It is time to forget about the Dome and embrace our new stadium! The students need to take some ownership and start filling the student section or else we will turn our stadium into a nicer Ryan field! Go Gophers!

I think that it is a worthy discussion, in that there should be a way for unused student tics to be purchased on game day. That we can all get behind.

However, my frustration has been built up by all of those posters who rip the student section. The truth is that the student section makes life miserable for opposing offenses EVERY play. The rest of the stadium only yells on 3rd down. This irritates me. So perhaps our wires were a bit crossed as upon a second look I realize I may have read more into your comments than was actually there.

This is me accepting responsibility for overreacting. That said, wouldn't you agree that the rest of the fans need to make more noise more often?

I'm pumped for a night game finally! 11am is way too early for a football game in my opinion, and I have a feeling that after a 2 week break students will be ready to get back to the Bank. (ESPECIALLY if we can steal a victory at PSU or OSU.)

And I personally skipped the Purdue game. Sold my ticket to a fellow student. I was fighting a cold last weekend and the thought of waking up at 6-7am to yell and scream in the freezing cold unfortunately did not seem appealing. :(

And people can complain all they want about the student section, but I didn't exactly see the regular seats filling up the last couple games.

It has a lot of open seating... that is a fact.

I have been in the lower bowl of the student section for every game so far this year, and in my opinion, the reason why there have been empty seats in the upper bowl is that more of the students are packing into the lower bowl. I could be wrong, but it seemed a bit more crowded down there the last two games.

"I'm more worried about the old people"

My ass, My parents who are 70 somethings go no matter what the weather is.

That's cool Ahli... I agree and I think we probably all agree a full stadium and a full student section is the ultimate goal. And Gophers4Life, I too figured the open upper corners on the second deck portion of the student section were due to lower deck crowding and I still felt that way after the first two games. However, those openings on the second deck have grown each of the last two weeks. Much of the second deck end zone was open last week.

I will also be interested to see how things play out for Michigan State. I think that game will go a long way toward understanding if the early 11:00 AM starts were the problem or if it is a general trend. Speaking of trends I have also noticed that the rest of the stadium, although eventually full, looks about 1/3 empty for much of the first quarter the last two games.

Perhaps everyone just needs to rediscover exactly how to dress and survive the weather for outdoor football. I have had the luxury of going to lots of MIAC games over the years so I am used to looking at the forecast and dealing with the weather.

The 11:00 AM starts do suck for everyone. Many Gopher games weren't televised for many years. For ages, the scheduled start times would be published well in advance and if the attaction was good enough, TV would follow. Now, TV dictates the start times. With the good news of having every game nationally televised, along has come the bad news of these 11:00 AM starts.

I like that idea of saving around 3,000 tickets to create a high demand for the students who actually want to go to the game! We are all Gopher fans and I think we all want to create a great atmosphere for the players and make it hard for opposing teams to play at the "Bank! The students are what drive the energy of the stadium and are who are responsible for getting the rest of the fans going! I for one am sick and tired of hearing how great of fans Iowa, Wisconsin, Penn State, and Michigan are. It is time to forget about the Dome and embrace our new stadium! The students need to take some ownership and start filling the student section or else we will turn our stadium into a nicer Ryan field! Go Gophers!

I understand that there have been a number of threads concerning the student section. I apologize if I'm not turning over new ground here, but wanted to build a bit more off the above post.

This is most certainly true: The students drive the energy of the stadium. For the most part, the student section has been doing a fine job of bringing it this year (e.g., great noise levels, love the mayhem when "Jump On It" is played, etc). That said, beyond the empty seats in the upper deck, it is also troubling to see students taking part in the mass "beat the traffic" exodus that seems to infect the non-student sections. The aspect that burns the most is immediately after the game and on-field handshakes, when the team comes over to the student section for the playing of the school hymn, "Hail, Minnesota," only to be greeted by thousands of empty student seats. Students, PLEASE don't be like the tens of thousands of us who are jaded, whining, pathetic, gotta-beat-the-traffic, no time for cheeseball sentimentality, has-beens. Rather, BE STUDENTS and BE IN THE MOMENT. The team is made up of your fellow students. You have a finite number of days when you can be a part of a big time university community together. It is a special time, and I hope that you embrace all the strange, but wonderful, traditions that are part of a college football gameday experience.

Whether you know it or not, you students are the leaders. Please stay to the glorious (or bitter) end, cast off your Minnesota reserve, put your arms around each other, sway, and sing the words to "Hail, Minnesota" with your band and your team. Who knows? Maybe even the rest of us dunderheads will follow your lead.

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