Will the student section be empty for Michigan State?


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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I know there has been a couple threads on the student section. They each went off in a different direction so I am going to post one of my own. I am in the camp that believes there has to be some sort of creative solution to the empty seats there. It started with a few open seats in the upper corners of the second deck, but they did fill in after the start of the Air Force game. By the next home game those open seats in the corners stayed open for the whole Cal game. Next came the biggest home game of the year... and the open seats remained.

Along comes Homecoming and the open corner seats grew considerably into a widespread lack of students in the second deck. Now it really can't be written off as "crowding" below.

I remember night games in the Metrodome. The students would be off to their parties, usually by half time. Since the situation is already bad, what will a 20 degree kickoff on Halloween night draw for students? Will the whole second deck be open?

Each of the last two weeks saw the whole stadium 1/3 empty for much of the first quarter but the rest of the stadium did finally fill in against Purdue and Wisconsin. The situation in the Student section seems to be getting worse.

Those student tickets are SO cheap, I suppose if a student can't make it, they don't really feel like they are out anything to skip the game. Plus, their low price ensures they really don't have incentive to go through the hassle of marketing, selling, and delivering their tickets to other students. The end result is an empty student section.

What is the solution? Instead of selling all 10,000 student season tickets, perhaps sell 6,000 and make the other 4,000 available to be purchased with a valid student card the morning of each home game? Create a Brewsterville that way? I don't know. I'm just throwing something out there. I am seriously expecting to see a very empty student section for Michigan State.

Meanwhile, I have not one but two relatives that have made multiple calls to the ticket office inquiring if they can be on a season ticket wait list, or order season tickets. They haven't had the same answer twice and nobody is even keeping a list at this point, or charging a "waiting list fee" to try to capture some of this business that is dying to spend money.

What is wrong with this picture?

I know there has been a couple threads on the student section. They each went off in a different direction so I am going to post one of my own. I am in the camp that believes there has to be some sort of creative solution to the empty seats there. It started with a few open seats in the upper corners of the second deck, but they did fill in after the start of the Air Force game. By the next home game those open seats in the corners stayed open for the whole Cal game. Next came the biggest home game of the year... and the open seats remained.

Along comes Homecoming and the open corner seats grew considerably into a widespread lack of students in the second deck. Now it really can't be written off as "crowding" below.

I remember night games in the Metrodome. The students would be off to their parties, usually by half time. Since the situation is already bad, what will a 20 degree kickoff on Halloween night draw for students? Will the whole second deck be open?

Each of the last two weeks saw the whole stadium 1/3 empty for much of the first quarter but the rest of the stadium did finally fill in against Purdue and Wisconsin. The situation in the Student section seems to be getting worse.

Those student tickets are SO cheap, I suppose if a student can't make it, they don't really feel like they are out anything to skip the game. Plus, their low price ensures they really don't have incentive to go through the hassle of marketing, selling, and delivering their tickets to other students. The end result is an empty student section.

What is the solution? Instead of selling all 10,000 student season tickets, perhaps sell 6,000 and make the other 4,000 available to be purchased with a valid student card the morning of each home game? Create a Brewsterville that way? I don't know. I'm just throwing something out there. I am seriously expecting to see a very empty student section for Michigan State.

Meanwhile, I have not one but two relatives that have made multiple calls to the ticket office inquiring if they can be on a season ticket wait list, or order season tickets. They haven't had the same answer twice and nobody is even keeping a list at this point, or charging a "waiting list fee" to try to capture some of this business that is dying to spend money.

What is wrong with this picture?

I'd e-mail Maturi and outline your story just that way. See what response you get.

My suggestion is worry about things that you can control. Stop worrying about the student section. I, for one, find it insulting when people continue to dog the student section. I am sure there are others on this board that feel the same way.

My suggestion is worry about things that you can control. Stop worrying about the student section. I, for one, find it insulting when people continue to dog the student section. I am sure there are others on this board that feel the same way.

WTF... I am not "dogging" the student section. It is shrinking before our eyes, that is a fact. If I were to only worry about things I could control, I wouldn't have a login here at Gopherhole. Because, let's face it: most of us here can't directly control anything related to Gopher football. If I wanted to "dog" the student section, I'd rant on about how they should be better fans. I didn't say that at all. You missed the point. This is the exact reason I started a new thread. I am simply saying the low low student ticket prices mean they don't have any skin in the game and it is a very easy event to skip with little incentive to get the unused ticket to someone else that might want it. The same would be TRUE for anyone, student or not, under similar circumstances.

I thought the students were the ones all hot to trot over a Halloween night game. It certainly wasn't the old geezers sitting out in the cold night air.

I personally think it'll still have students in it, it won't be empty.

Yeah - this has already become a problem. It appears we have a good contingent of students who care, are organized, and show up. These are the 4 to 5 thousand kids in the lower bowl that pack it in. Hats off to them.

The other half seem to be of the opinion that there is no big loss if they don't show up if its cold or rainy. What to de?

That's a tough one. You can't force people to show up, and I don't feel like letting the last 4K tix go in the morning will help much. You'd think if there was a clamour for the tickets by sturdents who didn't get season tix, more kids who have season tickets would be sharing/selling, since they already have the valid IDs to get in. Maybe simply shrinking the student section by 2-3K would be the answer.

As far as the Ticket Office goes, and a waiting list (or lack therof) - I have no idea. I got my season tickets very late this year, and things always seemed a bit strange whenever I talked with them on the phone. Very disorganized and it almost seemed like a fortunate mistake when I got my seats (Row 1, Section 219). Hopefully they'll get their act together.

Eh...personally, I was looking at Purdue as a test of our fan base. Weak/unglamorous team, coming off an emotional loss, etc. We didn't do that well, but better than at the dome, and I fully expect MSU to be well attended. Kids love the night games, they'll wake up late, dress up in their costumes, get nice and drunk, and try to get on television. I'm more worried about Illinois and SDSU (which, unless it has some decent-sized implications for our post season, could be pretty brutal).

SDSU might be brutal even if there was a NYD Bowl game on the line. Its a crappy game to attend at the end of the year...no reason to suger coat it.

Hopefully the U learns their lesson and never scheduled a 1-AA team as the final home game ever again.

I agree with Schnauzer. This needs to be dealt with. It is disappointing to the fan base as a whole to have all the empty seats.

What complicates this is there are two forces at work. The cramming together and the no-shows. The cramming together could be dealt with during the offseason by painting the numbers closer together which adds seating capacity. If anyone has ever attended a game at Michigan stadium, the numbers are so close together that you have to sit with your shoulders at a 90 degree angle to the field. This sucks, of course, but that's how they get 100k+ in there. I'm not suggesting they be that close together, but I remember reading that the numbering on the bench seats was spread out far enough to add seat backs at a later date. That's another option - add seat backs.

Having trouble coming up with any real good options to deal with no-shows. One silly idea that crossed my mind would be to charge double the current student ticket price, and then credit half the per game amount back for each game attended. They are swiping U cards, are they not? But then how sick is that to have to 'compensate' a student to attend a football game. As a parent, I tell my daughter, who is a student, that it is very important to me, her father, that she attend all the games. If she didn't , she'd know how disappointed that would make me.

We're brainstorming here right? Anybody got some creative ideas?

Lets face it. a good majority of the kids get absolutely tanked on friday night. ( It's not just a Minnesota problem. It is any college) The ones that get tanked God doesn't turn the air on for them until 2:00 pm. Also, this program hasn't done anthing to merit excitment. Beating Wisky would've done that. If we don't get absolutely smoked by Penn State or tOSU I think the Saturday night crowd for MSU will be pretty good. Weather permitting. Everybody thinks Minnesotan's are such a hardy crowd. Bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# !! Back in the 60's and 70's yes. Now with I-phones
twitter, facebook, etc. we've turned into a bunch of pussy's. I equate it to duck hunting. Yes, the ducks available aren't what they us to be, but kids now days don't what to spend 5 hours in a duck blind with 30 degree temperatures. They would rather text message their lives away.

In regards to the MSU game I'm more worried about the old people. Every student I've talked to is excited for a Halloween game. It's a good pre-party activity. Remember college parties don't get off till after 10. On the other hand the old folks I've spoken with are taking their kids trick or treating and skipping the game. One ass even gave his tickets to a Mich State fan, I told him how unimpressed I was but it didn't seem to matter to him.

Looking at the large picture. I'm not sure we've had enough games to have a good sample size of how this is going to shake out. The kids are still getting used to it. Remember when student ticket sales started? They sold out pretty damn fast, so there is interest there.

For this year, what's done is done. They alloted 10k tickets for students, and through four games only about an average of 8k have shown up. In my mind there is no way they sell 10k tickets again next year if only 7-8k students continue to show up for the rest of the games. I'd be willing to bet they will reduce the student allotment.

Good Plan!

I have to say that I am worried about a Holloween Night Game! You know it will be cold and the students will opt to party at the bars or frat houses! Next year needs to be different and I agree with the plan to undersell the student section and create demand for tickets on game day. We are one of the biggest public schools in the country and we can't even fill the student section of a brand new stadium. Maturi needs to work with the students and create more excitement for game day.

I equate it to duck hunting. Yes, the ducks available aren't what they us to be, but kids now days don't what to spend 5 hours in a duck blind with 30 degree temperatures. They would rather text message their lives away.

I would much rather text message than duck hunt. Does this make me soft?

The MSU game will be packed. Students love night games.

Personally I love to Duck Hunt. But I'll admit that I cheat sometimes by putting my gun 2 inches from the TV screen. Does that make me soft too? :)

Personally I love to Duck Hunt. But I'll admit that I cheat sometimes by putting my gun 2 inches from the TV screen. Does that make me soft too? :)

I was trying to think who actually brings their Nintendo outside. People do this while ice fishing maybe?

Personally I love to Duck Hunt. But I'll admit that I cheat sometimes by putting my gun 2 inches from the TV screen. Does that make me soft too? :)

No softer than fighting a duck with a shotgun :D

This shouldn't be that hard. Have a 'rush line' of students who don't have tickets but want to attend that particular game. Since there's no assigned seats anyway, if you haven't swiped your ID card by 30 minutes before kick-off, your seat will given away to any other student who shows up and wants to get in. If you miss more then say two games in a season, you lose your student season ticket rights and can join the rush line for the remainder of the games. From the looks of things, chances are everyone in the rush line would get in most weeks. It's done this way at other schools and generally ensures a full student section.

Don't worry about the students. They get the chance to sleep until 1 p.m. and still grab lunch, get in a couple hours of boozing and arrive in plenty of time for a 7 p.m. kick off. The buzz around campus for this game, at least with those I've talked to, is strong. I'd be more concerned if the Gophs lay an egg and trail 24-14 going into the 4th. A mass exodus at 10:15 with several minutes left on the clock is entirely possible, plausible and probable if Minnesota struggles.

Remember college parties don't get off till after 10.

College parties and I have this in common.

For this year, what's done is done. They alloted 10k tickets for students, and through four games only about an average of 8k have shown up. In my mind there is no way they sell 10k tickets again next year if only 7-8k students continue to show up for the rest of the games. I'd be willing to bet they will reduce the student allotment.

Another option would be to sell more tickets. If they are getting 80% on average to show, then sell 12,500. Even if they all showed up, it looks like there'd be room for all of them.

Have a 'rush line' of students who don't have tickets but want to attend that particular game. Since there's no assigned seats anyway, if you haven't swiped your ID card by 30 minutes before kick-off, your seat will given away to any other student who shows up and wants to get in.

I like this idea. 30 minutes might be a little harsh, but it's something the U should consider.

Another option would be to sell more tickets. If they are getting 80% on average to show, then sell 12,500. Even if they all showed up, it looks like there'd be room for all of them.

I really don't see why we don't do this. Even if there wasn't room if they all showed up
(and I think you're right that there would be) there's standing room all over the place. If I were a student buying a walk-up ticket, I'd have no problem with standing, and watching a game from the 50 yard line at the top of the stadium.

Is there some sort of maximum capacity/fire code that precludes the U from overselling and potentially overfilling?

Somehow they should market the game to students as the "World's Biggest Costume Party" or the "Biggest Costume Party on Campus"....something like that...

Halloween is one of those big campus party nights, where those that don't drink their face off every weekend usually come out in full force, and the ones that do, go above and beyond for it. I am optimistic, that with some decent weather, (+ a big road upset next week) the student section will be at its best of the season that night.

This shouldn't be that hard. Have a 'rush line' of students who don't have tickets but want to attend that particular game. Since there's no assigned seats anyway, if you haven't swiped your ID card by 30 minutes before kick-off, your seat will given away to any other student who shows up and wants to get in. If you miss more then say two games in a season, you lose your student season ticket rights and can join the rush line for the remainder of the games. From the looks of things, chances are everyone in the rush line would get in most weeks. It's done this way at other schools and generally ensures a full student section.

Excellent idea for 2010! This approach would solve 90% of the issue. Also, students who attend via the "rush line" should be tracked and receive priority consideration for a season ticket in 2011 (assuming they remain students).

I think the potential risk factor may keep the U from over selling. Personally I would reduce the number of season tickets for students, and sell game day tix. Plus the rush line is a great idea. I'd focus on creating demand for the seats, tied into attendance. Reducing the student section and opening up the top for game day general admission would help create student demand but might open the door for Badgers and Hawks.

Personally I think this would work. Reduce the number of student season tickets, and raise the price. Sell game day tix for the balance, and have a rush line at reduced rates based on actual body count at 10 minutes prior to KO. If we're seeing a lack of student participation sell general admission second level tix to the general public.

The only thing that will create demand is a lack of supply. And we have to turn the supply and demand equation from tickets sold to butts in seats.

Yeah, wouldn't worry about the MSU game. Night games are a student's best friend. Don't have to get up early, can pound some out before the game, post game parties. It works. But Illinois and SDSU....could definitely be weak depending on how the season is till that point.

i am really not that worried about the halloween game. behind the fadger game this game has the most hype, what people dont understand is that for most students homecoming is just another weekend/game the only thing different for most is there is a parade and they might drink more. Also having the game at night makes sssssssssssoooo much more of a difference, some kids dont usually even get up at 11 much less be juiced, which sadly is the only way many students have a good time at the game. On the other hand if its cold out i ould see a lot of girls not go to the game bacause they dont want to have to wear stuff over their skimpy outfits and then go home and change after the game

One potential solution to the problem in regards to the upper deck is the atmosphere. It's all fine for people like me who like to watch a football game, but for others (girls ect). i can see why it is boring, the sound sucks, you cant hear the band and the piped in music isnt very loud either. If you arent a big football fan or dont know anything about it, its hard to want to watch it with the atmosphere currently in the upper deck

I wouldn't count on seeing a reduction in the total number of student tickets sold. After all, they did sell all 10,000 this year. There would likely be some level of uproar if they decreased that number after selling out.

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