certainly hope not. and not if they want any gopher fans to care about such a game. und in football? no thanks! i am so tired of this b.s. of playing ndsu, usd, sdsu, und. give me a non-conf game i can actually get excited about and care about. it is not the u of m's job to schedule non-conf games that excite the entire state of dakota rather it is their job to schedule non-conf games that are appealing to the majority of gopher fans and minnesotans. i certainly hope that joel maturi eventually takes coach brewster's lead on this and figures that out as well.
screw the gene taylors (ndsu ad) of the world who seem to get all bent out of shape if it looks like they will not be able to have minnesota on their schedules. go play nebraska, iowa, washington state, kansas state, kansas, wisconsin or something. let them use up non-conf spots for once. it isn't minnesota's job to do these dakota schools this many favors when it comes to non-conf scheduling. let them fail or succeed when it comes to moving to D1 on their own merits.
other than maybe some gopher fans who grew up in or near the dakotas the majority of people don't really give a sh!t when play these schools to the west. they are rather lame and do nothing to advance the u of m athletic department & teams.