Will Johnson, Are You Out There?


I'm assuming by historic you simply mean it's Kill's first full recruitng class.....

It's historic for 2 reasons. The first you listed, it's Jerry Kill's first full recruiting class. Second, it's the best class of Minnesota kids in my lifetime. Time will tell if they perform the best, but there has never been a MN class that has so much potential. I can't think of a Gopher football coach ever doing better in MN.

Don't disrespect Badger2010, because he doesn't disrespect us. It's nice listening to an opinion of a non-Gopher every now and then.

I thought this was a Will Johnson thread .... last 14 posts are off topic. I still think it would be great if he would change his mind. Stranger things have happened. Maybe he will decide he wants to be part of the first class of MN kids who became program changers. Not as individuals but as a group. We can always hope.

Don't disrespect Badger2010, because he doesn't disrespect us. It's nice listening to an opinion of a non-Gopher every now and then.

Huh? This is the same troll that came to Gopherhole the week before the Rose Bowl (you'd think there would've been a lot of Badger chatter on Badger message boards at that time) and described us as "mice on the floor, feeding off his crumbs". Seriously

In this particular thread he hasn't, but he sure has in other threads. In general, the guy is an obsessed weirdo. It's weird to spend time on the Gopher message board on January 27 and comment on threads like this. How many of you guys are hanging out on Badger message boards to talk about THEIR recruits? Imagine if our program was as good as Wisconson's program, could you imagine hanging out and commenting on obscure threads like "Will Johnson, Are you Out There?" It's bizarre, trollish, and weird.

Go easy on the kid, I don't think he will be remembered...we will remember the Seantrals, Floyd, Ashleys cause we suck. Those days are over, we will not fret about those that chose to leave when we are winning.

Also Tarpley in my opinion. Saw him in the Fiesta Bowl. He led Stanford in tackles this year. I never understood why Brew didn't offer him. Unbelievable. Glad those days are over. Kill has done a nice job in state this year.

Huh? This is the same troll that came to Gopherhole the week before the Rose Bowl (you'd think there would've been a lot of Badger chatter on Badger message boards at that time) and described us as "mice on the floor, feeding off his crumbs".

That was a direct response to a poster saying that Wisconsin is at the kid's table. I responded by saying that if we are at the kid's table, than Minnesota is with the mice on the floor. That's the only thing I've said that is even remotely controversial and that was a long conversation and my response was mild compared to the comments directed towards me.

As for being obsessed, i have, what, like 115 posts in 8 months on this site? You and I have already discussed the whole me being a "troll" thing, so I don't want to get into it again, however, I bet most people would disagree with your definition. If you still think I'm a troll, read my posts in the thread titled "Wisconsin Staff." Hell, read any of my posts. There is no way that a rational person could conclude that I am a troll.

So what you're saying is that you were posting on the Gopher message board about how great the Badger program is (that is really what you were doing), you got some forseeable backlash (Gopher fan bringing up that Bucky's won 0 championships), and you lashed out? That's called trolling. Any idiot would understand that people are going to respond to those kinds of messages.

For instance, if in the middle of Feb, I went to a Packer message board in Feb and started accurately describing how they lost against the Giants, with a screen name (Vikings1122), how long do you think it would take one of them to bring up the Super Bowl thing? Immediately? Any idiot would know that was going to be the comeback. Your lashing out was expected.

I realize that your trolling isn't as obvious as Pantherhawk. But it's still trolling. You hang out on a Gopher board to talk about the Badgers. If I hung out on the Badger board talking about the Gophers, especially in the offseason, that would be trolling. There are plenty of message boards out there that are Big 10 as a whole, Badger specific, all of college football, etc. The fact that you hang out on Gopherhole is trollish. The fact that you hang out here and lash out at people for having an obvious reaction to your posts, is trollish.

If I can't say something good about the Badgers, I say nothing. "Nothing!"

RoyalGopher said:
Don't disrespect Badger2010, because he doesn't disrespect us. It's nice listening to an opinion of a non-Gopher every now and then.

So what you're saying is that you were posting on the Gopher message board about how great the Badger program is (that is really what you were doing), you got some forseeable backlash (Gopher fan bringing up that Bucky's won 0 championships), and you lashed out? That's called trolling. Any idiot would understand that people are going to respond to those kinds of messages.

For instance, if in the middle of Feb, I went to a Packer message board in Feb and started accurately describing how they lost against the Giants, with a screen name (Vikings1122), how long do you think it would take one of them to bring up the Super Bowl thing? Immediately? Any idiot would know that was going to be the comeback. Your lashing out was expected.

I realize that your trolling isn't as obvious as Pantherhawk. But it's still trolling. You hang out on a Gopher board to talk about the Badgers. If I hung out on the Badger board talking about the Gophers, especially in the offseason, that would be trolling. There are plenty of message boards out there that are Big 10 as a whole, Badger specific, all of college football, etc. The fact that you hang out on Gopherhole is trollish. The fact that you hang out here and lash out at people for having an obvious reaction to your posts, is trollish.

I guess I just disagree with your definition of trolling. When I think troll, I think of a person that posts to get a rise out of people. I never start conversations or threads on this site, I merely offer occasional opinions.

Additionally, I do not come here to talk about how great the Badger program is. Look at my posts, I don't do that. I've never started a thread about the Badgers.

I feel like you actually haven't ever read any of my posts. You just see "Badger" in my name and assume that I'm here to start sh!t. Your whole posting on a Packer board hypothetical situation is completely irrelevant btw. I don't come here to talk about Gopher losses or the struggles of a Gopher squad.

I've already clearly presented my reasons for spending time on this site. I'm not here to offend anyone, but I'm not going to apologize for stating my thoughts, respectfully, either. If you don't like it, I'm not sorry. I could not care less what your view of me is. I'm not going anywhere. Deal with it.

Badger2010 said:
I could not care less what your view of me is.
Actually, you do care - because you just typed 4 paragraphs defending yourself.

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