WI Roadtrip Roll Call

mnsports - Lot 36 is a ramp. Not sure how the tailgating will go there. Monsignor and I, with crew, will be in in a lot close to that (part of our group parks in 36). We won't be starting until about 9a, but you are welcome to join us - PM me with questions.

I was told we will be able to grill in any green area (by the Animal Sci buildings I guess) outside of lot 36. I will swing over to your lot and offer you a drink for your kindness and maybe even meet the legend gopherlady on my walk to the stadium. 68 hours to go....

What section are Gophers fans sitting in?

Go Gophers!!

I'm in LL. I *think* the visiting sections now are LL and AA. Maybe another section in the lower bowl.

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