Why no mention of Les Miles?

Miles too old at 63? Jeez, what in the heck is Alabama thinking letting old man Saban still coach when he is two years older than Miles?

If you are solely talking about how long the coach is going to be around, as mean as it is to say, Claeys was one donut away from a heart attack. I'd take Miles in a heartbeat...no pun intended. Instead of fantasizing about Fleck and him possibly bringing over a few of his recruits, go for the homerun for once. Who knows, Miles might have a few of his own recruits follow? If not, his name alone will get the attention of some quality players that want to play right away. It's not like we have top recruiting class coming in to begin with. At least the admin won't be complaining about the quality of recruiting. And don't even start that he wouldn't be able to recruit in MN. Players want to play for a winner and he is a proven one.

My gut tells me he has already been contacted and said no.

If he's so good and in such demand, why doesn't he have a job? A coach of his caliber would've been a hot commodity for Texas and Oregon... Hell even Houston should've been overjoyed to get a chance to have him as their coach. I didn't hear his name involved in any of those searches.

Facts are he benefitted from being in Louisiana and following Nick Saban.

If he's so good and in such demand, why doesn't he have a job? A coach of his caliber would've been a hot commodity for Texas and Oregon... Hell even Houston should've been overjoyed to get a chance to have him as their coach. I didn't hear his name involved in any of those searches.

Facts are he benefitted from being in Louisiana and following Nick Saban.

You may be right about something not right about him since nobody has been beating down his door but you gotta let the Saban thing go. He won the National Championship THREE years after Saban left. Are you telling me those Freshmen that were still on the team were the major catalyst for the National Title? Even though he coached in the SEC he never had less than an 8 win season and now he has to recruit against your Saban and he still is respectable. He lives in a hotbed of talent, but he also has to recruit against every SEC and Big Twelve school along with Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame and the other big boys. If you are going to argue that he's not that good of coach because of the talent in his backyard then I guess all those coaches in the SEC, south and CA are just not that good since they have all that talent falling in their laps. But, I still think you may be on to something about his interest in coaching and schools' interest in him. It looks like the argument is moot anyway since it appears Row your Boat is our new coach.

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