Why is this board not more interested in Porter Moser?

Who gave you all the weird notion that Moser was only willing to coach at Catholic Schools? He coached exclusively at state schools from 1991-2007.
He's from Chicago, which has a strong heritage of Catholic European immigrants. Went to a Catholic high school. Played in college for a Catholic university.

Has coached exclusively at Catholic schools over 2007-2021. Apparently (someone else mentioned this, I don't know for fact, but seems reasonable) has his kids in Catholic schools in Chicago.

Perfectly reasonable assumption that he would want to stay with Catholic schools.

I guess the OU oil money was too good to pass up.

I don't know how Oklahoma out-hired Indiana on Porter.

Very strange.
Likely loved the position of the program in that conference versus IU, maybe liked the AD a great deal more and surely did not like the lack of patience they showed his friend. IU job comes with more pressure than most jobs. Hoosier histeria is real. They live IU basketball in ways that just do not happen here.


Why would Porter do any better than Archie did there? Both from great Catholic programs outside the Big East.

There's always some, everywhere. Like Mormons.

Of course, I know that. The first Christians in Oklahoma were Catholic missionaries. But I did check the state-by-state religious profile at Pew research, and Moser is moving to a state where Catholics are the largest domination (28%) to a state where they fall to third with 8% (behind Evangelical Protestants at 47% and Mainline Protestants at 18%). The percentages are based on the entire state population.

As for Moser, his team played wonderful defense, but his offense looked meh. Don't know if that was the scheme or the talent level of the players or maybe just an extremely small sample size in the NCAA tournament.

OU better hope the Vatican City National Team isn't putting together a squad for Tokyo 2021.

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