Why Doesn't Tubby Recruit Shooters?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I'm not trying to stir the Tubby pot; I just want to understand his recruiting philosophy. It seems Tubby does not like to recruit great shooters who may have some athletic limitations. It seems there are situations where this team lacks a guy who can consistently knock down an open 3 (ala Hoff-a Monson recruit). Every team we plays seems to have a guy or two who can do so. Good shooters are not hard to find, yet we don't have any. What gives?

Tubby is all about length/athleticism/defense. With an emphasis on defense overall. It's tough to find guys like that who are also really good three point shooters. In most cases you kind of have to take one or the other and he clearly prefers defense.

Edit: He definitely has recruited some shooters though, he just hasn't landed them.

He recruits shooters, it's just that he teaches them how not to shoot after he gets them.

Aren't the two recruits for next year (Buggs and the WI kid) supposed to be exceptional shooters?

One of the biggest stengths of the Hollins bros. coming out of high school were there 3 point range and shooting ability. Austin had a tough time shooting last year, but his stroke looks better this year. Andre's only played 2 games so the jury is still out on him. Osieneiks was pretty much recruited purley on his shooting abilty. Welch shot around 35% from 3 at UC Davis. And for big men, both Ralph and Maurice are pretty good jump shooters. Yeah we don't have a Hoffarber/Diebler type of shooter, but we have some options.

One of the biggest stengths of the Hollins bros. coming out of high school were there 3 point range and shooting ability. Austin had a tough time shooting last year, but his stroke looks better this year. Andre's only played 2 games so the jury is still out on him. Osieneiks was pretty much recruited purley on his shooting abilty. Welch shot around 35% from 3 at UC Davis. And for big men, both Ralph and Maurice are pretty good jump shooters. Yeah we don't have a Hoffarber/Diebler type of shooter, but we have some options.

I agree with this. We appear to have some decent shooters- although I think (as stated above) that Tubby is about athleticism first and shooting later. I think shooting at this level is a little like hitting good golf shots or putts. There is a lot of confidence required. A lot of thimes these guys don't look confident, short arming shots. The three most confident players I have seen come through these past 5 years are Armelin, Westbrook and Hoff. Those are guys that had the confidence to shoot and even coninute to shoot when they were not falling. Of those only Hoff was a pure shooter. Time will tell with the newer guys.

Let's face it- if you go for athleticism first, any great athlete that is also a great shooter is highly sought after by all the big time programs. We won't win many- if any- of those battles.

I agree that a lot of Tubby's guard/wing recruits have good shooting skills. He is tough on shot selection, which explains better as to why some of the recruits have had difficulties. I guess it is arguable how tough he should be on the kids with respect to shot selection.

Yet, those who he recruited rather hastily to fill the void caused by transfer/whatnot may be sub-par in that regard.

The other cases are local kids rated highly like Rodney and Joe. Should Tubby have pursued pure shooters in place of them?

I also think Tubby would have recruited Hoff. Hoff was a top 100 prospect. The only scenario that Tubby would not have recruited him, I think, is that he already had a bunch of good shooters on the team.

I really believe that Tubby wants to recruit well balanced kids with respect to physical tools, athleticism, and skills, if he can help it. I will be disappointed if he only pursues either athleticism or skills.

Tubby went hard after Oglesby and Jesperson last year. I'm not sure if he would have recruited Hoffarber, but he definitely would have recruited Leuer.

His first slate of recruits weren't big on shooting, that's obvious. I think Devoe Joseph might have been the only guy he recruited with a decent shot. Bostick too I guess. But then when the turmoil kinda hit, he was forced to make some decisions on recruits to fill spots.

His last few classes though, have netted a few kids who come in with the ability to knock down shots. Problem is, they are all the young guys right now, and sometimes it takes younger players time to get their feet wet before they start knocking them down. But I think in the coming years, we will find that shooting will not be an issue at all for this team.

His first slate of recruits weren't big on shooting, that's obvious. I think Devoe Joseph might have been the only guy he recruited with a decent shot. Bostick too I guess. But then when the turmoil kinda hit, he was forced to make some decisions on recruits to fill spots.

His last few classes though, have netted a few kids who come in with the ability to knock down shots. Problem is, they are all the young guys right now, and sometimes it takes younger players time to get their feet wet before they start knocking them down. But I think in the coming years, we will find that shooting will not be an issue at all for this team.

Sampson was considered a shooting prospect for his size also from that first class.

Tubby went hard after Oglesby and Jesperson last year. I'm not sure if he would have recruited Hoffarber, but he definitely would have recruited Leuer.

Hmm, I naturally assumed that Tubby would go for a local prospect. But, it is quite possible that Tubby would not if Hoff were not local.

Austin Hollins and Osieneiks look like good shooters but it seems as of right now they don't have the green light. Saw both of them turn down wide open 3's on Monday. I would assume Andre Hollins is also a good shooter.

Tubby went hard after Oglesby and Jesperson last year. I'm not sure if he would have recruited Hoffarber, but he definitely would have recruited Leuer.

It appears that athleticism is a requirment but if they are athletically capable of playing his uptempo style he goes after shooters. He really went after both Oglesby and Jesperson like you said but came up short. I don't think he would have recruited Hoffarber because he didn't fit his style of play.

His first slate of recruits weren't big on shooting, that's obvious. I think Devoe Joseph might have been the only guy he recruited with a decent shot. Bostick too I guess. But then when the turmoil kinda hit, he was forced to make some decisions on recruits to fill spots.

His last few classes though, have netted a few kids who come in with the ability to knock down shots. Problem is, they are all the young guys right now, and sometimes it takes younger players time to get their feet wet before they start knocking them down. But I think in the coming years, we will find that shooting will not be an issue at all for this team.

True - Also Hoff shot like 25% his sophmore year. It's not as if there are all kinds of slam dunk outside shooters.

Aren't the two recruits for next year (Buggs and the WI kid) supposed to be exceptional shooters?

Can't really comment on Buggs because I've never seen him play, but shooting is more of a weakness for Ellenson. He's definitely capable of knocking down shots now and then, but I wouldn't exactly call him a shooter. Athleticism is definitely his biggest asset.

One of the biggest stengths of the Hollins bros. coming out of high school were there 3 point range and shooting ability. Austin had a tough time shooting last year, but his stroke looks better this year. Andre's only played 2 games so the jury is still out on him. Osieneiks was pretty much recruited purley on his shooting abilty. Welch shot around 35% from 3 at UC Davis. And for big men, both Ralph and Maurice are pretty good jump shooters. Yeah we don't have a Hoffarber/Diebler type of shooter, but we have some options.

I hear what you're saying here and this team does have some decent shooters but even with Hoff, Minnesota was one of the worst shooting teams from deep in the conference last season. You could argue that every team has options but the good 3 pt shooting teams have specialists mixed in. Minnesota does not have a proven sharp shooter right now. However, Oto could become that at Andre might end up being a great shooter one day too.

First time poster, This years team doesn't have a Hoff type of shooter, but guys like otto, Dre and Austin, Mav even Chip are capable of hitting three's, there all freshmen and sophmores, they'll get better as they go along, Hoff was brutal his sophmore year, Al Nolen didn't really come into his own as a player until his senior year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading the strib on senior day last year and the article about Hoff I remember him saying he was all set to go to Notre Dame and then Tubby was hired and Hoff committed to the U. So if that's the case wouldn't that mean Hoff was recruited by Tubby and thus he was a Tubby recruit?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading the strib on senior day last year and the article about Hoff I remember him saying he was all set to go to Notre Dame and then Tubby was hired and Hoff committed to the U. So if that's the case wouldn't that mean Hoff was recruited by Tubby and thus he was a Tubby recruit?
No, Hoffarber committed to the U when Monson was the coach (fall of his senior year if I remember correctly).

Tubby wasn't named the coach until the following spring, replacing Molinari.

His last few classes though, have netted a few kids who come in with the ability to knock down shots. Problem is, they are all the young guys right now, and sometimes it takes younger players time to get their feet wet before they start knocking them down. But I think in the coming years, we will find that shooting will not be an issue at all for this team.

Exactly. As another poster mentioned, Hoff, the gold standard for Gopher shooters, struggled his sophomore year, shooting 34% from three, but averaging only 6 ppg. He didn't really try to get his shot off. Jon Diebler, in his freshman year, played 20+ minutes a game and shot 29% from three. By his senior year, he shot >50%. Leuer shot 29% from 3 his sophomore year, while his final 2 seasons he was around 40%. Jordan Taylor shot 19% from three as a freshman, 33% as a soph, and 43% as a junior.

Point being, there's a lot a great shooters who have struggled in their first couple of college seasons, before becoming legitimate outside threats. We have a very young backcourt, and it will take some time for these young guys to find their stroke. A couple years from now, I think this team will consider outside shooting a strength.

Neither recruit for next year (Buggs and Ellenson) is a shooter. At all. Cannot stress this enough.

rychart45 said:
Neither recruit for next year (Buggs and Ellenson) is a shooter. At all. Cannot stress this enough.


I think Buggs is a good shooter, probably not a deadly 3pt threat yet but capable. I believe he shot around 30% from 3 this summer (AAU) and 50% overall. Not bad numbers. He strikes me as a really good shooter from mid range.. but those type of guys can develop into good 3pt guys if the stroke is good. I am excited to see Buggs. I think he has potential to be a Quincy Lewis type..

Buggs is a good shooter for a guy of his size.

Bostick was a good shooter but didn't play good defense so he sat

I'm sorry, when I think shooter, I think Blake. Someone who other teams yell "shooter" for whenever he touches the ball. Ellenson is not that person. Buggs is not either. I'm not saying I don't like them - I think Wally will be solid, and Buggs has some upside (Damien Johnson seems like a good comparison), but they aren't shooters.

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