Why doesn't Brewster get any love for academics?

I think people's biggest gripe is how it got coverage. The STrib and other outlets push the negative narratives because the generate controversy and sell papers/ads. The good stuff might get mentioned, but it doesn't get pushed b/c it does pay out the same way.

They both had articles written in the same paper, I don't know what more you could want. What is next people measuring the inches of article space one article gets over another and complaining about that.

They both had articles written in the same paper, I don't know what more you could want. What is next people measuring the inches of article space one article gets over another and complaining about that.

Yes the Tribune reports them both. But then you have guys like Souhan or Reusse who will only mention the negative and not the positive when they do their opinion pieces.

Something bad comes out about a player getting in trouble and the paper will report it, then one of these guys will go on a rant about how the program is in shambles. Something good comes out like this and the paper reports it but no mention from any of these guys. That's what upsets some people.

They both had articles written in the same paper, I don't know what more you could want. What is next people measuring the inches of article space one article gets over another and complaining about that.

I agree. It got an article in the paper. What exactly were you expecting? A 'fairness doctrine' for gopher athletic coverage measuing the # of pro and con words? A story about grades is not going to get the same coverage as the Jimmy Willaims trial, etc. To expect it would is unrealistic.

The media coverage the Gophers get in this town isn't always fair, but it's not NEARLY as bad as some of you on here make it sound. For every irrational piece by Souhan and co. (and his column yesterday was legit and fair) there's Sid slobbering all over Brew or Tubby on the radio every Sunday even if they just lost to Iowa 56-0.

"What is next people measuring the inches of article space one article gets over another and complaining about that?"

As someone who formerly worked in the newspaper business, albeit primarily small towns, trust me this happens all the time. There are some really whacked out people who will call and tell you exactly how many column inches you are devoting to this sport as opposed to that sport. In most instances it was either the soccer people complaining about too much football coverage or wrestling people complaining about too much basketball coverage.

As stated before the Star Tribune already talked about the improving APR and grades so what is the problem, it received media coverage?

You're saying one little blip balances it out? It is not the same as Souhan's, Reusse's et al's endless sniping at Brew and the players when one of the players gets caught up in an off-campus fracas. I admit I don't listen to Reusse on 1500 AM all the time, but I've never heard him mention academics, but the Gopher fb team hardly comes up that he doesn't make a joke that a player got picked up because he couldn't outrun a campus cop - after the number of doughnuts the cop had eaten.

You're saying one little blip balances it out? It is not the same as Souhan's, Reusse's et al's endless sniping at Brew and the players when one of the players gets caught up in an off-campus fracas. I admit I don't listen to Reusse on 1500 AM all the time, but I've never heard him mention academics, but the Gopher fb team hardly comes up that he doesn't make a joke that a player got picked up because he couldn't outrun a campus cop - after the number of doughnuts the cop had eaten.

There were multiple arrests, therefore multiple stories about them. It isn't as if a new APR report is released every month. However, feel free to be the fairness police with the media and let me know how that goes, while you at it why don't you get them to write more articles on the golf and cross country team because they don't get the same amount of press as football and basketball. After all, we want to be perfectly fair and equal since that is how the rest of the world works.

2) There hasn't been a single Brewster recruiting class that has graduated. His first class comes up next year. And since most of them are gone, their effect will be felt on the 2011-2012 APR numbers. Kids who have graduated (Decker, Campbell, etc) are kids that would have graduated regardless of who the coach is.

You clearly have no idea how APR is calculated. They monitor every student in the program for that calendar year. They give you points for being eligible and take away points for students that transfer. If a student transfers you lose one point. If the student that transfers is ineligible at the time of transfer you lose two points. Any player from the 2007 class (which was actually more of a Mason class than a Brewster class if you count the # of players that committed to each coach) that left school has already impacted our APR score.

The APR score that matters for scholarship is a rolling 4 year average. If that number falls below 915 scholarships are lost until it moves back above 925. We had one bad academic year from 2007-08 (the coaching transition year) that is going to be on our record for a few years but if we keep posting scores like the 968 we posted for 2008-09 (the score that included Brewster's first full recruiting class--2008) we will be fine.

The players that actually stay with the program might be doing OK academically but he has had WAY too many recruits not get in or leave to consider anything to be a success right now.

Waite a minute...THIS is an improvement :confused:

Football Graduation Rates: Big 10
  1. Northwestern 92%
  2. Penn St. 85%
  3. Iowa 74%
  4. Michigan 71%
  5. Illinois 69%
  6. Indiana 67%
  7. Wisconsin 65%
  8. Ohio St. 62%
  9. Purdue 59%
  10. Michigan St. 56%
  11. Minnesota 54%

Where did you get that info? Almost everything else I've seen has it much higher than that

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