Why do some NIU fans dislike Kill so much?

As a current employee at NIU, I can tell you that the fans were only a little bitter that he left, however the program is on the up. They are satisfied with where they are at, however the fans do tend to be a bit pessimistic because they are not necessarily a "destination BCS school." We have though similarly in the past (remember when Brew was flirting with KU?)

From what I gather it's mainly the way he left. They didn't like him going on such short notice after their great 2010 campaign, apparently didn't notify the players before it hit the media, etc.

All I gotta say is...

Look at where the current Big ten coaches came from. The mac is the Big's farm system, kinda like the Royals are to the Yankees.

What a bunch of f'in babies. This is akin to the Gopher fans who are still butthurt almost 30 years later that Holtz took the ND job. Put yourself in the coach's shoes. If you're the NIU coach, would you take the U of M job and probably triple/quadruple your salary? If you say you wouldn't, you're a GD liar. Seriously, stop crying about it. If they want to be mad at someone, be mad at the system for not instituting a hiring freeze that is lifted after the bowl games. That would never happen because of the need to recruit ASAP, so they're being a bunch of little bitches over something that any one of them would do in a heartbeat.

I saw that same thread yesterday over at NIU's site. I almost started this thread yesterday.
Basically it seems some of their fans thought Kill "threw" the MAC championship game when he heard he was getting the job here. He also has been given much credit for "building" NIU's success in the media, which urks those at NIU loyal to Coach Novak who hired kill. However, Kill has given Novak credit in many interviews I've heard.

i think the behind the scenes issue when Kill left and how he left NIU was Maturi's ineptitude in all things media and coach hiring. Look no further than the Brady Hoke "outing" by Michelle Tafoya for an example of how bad Maturi was at the cloak and dagger part of hiring college coaches.

Kill's hiring appears to have been discovered and scooped by a local NIU reporter and broken on twitter/interwebs before Kill had a chance to address his team at their banquet. My bet is Maturi rolled into Dekalb with Minnesota gear and opened his big mouth to a local.

It all looked bad on Kill because his players found out before the banquet, he was pissed at the local media and gruffly turned down a comment on video as he was boarding a plane to Minneapolis. He also wanted Claeys and Limegrover to have a shot at the job, when the NIU AD said screw off to them, they left before the bowl game to join Kill here.

All in all, it seems some of those fans feel he should have coached the team to the bowl game and maybe turned down the U for a chance at a busting the BCS in 2011.

I didn't read the link, but...

He took a dump on his team during the season and that's probably the biggest reason. Having your players find out you're leaving from outsiders, especially after your team just blew a big game in which they were heavy favorites and with a bowl game on the horizon, is going to be upsetting to some.

There are many coaches out there with the "golly gee, gosh darn it, aww shucks" persona, but in reality they are quite clever. For some, this is also a turnoff.

I didn't read the link, but...

He took a dump on his team during the season and that's probably the biggest reason. Having your players find out you're leaving from outsiders, especially after your team just blew a big game in which they were heavy favorites and with a bowl game on the horizon, is going to be upsetting to some.

There are many coaches out there with the "golly gee, gosh darn it, aww shucks" persona, but in reality they are quite clever. For some, this is also a turnoff.

Speaking ill of University of Minnesota personnel. That's so unlike you, J.B.

Seriously, why the f are you here? Why the f do they allow you to be a contributor here? It says right before you enter that this is a forum intended for Gopher fans.

Ah well, it is what it is. If Jerry takes Minnesota to a 10-2 record this year, get ready for the Gopher version of that thread.

I didn't read the link, but...

He took a dump on his team during the season and that's probably the biggest reason. Having your players find out you're leaving from outsiders, especially after your team just blew a big game in which they were heavy favorites and with a bowl game on the horizon, is going to be upsetting to some.

There are many coaches out there with the "golly gee, gosh darn it, aww shucks" persona, but in reality they are quite clever. For some, this is also a turnoff.

I think you need to look at the forum.

I could understand some hard feelings, but they take it way too far.

Ah well, it is what it is. If Jerry takes Minnesota to a 10-2 record this year, get ready for the Gopher version of that thread.

If our next coach wins the Big Ten title with Kill's players I'd be ok with it.

What a bunch of f'in babies. This is akin to the Gopher fans who are still butthurt almost 30 years later that Holtz took the ND job. Put yourself in the coach's shoes. If you're the NIU coach, would you take the U of M job and probably triple/quadruple your salary? If you say you wouldn't, you're a GD liar. Seriously, stop crying about it. If they want to be mad at someone, be mad at the system for not instituting a hiring freeze that is lifted after the bowl games. That would never happen because of the need to recruit ASAP, so they're being a bunch of little bitches over something that any one of them would do in a heartbeat.

My hatred for the snake oil salesman has more to do with leaving us on probation, taking most of the recruiting class with him and saying many negative things about Minnesota after he left. But yes, after almost 30 years I still hate the bastard.

If our next coach wins the Big Ten title with Kill's players I'd be ok with it.

Are you kidding? The next coach doesn't even need to enter into the equation, I would take 10-2.

What a bunch of f'in babies. This is akin to the Gopher fans who are still butthurt almost 30 years later that Holtz took the ND job. Put yourself in the coach's shoes. If you're the NIU coach, would you take the U of M job and probably triple/quadruple your salary? If you say you wouldn't, you're a GD liar. Seriously, stop crying about it. If they want to be mad at someone, be mad at the system for not instituting a hiring freeze that is lifted after the bowl games. That would never happen because of the need to recruit ASAP, so they're being a bunch of little bitches over something that any one of them would do in a heartbeat.

Yeah, Kill quit on on NIU. In the middle of the last game of the season. A game he needed to win in order for the Huskies to make a bowl game. He told the team at Halftime that there was nothing to the rumors of him going to the Gophers. That he was staying in Illinois. Then after the game he took-off never telling his team why. They found out though and weren't happy about it. He then came up with some B.S. story about how he had an "out clause" in his contract. That ended-up calling the A.D. and the President of NIU liars, but no matter, Kill had the major columnists for the Chicago Tribune backing him all the way. The "other" newspaper the Sun Times printed the truth. The "Lie Though Became the Legend". Kill never expressed regret for his actions until he went back to Chicago because he wanted the Bears job.

Uh, no my mistake Kill didn't do all those things. That was Lou.

Didn't mind when Lou called all those U of M liars huh? Go $&@% yourself.

My hatred for the snake oil salesman has more to do with leaving us on probation, taking most of the recruiting class with him and saying many negative things about Minnesota after he left. But yes, after almost 30 years I still hate the bastard.

Ding, Ding, Ding we have a winner. Could not agree more.

Yeah, Kill quit on on NIU. In the middle of the last game of the season. A game he needed to win in order for the Huskies to make a bowl game. He told the team at Halftime that there was nothing to the rumors of him going to the Gophers. That he was staying in Illinois. Then after the game he took-off never telling his team why. They found out though and weren't happy about it. He then came up with some B.S. story about how he had an "out clause" in his contract. That ended-up calling the A.D. and the President of NIU liars, but no matter, Kill had the major columnists for the Chicago Tribune backing him all the way. The "other" newspaper the Sun Times printed the truth. The "Lie Though Became the Legend". Kill never expressed regret for his actions until he went back to Chicago because he wanted the Bears job.

Uh, no my mistake Kill didn't do all those things. That was Lou.

Didn't mind when Lou called all those U of M liars huh? Go $&@% yourself.

To Quote Coach Brew: Simply Tremendous.

Yeah, Kill quit on on NIU. In the middle of the last game of the season. A game he needed to win in order for the Huskies to make a bowl game. He told the team at Halftime that there was nothing to the rumors of him going to the Gophers. That he was staying in Illinois. Then after the game he took-off never telling his team why. They found out though and weren't happy about it. He then came up with some B.S. story about how he had an "out clause" in his contract. That ended-up calling the A.D. and the President of NIU liars, but no matter, Kill had the major columnists for the Chicago Tribune backing him all the way. The "other" newspaper the Sun Times printed the truth. The "Lie Though Became the Legend". Kill never expressed regret for his actions until he went back to Chicago because he wanted the Bears job.

Uh, no my mistake Kill didn't do all those things. That was Lou.

Do you have any (reputable) source for any of this?

It's not that I don't believe any (or even most) of that happened, it's just that I'm sure you'll understand I don't take as Gospel the word of an obviously aggrieved party in the matter.

To end this: WHO GIVES A FLYING MONKEY FLIP?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who gives two craps about NIU, a MAC team?! Not me. Do you know what I'M FOCUSED ON????? Beating Iowa. Then next Saturday. Seriously, enough
with this, "how coach Kill left NIU for more money and a better school and opportunity". It's over, it's done, it's 2 years ago. Get off it, and move on. Done and Done.

To end this: WHO GIVES A FLYING MONKEY FLIP?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who gives two craps about NIU, a MAC team?! Not me. Do you know what I'M FOCUSED ON????? Beating Iowa. Then next Saturday. Seriously, enough
with this, "how coach Kill left NIU for more money and a better school and opportunity". It's over, it's done, it's 2 years ago. Get off it, and move on. Done and Done.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that didn't end it.

It is a legitimate question because I could not be happier with the coach we have.

My hatred for the snake oil salesman has more to do with leaving us on probation, taking most of the recruiting class with him and saying many negative things about Minnesota after he left. But yes, after almost 30 years I still hate the bastard.

My brother played for Holtz and I remember the day he left for Notre Dame like it was yesterday. It was Thanksgiving Day. My brother got home the day before and the team had a meeting that day where Holtz discussed with the team that there was an offer but nothing would be discussed until they came back the next Monday. He was gone the next day. I did not see my brother for two days and I heard that he got very very drunk because he felt so betrayed. My brother spoke so highly of Coach Holtz in how so many people would have (as he put it) "ate nails and glass for the man" and "made them believe that they could run through walls". He felt as if he got his heart ripped out and thrown on the ground. The conversation I had with him before he passed away, he mentioned still how much that moment hurt him. Yeah, I still hate the bastard as well. Everytime I see him on Saturday on ESPN talking about his love affair with Notre Dame makes me want to puke. I never cared about Notre Dame before that, but I would cheer for anyone, including Iowa and Wisconsin, to beat Notre Dame.

The one thing my brother always laughed about was these t-shirts that were spread around after Holtz left. The T-Shirt stated, "I was there when Lou screwed the U" with a Gopher bent over and Lou doing his business. My brother had a shirt but I have no clue where it is today.

Maybe you should take this question and all responses to the NIU board. Just sayin...we're 4-0 and looking to go 5-0, and that's all that matters to me. Just win baby, just win! :clap:

Why do people blame Notre Dame for being a better football program than the U? Does anyone question that this is the case? It sounds like a loser's mentality to me. Blame the U for not making itself a better football program than Notre Dame.

Guess what, Kill isn't gonna be liked by every single person. There's no one on this earth who doesn't have SOMEBODY that doesn't like them, the way they carry themselves, or the things they do.

From Kill's position, he probably felt he had to jump at this chance, and with the information age nowadays, it's getting harder and harder to do things secretively without some media head getting hold of it.

Fact is, he's here now, and there are going to be NIU fans (and players) who are extremely bitter about how it went down. I think Kill's record, and the vast majority of those who have worked with/for him speaks for itself.

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