Who's Your Side Show Bob's?

Leather and Pinky Tuscadero from Happy Days. I was convinced Fonz was actually in the closet until these gals showed up. Aaaaayyy.

Great call on Colonel Flagg.

On a Simpsons adjacent topic I'm a big fan of Calculon and Hedonism bot from Futurama.

The Smoking Man from The X-Files, at least in the early seasons.

Good call. While a slightly more regular character....Zapp Brannigan episodes were almost always highlights.

Good call. While a slightly more regular character....Zapp Brannigan episodes were almost always highlights.
If we hit that bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

I'm going to toss Ann from Arrested Development into the mix--not because she brought a lot to the table, but due to George Michael's utter ectasy and Michael's total bewilderment every time she entered the frame.

Another worthy mention--Carole Kane as Latka's wife on Taxi. Their interplay was so damn funny.

As an aside, Taxi may just be the perfect sitcom and I saw this as someone who kneels at the altar of Seinfeld, Cheers, and The Simpsons. Many years back, Nick at Nite did a week-long (or several days at least) marathon of the show as a welcome to bringing it into the rotation. I had only interspersedly watched prior to that, but I was keeled over in laughter so often through the episodes. And while he doesn't qualify in this category, Christopher Lloyd's Reverend Jim exists in a very small club of transcendent sitcom characters. Here's a clip that just had me laughing out loud in my office:

And for my money, his "what does a yellow light mean" scene is probably the best gag ever on a TV show.

Good and interesting topic. He might appear in too many episodes to fit the criteria laid out by the OP (about one in every three), but I always enjoyed Suart Margolin's portrayal of Angel on The Rockford Files.
Rockfish - you forgot Gandy?

Great topic and so many great selections in this thread. Every time I thought of one, someone already named the character!

Jean Ralphio may be the best of coolhand's criteria. Loved every scene he was in.

Boner from Growing Pains and Nick from Family Ties also on my list.

For Simpson's, I'll throw out Troy Mcclure, you may be remember him from such episodes as...

Seinfeld, wow, where to start?! I'll go with Puddy, dude nailed it every time. Just call him the 8-ball, all signs point to yes!

Go Sideshow Bob's!!
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Friends: No, not Janice. Frank Jr. Jr. by the brilliant and bizarre Giovanni Ribisi
Everyone cast in Rachel's family was great, but I think Marlo Thomas as her mother, Sandra, was pretty genius.

Elliot Gould was also fantastic as Ross & Monica's father.

After listening to Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson on Conan O’Brien’s podcast recently, I was reminded of Henri, Kelly’s French friend who was always mocking Woody with the “I’m going to steal your girlfriend” line.

And I am surprised that I missed and no one else mentioned Tammy 1 from Parks & Rec, brilliantly played by Megan Mullally. This scene where she beats the hell out of Tom makes me cackle every time. Tammy 1 vs. Tom

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