Whole Cal Team eating at MOA right now

Wut? Us here MinnuhSOHtins don't got no accent. Sure some of dose folks up in da nordern half of da state, ya know, dey might got a kinda accent but mosta us down here speak pretty normal ya know. Oh yah, dose idiots in da media come up wid all da craziest things. Ya know, dat's a boat all I gotta say a boat dat. Time fer me to go play some hockey.

(Seriously though, try and go up to someone from out of state and use "He went out, and about, in a boat." in sentence. They will have no clue what the heck you are saying.
Yep, when you move away and then come back to visit it's pretty striking. I've lived a good chunk of my life in California and Arizona now and when I go back to Minnesota it's uhhh interesting.

This really is a funny thread. Still, they're just tempting fate. Hope to God there are no huge Gopher fans cookin' at that buffet. I remember awhile back Kobe and a couple other Laker douchebags got food poisoning from Sacramento room service. I wouldn't put it past a die-hard fan.

Food Poisioning no, lot's of Molasses yes

You can bet I would have lathered up those ribs, chicken and brisket with a whole lot of molasses as the cook. Lot's of extra sugar and syrup means the Cal Bears would have been gettng the trotts. Bears players getting the trotts means dehydration, all is fair in football when your eating on the road. I have caught myself saying "Dat" and "Dat there" when around the rents who grew up up North and Central Minnesota relatives so it not just the range and the "norskies" that spread that accent.

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