Who, When, Where, What, and How can the Gophers figure out how to beat Wis.

I know the Coaches won't do this ----- but I'd love to see it:

1st snap of game for WI, have Wilson come across the line a count early and just drill Stave. Then get up, say "sorry," and trot back to the Gopher's huddle with a big bleep-eating grin on his face.........

Love your username. Let's not resort to cheap shots on them though. Should we win the last thing we want is to give them excuses.

I know the Coaches won't do this ----- but I'd love to see it:

1st snap of game for WI, have Wilson come across the line a count early and just drill Stave. Then get up, say "sorry," and trot back to the Gopher's huddle with a big bleep-eating grin on his face.........

I'd like to see Wilson drill Stave, but on a clean hit after the ball is snapped. Let's not take cheap shots. That's not how this coaching staff or this team rolls.

I was talking about the DL as it relates to the run game. I think our DE, and especially Cockran, do a nice job in the passing game. Against WI though, those 240-250 lb DE are usually roadkill. A great pass rusher like Cockran is nice to have, but in a game like this he and the rest of the DE group might be viewed as a weakness by the opposing coaches when breaking down film and figuring out where to attack.

Don't be afraid to throw the ball. Ultra conservative play calling won't win us this game. We will have to take advantage of mismatches and keep the defense on their toes. I think that the Badgers will score some points, so it really comes down to how the offense responds.

I like the double reverse flea flicker fake punt...can't imagine that wont work.

I think the real key will be the Gopher passing game. A few more new wrinkles from Lomegrover and flawless execution and our O could put up a heck of a lot of points. If we execute and put up touchdowns we can force Wiskey to open up more than they want. This will expose the badgers to turnovers.

Theiren Cockran is tied for 2nd in the conference in sacks. He must be imaginary.

Cockran is just one of Hageman's several alter egos. If they listed all of Hageman's stats under the same name, no one would believe it.

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