Who, When, Where, What, and How can the Gophers figure out how to beat Wis.


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Nov 12, 2008
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Wisconsin exposed Nebraska's weakness in responding to twisting shifts.

Which game, by which team, from which date etc best shows what the Gophers need to do to beat the Badgers. How will the Gophers implement what that game teaches to their best advantage?

Are the Gophers at a place to just do what they do to beat Wisconsin?

I know the Gophers will have to physically out play Wisconsin to win.

I think that the Gophers figured that out physical play is necessary against Iowa and Michigan, so I hope that part of the game is well understood.

Is there anything Minnesota needs to add to what they are doing to beat Wisconsin?

They just have to know that they can.

Dominate your assignment, and the rest will take care of itself. Trust your teammates.

Make Stave beat you. He is improving, but he is the only weakness on that offense. You have to sell out to stop the run and you have to get to the quarterback. Do it any way possible.

On offense, you have two options:

1. Come out throwing to set up the run and play action later in the game. You're trusting Nelson to make the throws. Overthrows and under throws would be killer. This would be similar to how we opened the Indiana game.

2. Come out running to set up the play action. You might sacrifice the first couple drives and gain 15 yards in the first quarter but if you can head in to the half down 7-14 or something like that, then you have a chance.

I think it comes down to limiting big plays. Make Stave have to be a big part of the game.

This doesn't really answer the question, but think about how improved the team was after our first bye. Hopefully the coaches and players can make a similar leap this bye. Every game has been an improvement, hopefully that trend continues.

I agree. We need to sell out against the run, trust our secondary to make some big plays when they are left alone in man coverage and make 'em try to beat us with Stave.

On offense, take what the defense gives us. If they play like they know they are favored, don't care that we are a running football team, and hang back to defend the big play, then we run it down their throats. If they play up to defend the run, unleash Nelson, Engel, and Dos Equis with the long ball.

We need to jump on every dead ball possible to delay/shorten the game ala ASU.

This sounds like selling out to stop the run, and making the QB make plays with his arm. Are there any healthy receivers that require any special attention?

Great Monicker Nomination.

I think it comes down to limiting big plays. Make Stave have to be a big part of the game.

This game will be a bare knuckle brawl. Whoever has the stamina, perseverance, and never quit attitude will win the game. When the players run out of gas, they will have to find a source of resolve to keep going. Minnesota can do this.

Iowa's defense seemed to have Wisconsin's run game figured out for most of the game this year. Wisconsin's kicking game isn't very reliable. ASU did manage to beat Wisconsin this year. So looking at how they did that could be an option.

I will admit, I haven't watched the badgers much this year. But I would guess if we can keep the offense pretty balanced compared to our non-conference performances, then this game becomes a toss up. I believe this year, as compared to previous years, this Gopher Football Team is up to the task to bring the axe home.

Anyone have the 2011 Rose Bowl on the DVR still? Jerry tries to model his team like TCU correct? I know its a couple years back but Wisconsin hasn't changed much offensively.

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Our DL needs to step it up a ton. One sack against Penn St and more importantly since they ran the ball most of the time our top eight leading tacklers are devoid of any DL until Amafuala at number 9 overall. If a team is going to run the ball on us and Shede has one tackle again like he did last week and our DL isn't making any plays, then we have problems. In the cool weather the subbing that we do on the DL seems completely unnecessary. Shede should be in there the whole game disrupting and making plays and they all need to be getting in on a tackle from time-to-time. We need out DL to overall combine for 15 tackles in the Wisconsin game or there will be pressure galore on our LBers and DBs to make open field tackles and that's a tough order.

Our DL needs to step it up a ton. One sack against Penn St and more importantly since they ran the ball most of the time our top eight leading tacklers are devoid of any DL until Amafuala at number 9 overall. If a team is going to run the ball on us and Shede has one tackle again like he did last week and our DL isn't making any plays, then we have problems. In the cool weather the subbing that we do on the DL seems completely unnecessary. Shede should be in there the whole game disrupting and making plays and they all need to be getting in on a tackle from time-to-time. We need out DL to overall combine for 15 tackles in the Wisconsin game or there will be pressure galore on our LBers and DBs to make open field tackles and that's a tough order.

I agree about the D-Line rotations. Penn State ran a total of 5 plays their first 2 possessions but we still subbed out both starting DT's and brought Legania and someone else in on their 3rd possession. Then Zwinak proceeded to rumble downfield and score an easy TD. I like the strategy of having a deep defensive line but if you don't have the personnel yet then the starters, especially Hageman, need to play more.

There is only one way we are going to beat Wisconsin...we have to out tough them. We must win in the trenches and tackle their backs.

I think our defensive back field is capable of handling their receivers (not as good as PSU) but it wont matter if the Skunks backs are running wild through gaping holes in our defensive line.

On offense, first down will be huge...if we are ahead of the chains and force the skunks to defend our entire play book on 2nd and 3rd downs, we can move the ball. 2nd and 9, 3rd and 6 isn't going to end well for us against their defense.

We win special teams and then need to finish the game +2 for turn overs.

In the end, I think they are simply better than us and will win this game 8 out of 10 times...its one of those two that I am hoping for!

Well our team may as well not show up for the game. I've been to three or four games since the Maroney/Barber era, and we've lost them all. Of course, I'm heading up to TCF that Saturday, so I'm hoping the streak ends!

As far as schemes go, we just need to force them into long drives. They are going to get their points, rushing yards, etc. but if they are breaking off 20+ yard runs consistently we are in big trouble. Hageman has been playing some DE as of late, and I think that will continue due to their outside zone plays. If we have our lighter DEs in the game on first and second down the majority of the game that won't bode well. If we force them into third and long we can sub those DEs in and hopefully get some pressure.

On offense, Maxx should be our focal point. Wisconsin's LBs are good (especially Borland) but I don't think there is a LB on their team that can cover Maxx consistently on every passing play. I hope I'm not wrong about that, but time will tell.

I agree about the D-Line rotations. Penn State ran a total of 5 plays their first 2 possessions but we still subbed out both starting DT's and brought Legania and someone else in on their 3rd possession. Then Zwinak proceeded to rumble downfield and score an easy TD. I like the strategy of having a deep defensive line but if you don't have the personnel yet then the starters, especially Hageman, need to play more.

Playing DL all game in the heat is hard, I've been there done that and it's really tough. But, it's kinda like my old German Shorthair hunting dog once the weather gets below 50 degrees she could hunt all day long. Our DL should be the same way; we need to stick with our Big Dogs and they are going to have to hunt this game.

There is only one way we are going to beat Wisconsin...we have to out tough them. We must win in the trenches and tackle their backs.

I think our defensive back field is capable of handling their receivers (not as good as PSU) but it wont matter if the Skunks backs are running wild through gaping holes in our defensive line.On offense, first down will be huge...if we are ahead of the chains and force the skunks to defend our entire play book on 2nd and 3rd downs, we can move the ball. 2nd and 9, 3rd and 6 isn't going to end well for us against their defense.

We win special teams and then need to finish the game +2 for turn overs.

In the end, I think they are simply better than us and will win this game 8 out of 10 times...its one of those two that I am hoping for!

Their one WR threat is arguably the best in the B1G right now in Abrederaraeosfas (who knows how to spell it) and they have a good TE in Pedersen as well. I watched the OSU game and they sold out to stop the run and that WR ate Roby's lunch. It's going to take a monumental effort to stop that offense. The defense is also pretty good (better than in previous years) and gave the BYU offense fits. If we win this game it will be a VERY great win.

I'm not optimistic that we'll win but unlike in years past I feel there is a chance, however remote. Go Gophers.

Their one WR threat is arguably the best in the B1G right now in Abrederaraeosfas (who knows how to spell it) and they have a good TE in Pedersen as well. I watched the OSU game and they sold out to stop the run and that WR ate Roby's lunch. It's going to take a monumental effort to stop that offense. The defense is also pretty good (better than in previous years) and gave the BYU offense fits. If we win this game it will be a VERY great win.

I'm not optimistic that we'll win but unlike in years past I feel there is a chance, however remote. Go Gophers.

8 in the box. i like murray on abbrederis much more than gordon and white seeing 7 man fronts out of their heavy sets.

8 in the box. i like murray on abbrederis much more than gordon and white seeing 7 man fronts out of their heavy sets.

Oh I definitely agree, just didn't want people to get the impression that outside of the RBs Wisconsin's offense is nothing. That WR is scary.

We are going to need a few turnovers and not give the ball away ourselves.

Me thinks we will need a few fortunate bounces.

Playing DL all game in the heat is hard, I've been there done that and it's really tough. But, it's kinda like my old German Shorthair hunting dog once the weather gets below 50 degrees she could hunt all day long. Our DL should be the same way; we need to stick with our Big Dogs and they are going to have to hunt this game.

I understand the points being made about heat vs. cold, but lifting weights is tiring no matter what the temp, isn't it? I like rotating DL because the energy expended in the trenches will be significant and the fresher our DL is in the 4th quarter, the better our chances for pulling it out. I'm expecting our coaches to play for a close game and a chance to win in the end, so I'm sure I'll be pacing, fretting, and leaning on every play. Does anyone else do that? When our guy has the ball, I lean towards our goal line as if it helps? Kinda like leaning when I hit a golf ball trying to help it stay out of the lake. lol

I think the D ends have to play big. Iowa ran right at the D ends and stayed away from the middle on their big runs. Hopefully coaching staff can figure something out before this game because that's what I was concerned walking away from that Iowa game. That we were still just too small to stand up to a big time O line. Maybe Im crazy but I see Iowa and Wisconsin as similar teams when it comes to the offence side of the ball. Which scares me. That being said this squad has proven me wrong against, Neb, NW, ect... Either way enjoying this run and cant wait for the Skunks to come to town. The build up and pregame for this game will be the biggest in years!!! This is what college FB is all about glad its back around town!!!

Go Gophers!!!!

I think a victory all comes down to gap control. Our d-line and linebackers need to be disciplined in their gaps and I worry our DEs are undersized a bit. If you watched them play Iowa, the hawkeyes had success when their defense was able to stay in their gaps.

We are weak up front on defense. There's no two ways about it.

We'll need to win turnovers, special teams, penalties, and time of possession.

We'll also need some luck.

Red Zone D will be critical. Becky will get their yards and likely plenty of them. Assuming we can hold them to three FG's and two TD's, I think we have a chance to win. That, of course, is assuming that the other parts of our game step it up, show continued improvement and hope we can keep Becky from making the big plays. Said that, I can't expect any more from our punt game than we saw against PSU.

No question, we will have to play our best for 4 quarters.

I like the fact that Wisconsin plays Indiana this week. Couldn't be another team more different than the Gophers. No defense, all offense. I actually think that game will be much closer than the line and wouldn't be surprised if Indiana pulls it out. If Wisconsin just steam rolls them like they are supposed to, that wouldn't be quite so good for us. I'm real interested to see how that games goes though.

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