All of the past University President's! Ladies and Gentlemen, it all starts at the top. Let's not let the new President, Dr. Kaler off the hook. Let's place all of the progress of the football team on his shoulders. And let's give him the credit when/if they succeed! We can not rely on a new AD or Jerry Kill. we have had some good coaches and one or two good AD's. The administration has failed the football program. Let's hold them accountable.
The prexy ALWAYS gets EXACTLY what the prexy REALLY wants. prexy fawcette, together with Woody Hayes at Ohio State decided that they NEVER would let the alumni and the faculty at the Ohio State University vote to turn down an invitation to the Rosebowl again. (That happened in 1960 for the 1961 Rosebowl game. Ohio State won the Big Ten Title. Minnesota finished 2nd. There was a close vote at Ohio State considering whether the Buckeyes should accept the invitation or not. In an effort to "de-emphasize" the reputation that Ohio State was building as a football factory/football dominated University, Ohio State rejected the invitation and it was issued to Minnesota. Minnesota accepted, but, in many ways, some at the the University of Minnsota felt that it was, indeed time to de-emphasize football at Minnesota. Minnesota went on to face...and defeat UCLA in the Rosebowl Game.
Meanwhile, back at the Ohio State University, prexy Fawcette and Woody Hayes brought the situation back under control and vowed to pursue excellence in ALL things, not the least of which would be football. They did just that!
At the same time, Michigan decided that a decade in the football dumps...being left in the wake of it's younger cousin...Michigan State's entrance and immediate success in the Big Ten Conference was just too heavy a load to carry and hired one of the Woody Hayes coaching tree Bo Schembeckler. And...the BIG TWO...little eight concept was born. With committments from their respective university prexy's, Bo and Woody brought EXCELLENCE to Michigan and the Ohio State University on the football field, while their schools continued to thrive academically...especially Michigan. From the latter half of the 60's was the Ohio State and Michigan...Michigan and the Ohio State and the little eight in Big Ten Country...The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan forged one of the truely GREAT football rivalrys in all of college football. All across the land most folks knew who had won...or lost...THE GAME.
What a prexy wants...a prexy gets...and...IF a prexy is NOT committed to excellence in EVERY area the University competes in, there will be MANY areas that are NOT too excellent. Unfortuntley, Minnesota had a long string of prexy's who were NOT committed to excellence in ALL areas that the Univrsity competes in...By the early 1990's even the campus at the U of M was looking neglected.
Prexy Y then came to the U of M and promptly decided to save the campus...restore the luster to the campus...and fix the place up. He raised several billion dollars, rehabbed a number of buildings...built some more and I believe did a very good job at the University of Minnesota. He was subjected to the aftermath of the haskin's scandal. He basically saved Men's Hoops with his actions. I have a great deal of respect for Prexy Y. Because he had put some of the "shine" back on the physical appearance of the U of M campus, it was possible to tackle some other problem areas, including bringing football back to the campus. Without the 2 billion that he raised to rehab the physical aspects of the U of M and to add to endowments, there is NO WAY that a campaign to raise money for the stadium could have happened. Prexy Y was a Prexy who had a vision...wanted something...and, what he wanted...he GOT.
That's the way it ALWAYS goes, you know: "What a prexy REALLY wants...a prexy always gets..." The problem is that some prexy's just don't have the "vision thing" going on. Too many of them don't really know what they really want...they just kind of put their time in. They figured that out at the Ohio State and Michigan a long time ago. There have been bumps in the road for both recently. I wonder what the prexy in Columbus and the prexy in Ann Arbor REALLY want now? I wonder what the prexy in Minneapolis REALLY wants right now, too. I wonder about that VERY much. I hope it is more than just creating a pay-back mechanism for a failed athletic director left over from the previous administration. That old prexy...that prexy b may have wanted a football stadium back on campus...but...he certainly didn't want EXCELLENCE in all things...including FOOTBALL the way they wanted it at Michigan and the Ohio State back in the latter half of the 1960's...What prexy b wanted was to get a new any cost...even extending...then buying out a coach so the stadium process would proceed. The problem was...he settled for brewball to show the world when that beautiful new stadium was opened to the public. prexy b didn't REALLY want excellence...he will ALWAYS be remembered for the brewball that he opened the beautiful new stadium with. I hope prexy k REALLY does want EXCELLENCE in all things...including football...time will tell...only time and the Big Ten Record will tell us exactly what prexy k wants...
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