Where is Malcom Moos in this poll? Ken Keller? How about Harvey Mckay. Yes, Harvey was instrumental not only in sacking Cal Stoll for Coach Salem, he tried to cover his tracks by recruiting Lou Holtz. And then of Course Maturi. Those would be my top 4. And my father-in laws old saying is appropriate, if you wonder why something is the way it is, its because its just the way somebody wants it.
If you really look at the havoc wreaked on the University's athletic program it is astounding. Then you look at the cast of characters and say "Huh, not so astounding". Each in his/her own right deserves some blame in my opinion. My list and why:
Malcolm Moos- University of Chicago wannabe. Starve the Beast mentality. Should have kept working against the military industrial complex with Ike rather than the military-athletic complex in Dinkytown. Moos would have liked to see us go to the U of Chicago model athletically. Academically, he introduced a ton of fringe CLA departments (before you sling arrows- I am a CLA alum myself so I have a certain affinity for the school) that brought expense, small enrollments in said departments and internal political dissent. Unfortunately he was born in St. Paul and was an alum so I can't blame an out of state conspiracy. He was athletic public enemy #1.
Nils Hasselmo- Amiable Swede who spent his teaching career in one of fringe CLA departments before an admin stint at Arizona led him back to the "U". Hasselmo deserves our ire for his hiring of Chris Voelz and subsequent promise to her that she would one day lead a combined department. His promise likely emboldened her and allowed her to get a close cabal of women's athletic donors to support her with a maniacal devotion. He is closely behind Moos as enemy of athletics. On his watch Memorial Stadium met the wrecking ball.
Chris Voelz- Darth Vader. The "Ms" logo. Enough said. Possibly the single most devisive person to ever set foot on the University campus. A champion of women's sports and women's issues- she appeared to be equally hated by women and men in Bierman. Established a small kingdom with a loyal cabal of donors and minions working for her. Fought tooth and nail for her own interests and agenda over those of the University in my opinion.
Lou Holtz- Lyin' Lou. Left us high and dry and himself one step ahead of the NCAA posse. Cemented our school as a stepping stone job in the eyes of the national coaching fraternity and the casual Minnesota football fan. Ripped the heart out of the Gopher fan base and left the casual football fan unable to trust the University. Laid the groundwork for Pat Reusse and Dan Barriero to riducule the program as a hapless joke. May not have intentionally sabotaged the program, but doesn't fit anywhere else IMO.
Bumbling Incompetents/Do Nothings:
C. Pete Macgrath- About the best thing you can say about his leadership is that it was undistinguished (and he spared the alumni the disgrace of having a President who went by Claude). The physical University fell into disrepair and became a commuter campus under his watch. Allowed outside interests ala Mackay to call the shots for the athletic department and had a devoted but weak leader there in Paul Giel.
Ken Keller- Short tenure, main accomplishment was getting a nice desk for Eastcliffe. Keller's main quality was that he didn't suck as bad as Malcolm Moos. Oversaw further deterioration of the physical University and the completion of the commuter campus of the 1980's.
Paul Giel- A great legend and player. Over his head as an AD, he was not a business guy but wanted to be so he found a group of successful folks in that community and pretty much let them influence his decisions. Oversaw the move to the dome and the firing of Cal Stoll as mentioned in another post. To his defense, he was AD during a transitional period of athletics where growth made having a businessman a better fit than a former jock. Could have been a great leader in the 50's and 60's.
Joel Maturi- Discussed ad nauseum here so I will simply say. Good man, over his head. Reminds me of a sales manager who spends so much time nurturing his non-performers that his performers go soft. A feel-good department killer.
Jim Wacker- Geezo beezo. A wonderful human being and decent football coach. No clue how to run a D1 program. Established an identity of defensive futility that continued through last year (excepting the Karon Riley era).
Tim Brewster- Like Maturi too much has been said already. I think Brew worked hard and meant well. A classic case of a guy who just didn't get it though. Will leave it at that.
Kinda Did Alright but Nothing Special to Help Group:
Mark Yudof- Yudof seemed to be interested in improving athletics, but in the end was mostly interested in improving his own career. He did his best to steer the department through the Clem debacle and was at the start of the behind the scenes push for TCF Bank Stadium. He did work to improve the U physical facilities and started the push towards getting our student body back on campus. In the end, Yudof set a lot of the right things in motion, but wasn't around long enough to see them through to fruition.
Rick Bay- Ohio State guy who took the job thinking one thing then got a reality dose. Couldn't get to the door quick enough. Like Glen Mason later- seemed to spend a lot of time telling people what was right at Ohio State and what was wrong here- which is fine unless all you do is talk, not try to improve things. Couldn't leave quick enough.
Special Mention Mostly Positive:
Prexy Bruininks- A master of saying the right things while not doing much to accomplish them. Still, he gets credit for TCF Bank Stadium. While some want to say that Glen Mason (see Wrendahl, Wayne) got the thing done singlehandedly by playing golf with Bill Cooper, it was a full court press from the President's office that got it done. People at the legislature and the business community will tell you this if you ask. It was a team effort, but without Prexy B, we'd be sitting in the 'Dome to this day. Sadly for his legacy, he was saddled with Maturi and really didn't have any plan for athletics beyond building the stadium. In the end, it was huge, but not a singular solution to the department's problems.
That said, we have had some folks who've done right or not further screwed up our football program (or at least tried to): Tom Moe, Glen Mason, John Gutekunst to name a few. Still, when confronted with the list above, its easy to see why we are where we're at. Not all the culprits were intentional sabateurs, but even the bumblers deserve our disdain. Individually, they could have been overcome, but as a group and a largely consecutive, concurrent one at that, they've been a disaster.