Who plays LSU? Bama or OSU?

In the NFL you can not win your division and win the Super Bowl. Or does that not matter because there is a playoff.

This is not the NFL. In any case, the NFL plays a much more balanced schedule than college football does.

...and the Big 12 was good this year? Bama lost at home by 3 to the nations #1 team. OSU lost on the road to a 6-6 team.

Yes, it was. The same media pundits that had a bunch of SEC teams in the preseason poll and picked Georgia to beat Boise were wrong and are still wrong. I do think ESPN has had a lot to do with swaying public and voters' opinions by saying that no matter what happened yesterday LSU/Bama would still play, having Nick Saban on air to pump his team, etc etc.

The Big 12 was actually very strong this year. Texas was a little down, but you had very good teams in OkSt, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Kansas State, pretty solid teams in Texas, Missouri, and aTm, and an Iowa State team that beat Iowa, hung with K-State down to the wire and played tough against Oklahoma.

Yes, Bama's loss was a better loss than OkSt. I don't think it's possible to say for sure that Alabama's best win was better than OkSt's, but the Cowboys beat a lot MORE good teams.

And, at the end of the day, it's not about a rematch being boring (as a LOT of people have said), it's about what makes sense. I don't KNOW that Alabama is better or worse than Oklahoma State any more than anyone on the planet since they haven't played each other or even the same teams as each other. I DO know that Bama lost at home to LSU already, solidifying in my mind that LSU is the better team. Why should LSU have to prove it again to be crowned national champions? What if the SEC really isn't as strong as everyone thinks (a la Big Ten 2006) and Oklahoma State blows them out? Remember, the "defense-less" Ducks last year played Auburn down to the wire, held them to fewer points than their average, and scored more that Auburn allowed on average. As Rosemountian said.. if LSU plays Bama and wins, we confirm what we already knew that they are the best team in the SEC and maybe, probably better than Boise, OkSt, Stanford. If LSU plays Bama and loses, we know that Bama and LSU are equally matched teams with a 1-1 record against each other (which then crowning Bama champs doesn't make sense) but we STILL don't know how good either are compared to Boise, OkSt, Stanford. Bama has already proven they're a VERY good team, but not better than LSU. Give OkSt what they deserve.

In the NFL you can not win your division and win the Super Bowl. Or does that not matter because there is a playoff.

...that's also why this system, for all its faults, is better than the NFL's. In the NFL you can be just a little better than average (say, the 65th percentile) and win the super bowl. This may not be 100% foolproof, but at least you know the champion is going to be in the top 10% or so of teams over the course of the year, at worst (this year, regardless of who it is, it will be one of the top 5 teams).

Being I'm a Bama fan i'm partial to say them since we lost to LSU and OSU lost to Iowa State. Going into yesterday they said it was nearly impossible that OSU would get in and after coach Gundy went on a campaign after the game it seems many people bought into it. Who do you guys think gets in? I saw the Bowl Projections say LSU vs OSU
It drives me absolutely batty when fans of sports teams say "we" when talking about their favorite team. This one takes the cake. A guy in North Dakota referring to Alabama as "we".

Yes, it was. The same media pundits that had a bunch of SEC teams in the preseason poll and picked Georgia to beat Boise were wrong and are still wrong. I do think ESPN has had a lot to do with swaying public and voters' opinions by saying that no matter what happened yesterday LSU/Bama would still play, having Nick Saban on air to pump his team, etc etc.

The Big 12 was actually very strong this year. Texas was a little down, but you had very good teams in OkSt, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Kansas State, pretty solid teams in Texas, Missouri, and aTm, and an Iowa State team that beat Iowa, hung with K-State down to the wire and played tough against Oklahoma.

Yes, Bama's loss was a better loss than OkSt. I don't think it's possible to say for sure that Alabama's best win was better than OkSt's, but the Cowboys beat a lot MORE good teams.

And, at the end of the day, it's not about a rematch being boring (as a LOT of people have said), it's about what makes sense. I don't KNOW that Alabama is better or worse than Oklahoma State any more than anyone on the planet since they haven't played each other or even the same teams as each other. I DO know that Bama lost at home to LSU already, solidifying in my mind that LSU is the better team. Why should LSU have to prove it again to be crowned national champions? What if the SEC really isn't as strong as everyone thinks (a la Big Ten 2006) and Oklahoma State blows them out? Remember, the "defense-less" Ducks last year played Auburn down to the wire, held them to fewer points than their average, and scored more that Auburn allowed on average. As Rosemountian said.. if LSU plays Bama and wins, we confirm what we already knew that they are the best team in the SEC and maybe, probably better than Boise, OkSt, Stanford. If LSU plays Bama and loses, we know that Bama and LSU are equally matched teams with a 1-1 record against each other (which then crowning Bama champs doesn't make sense) but we STILL don't know how good either are compared to Boise, OkSt, Stanford. Bama has already proven they're a VERY good team, but not better than LSU. Give OkSt what they deserve.

Plain and simple....a team that loses to a 6-6 Iowa State team doesn't deserve a shot at a national title IMHO. You can make arguments for other 1 loss teams (Bama, Stanford, Boise) but this is why OSU likely won't and should not play in the National Championship game.

Plain and simple....a team that loses to a 6-6 Iowa State team doesn't deserve a shot at a national title IMHO. You can make arguments for other 1 loss teams (Bama, Stanford, Boise) but this is why OSU likely won't and should not play in the National Championship game.

I'm completely baffled by the fact that Va Tech got a BCS bowl over Boise State. I hate Boise because they're in such a terrible conference, but anyone that saw Va Tech this year knows that they're completely overrated (WAY overrated). Herbstreit is having a cow right now saying they don't deserve this and that it's all about selling hotel rooms that they got in over Boise.

I'm completely baffled by the fact that Va Tech got a BCS bowl over Boise State. I hate Boise because they're in such a terrible conference, but anyone that saw Va Tech this year knows that they're completely overrated (WAY overrated). Herbstreit is having a cow right now saying they don't deserve this and that it's all about selling hotel rooms that they got in over Boise.
As a non-AQ team, Boise had to win their conference in order to even be considered.

They said on the BCS Countdown that Boise was eligible
It may just be the National Championship Game that they aren't eligible for then. Cause I know that non-AQ teams aren't eligible for SOMETHING BCS wise if they don't win the conference.

Plain and simple....a team that loses to a 6-6 Iowa State team doesn't deserve a shot at a national title IMHO. You can make arguments for other 1 loss teams (Bama, Stanford, Boise) but this is why OSU likely won't and should not play in the National Championship game.

Really? The 2007 LSU Tigers lost TWO games (one to a 7-5 Arkansas team who went on to win their bowl game, another to an 8-5 Kentucky team) and still got to play in the national championship game.

The 2008 Gators lost to a pre-bowl game Ole Miss team with an 8-4 record.

I'm sorry but the computers agree that Oklahoma State's schedule was tougher and they had more convincing wins to back up the loss they had compared to Alabama. People are still convinced the SEC is the strongest conference without really looking at it. Remember, the mighty SEC went a whopping 5-5 in bowl games last year. People were so certain the Auburn-Oregon game would be a rout but it came down to the wire. Alabama proved already they are not as good as LSU. I can't say I'm 100% positive OkSt is better or worse than Bama as a team but we know Bama already lost to LSU. Whatever, I won't support the game by simply not watching.

And as much as I like Stanford, I hope OkSt crushes them and LSU routs Bama proving (for a second time) that they are the better team.

Btw, this doesn't prove there needs to be an 8, 12, or 16 team playoff, it just proves poll voters need to get their heads out of their @ss.

It may just be the National Championship Game that they aren't eligible for then. Cause I know that non-AQ teams aren't eligible for SOMETHING BCS wise if they don't win the conference.

I believe the top 8 teams in the BCS are eligible for a BCS bowl regardless of anything else and Boise finished at 7. I'm not positive on that though

"Anyone who doesn't win their conference has no business playing in the national championship game"- Nick Saban, 2003.


I'm surprised no one has brought up the year 2006 when Ohio State and Michigan played as #1 and #2, and Ohio State emerged with a narrow 3 point victory at home. Wasn't it then decided that the two wouldn't play in the BCS title game because they were in the same conference and people wouldn't want a rematch?

I find it odd that some people seem to think Alabama is the easy choice to play LSU in the title game, considering they have already played each other, and they are in the same conference. Have two teams from the same conference ever even played in a bowl game or national title game before? Then of course there was the argument of Bama winning the national title without winning their division or their conference. How can they be the best team in the country when they aren't the best team in their conference or division?

Oklahoma State seems like a more logical choice from my point of view.

I can't watch the SEC redux. I couldn't be less interested in a national title game, which really sucks.

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