Who is doing Gopher FB play-by-play on KFAN?


Metrodome Era Survivor
Sep 11, 2010
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I hope to God it is not Paul Allen. The man drives me insane with his unfocused ramblings.

Case in point, today he was talking about MLB interleague play and how the winner of the All-Star Game determines home filed in the World Series. He went on to talk about how Commissioner Selig needs to change who gets "Home Ice in the World Series." :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I am not asking that PA be Mike Gelfand in his cliches, but let's be reasonable about this mix-and-match style of rambling patter. A season of Gopher with PA blathering on like this would force me to turn up the sound while watching games on TV.

Just saying. ;)

By all accounts, Dave Lee has a nice little show. I've never listened to a second of it, but I've read that in multiple locations. And yet, he is the worst play-by-play announcer at any level in the history of organized sports.

The quality of one's show has little-to-nothing to do with the quality of their play-by-play abilities.

In this case, the causation is correct as PA sucks at both jobs.

However KFAN has announced it will be Mike Grimm and Darryl Thompson on the mikes for the Gophers this season.

By all accounts, Dave Lee has a nice little show. I've never listened to a second of it, but I've read that in multiple locations. And yet, he is the worst play-by-play announcer at any level in the history of organized sports.

The quality of one's show has little-to-nothing to do with the quality of their play-by-play abilities.

No, but I have a memory and that is the problem. Hearing crap like makes me wonder about what he will do. I doubt I can listen to Vikings radio broadcasts anymore after this "Home Ice in the World Series" comment. I will forever remember him as a guy who plays too fast and loose with the language to be a reliable descriptor of sporting events.

As I've always said, Dave Lee is very good at letting the citizens know that Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop public is going to start 2 hours late and that there will be no morning kindergarten...but during a football game, he makes you want to call Washburn-McReavy to inform them that you're about to jam a fork into your brain...

If I was a wagering man, I'd put my money that they just keep it in house and roll with Mike Grimm....which I don't have a problem with. I'm not a pro when it comes to listening & knowing a basketball call, but he seemed pretty descriptive to me, has a decent voice, and seems to get excited at the right times.

EDIT: gopherguy05 has brought the info.

I'd rank Dick Bremer a tad above Dave Lee

Every Twin come from behind victory is like the 7th game of the World Series. When the Twins beat probably the worst team in baseball ( San Diego) the other day on Butera's single his reaction was like it was Bobby Thompson's HR against the Dodger's. One of my daughter's thinks he looks like the "creeper" I bet Jim Dutcher use to bite his tongue when he was doing color with Bremer when he did Gopher BB.

Jack Buck on Puck's homer: " And we'll see you tomorrow night"

Dick Bremer is the worst in the bunch of "homers" who do the Twins broadcasts, both radio and television. Only Blyleven (and maybe Jack Morris) can attest to having any idea of the notion of perspective.

Every Twin come from behind victory is like the 7th game of the World Series. When the Twins beat probably the worst team in baseball ( San Diego) the other day on Butera's single his reaction was like it was Bobby Thompson's HR against the Dodger's. One of my daughter's thinks he looks like the "creeper" I bet Jim Dutcher use to bite his tongue when he was doing color with Bremer when he did Gopher BB.

Jack Buck on Puck's homer: " And we'll see you tomorrow night"
Buck calling the World Series isn't quite the same as Bremer calling the Twins game. That whole "no cheering in the pressbox" cliche goes out the window for broadcasters of a specific team. Pro and college sports are filled with cheerleaders in the press box.

I could stand Harry Carey saying ....

Buck calling the World Series isn't quite the same as Bremer calling the Twins game. That whole "no cheering in the pressbox" cliche goes out the window for broadcasters of a specific team. Pro and college sports are filled with cheerleaders in the press box.

Cubs win, Cubs win !!! Bremer is a whole different story. The guy is "toss chow" sickening.

for evidence of this...

Buck calling the World Series isn't quite the same as Bremer calling the Twins game. That whole "no cheering in the pressbox" cliche goes out the window for broadcasters of a specific team. Pro and college sports are filled with cheerleaders in the press box.

listen to any Fadger announcer. Luckily, now I only have to listen to Sackissore (Saggasoar or whatever it is) on the combined Gopher-Fadger hockey series. I used to have to listen to Fadger football broadcasts growing up because Duluth didn't have a Gopher affiliate in it, just to get scores. Those guys were horrible homers, even when the Fadgers were getting crushed as the did all the time back then, contrary to what the trolls who come over here claim.

I doubt I can listen to Vikings radio broadcasts anymore after this "Home Ice in the World Series" comment.

Holy Jesus Martha, you guys are unrealistic.

Ever heard of a mistake? He obviously knows baseball is not played on ice. People mean to say one word and a different one comes out all the time. Parents will often call their kids by the wrong name - are you suggesting they don't know who their kids are?

This happens to all announcers/radio people at least once or twice in a show/game. Even the best ones. Listen closely and you'll hear it.

Not listening to a guy because you don't like his style is one thing, or in the case of Dave Lee the quantity of mistakes added up, but an innocent mistake every now and again is perfectly acceptable, and quite frankly, human.

I really enjoy PA's show and his broadcasts of Vikings games. I love the homerism in his stuff.. His excitement gets me jazzed up even more.

Mistakes? I'm over them unless they are abundant (i.e. Dave Lee).

I really enjoy PA's show and his broadcasts of Vikings games. I love the homerism in his stuff.. His excitement gets me jazzed up even more.

Mistakes? I'm over them unless they are abundant (i.e. Dave Lee).

I do too, and I'm a Bears fan. Brad Johnson used to drive him crazy "And this ball is terrible."

I like Paul Allen's calls. I've never thought of him being a homer. He'll call the home team's plays bad if they're bad.

Frankly, I really don't get the hate I see on almost every related message board for just about every announcer in town. I really can't think of one I don't like. People pick up on the smallest things. If you talk for a living, you're bound to make something slip. As for getting emotional, I like it when the situation calls for it. I feel like some people would simply prefer a robot, or a text feed or something - you know they have text feeds for most sporting events these days.

In this case, the causation is correct as PA sucks at both jobs.

However KFAN has announced it will be Mike Grimm and Darryl Thompson on the mikes for the Gophers this season.


PA is so bad that his calls end up on SportsCenter weekly for top calls of the week during the NFL season. If the NFL was locked out this year the Gophers could only be so lucky to have him call there games.

I agree with the above poster who said that people on here have unreal expectations when it comes to announcers. It has to be a homer who is not too big of a homer but can't get too excited, and he has to be critical, but can't be critical of any certain player because they are only kids, etc

1. I am not a Mike Grimm fan. Admittedly, I've never heard the guy do FB, but I listen to a lot of Gopher Basketball games on the radio, and Grimm spends (NOT exaggerating) at least 50% of the broadcast complaining about the officiating. Every call that goes against the Gophs is a bad call. And what's worse is that, while he's complaining about the last call, he misses game action and you (the listener) lose track of game situations. If he does that during a FB game, there may be people wanting Dave Lee back by mid-season.

2. I don't think its "unreal expectations" for an announcer to call a game in a professional fashion.
Describe the action clearly - keep listeners aware of the basics (down, distance, clock, game situation) - update relevant stats. You don't have to scream at the top of your lungs to show excitement with your voice. But, above all, be honest. Give players from both teams credit for good plays, and point out obvious mistakes. Bottom line - with a good play-by-play announcer, you should be able to close your eyes and visualize the game based on what you're hearing.

3. FWIW, I think Paul Allen is a screaming doofus. I can't stand to listen to Vikes on the radio.

PA is so bad that his calls end up on SportsCenter weekly for top calls of the week during the NFL season. If the NFL was locked out this year the Gophers could only be so lucky to have him call there games.

I agree with the above poster who said that people on here have unreal expectations when it comes to announcers. It has to be a homer who is not too big of a homer but can't get too excited, and he has to be critical, but can't be critical of any certain player because they are only kids, etc

Exactly. NFL network uses his stuff too. I love how when he rips into the Vikes, he rips into them. "This is not Detroit,man.. This is the Super Bowl!!!" Or how he voices what every Viking fan is saying/feeling, "McCown takes the snap, he steps up.. He's all by himself.. Fires into the end zone.. CAUGHT!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As a Vikes fan, yeah that hurt. But going back and listening to that call reminds me how much he gives to the organization and how I respect the hell out of him for it.

Dick Bremer is one of the best in the business (unlike Dan Gladden), and so is Paul Allen. If the Gophers have P.A. doing play-by-play for gopher football games, that would be a WONDERFUL decision.

Where is this going? It's Grimm and Thompson, announced and confirmed weeks ago. They both work for Learfield, not KFAN, and Learfield gets to choose. They all ready did. Weeks ago. KFAN has no input. None. It's Mike Grimm and Darrell Thompson. Confirmed. Read and repeat if necessary.

Dick Bremer is the worst in the bunch of "homers" who do the Twins broadcasts, both radio and television. Only Blyleven (and maybe Jack Morris) can attest to having any idea of the notion of perspective.

You ain't heard homers till you've heard the chisox broadcasts. Besides, I much prefer to listen to Bremer/Blyleven than the turkeys doing the Twins radio. Gladden is decent when giving opinions, but when calling action he leaves out important details until after the play is over and he goes back and says, oh yeah, the run scored.

Darrel Thompson will be fine, but Grimm?? gimme a break, cant we find an up and coming gopher fan that is legit and awesome on the air??

Where is this going? It's Grimm and Thompson, announced and confirmed weeks ago. They both work for Learfield, not KFAN, and Learfield gets to choose. They all ready did. Weeks ago. KFAN has no input. None. It's Mike Grimm and Darrell Thompson. Confirmed. Read and repeat if necessary.

The reason why we are all up in arms about this is that Learfield, KFAN, KSTP, or any other party actually involved with the negotiations have NOT confirmed who the next Gopher football radio voice is going to be.

The reason why we are all up in arms about this is that Learfield, KFAN, KSTP, or any other party actually involved with the negotiations have NOT confirmed who the next Gopher football radio voice is going to be.

Actually, Mike Grimm and Darrell Thompson both have said that they are, and there is no reason to believe otherwise. They spoke repeatedly about it at the GLC golf tourney and banquet. Grimm also said that the broadcasts will be live on the internet as well. I guess the "official" announcement, press conference, and coronation has not occurred. I have not listened to the 'FAN for maybe 10 years, so I figured they maybe talked about it once.

I like Paul Allen's calls. I've never thought of him being a homer. He'll call the home team's plays bad if they're bad.

Frankly, I really don't get the hate I see on almost every related message board for just about every announcer in town. I really can't think of one I don't like. People pick up on the smallest things. If you talk for a living, you're bound to make something slip. As for getting emotional, I like it when the situation calls for it. I feel like some people would simply prefer a robot, or a text feed or something - you know they have text feeds for most sporting events these days.

I completely agree. PA has a style that is fair and he gets annimated. That is what an announcer shoudl do...bring the game to you.

I don't understand the double standard that has been set for Twin Cities media...the Newspaper reporters are too negative and the Radio Announcers are too positive...perhaps it is the Twin Cities sports fans that are just too hard to please....

It sounds like Justin Gaard is going to have some kind of roll too. Either on the broadcast or with a weekly College Football show. During his segment with PA today, PA said, "has that college football bit been made public yet?" To which Gaard responded, "not yet" and then subtly suggested that they should move on to the next topic. Hmmmmmmm.

I completely agree. PA has a style that is fair and he gets annimated. That is what an announcer shoudl do...bring the game to you.

I don't understand the double standard that has been set for Twin Cities media...the Newspaper reporters are too negative and the Radio Announcers are too positive...perhaps it is the Twin Cities sports fans that are just too hard to please....

Absolutely nothing wrong with homers on local sports broadcasts. 90% of the listeners are fans of the team, so why not? I think that generally Minnesotans have evolved over time from self-depricating to somewhat self-loathing. There is nothing wrong with being a vocal supporter, or even confident about your team.

National broadcasts are a different bird. On local broadcasts, let 'er rip.

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