Which Team do you hate more Iowa or Wisconsin?

Who do you hate more as a gopher fan?

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The Iowa-Minnesota rivalry is mostly Floyd and 1.5 basketball games a year. Wrestling, too.

As others have said the Wisconsin-Minnesota sports rivalry is the Axe game, basketball, men's and women's hockey, baseball, and pro sports

I consider Ioaw a pathetic also ran of a state that has very few similarities with us aside from a shared border whereas Wisconsin is one of those states that wants so badly to be Minnesota in everything it does but is and always will be nothing but Wisconsin. I hate Wisconsin.
I don't know many people that live in either state that wished they were Minnesotans.

But in terms of fanbases Wisconsin's is worse. When I have been to Iowa City their fans were much more hospitable.

They are worse for hockey (compared to Wisconsin hockey fans) but I think they are pretty similar if you compare to Wisconsin or Iowa football fans.
Similar, just slightly worse/more vulgar IMO.

I do agree badger hockey fans are not nearly as bad as their football fans.

I feel like there's a bit of a generational difference at least in terms of football. My dad and some of his fellow you graduates from the early 60s absolutely hate Iowa more on the gridiron. Wisconsin was nothing then

I feel like there's a bit of a generational difference at least in terms of football. My dad and some of his fellow you graduates from the early 60s absolutely hate Iowa more on the gridiron. Wisconsin was nothing then
I've been in Minnesota 30 years and have watched it shift from I-O-W-A to Wisky generationally, slowly but surely, at least for football.

We had the Slab of Bacon and then The Axe for the Red Horde to the East, but Floyd exists because of real and perceived potential violence between the fanbases.

Fortunately that original wound has healed but it was the genesis of that trophy.

Traveling Iowa fans are horrible so that has always tipped the scales for me. Zero respect.
This, and it's really not even close. I have a lot of friends in Wisconsin, and we will likely be retiring to our cabin property there. I love a lot of things about the state, even if I'll always be a Gopher fan.

As stated, traveling Iowa fans are the worst kind of trash. I've said for years, the only way these dumbasses even know how to spell Iowa is to look down at their shirts. I'd say 90% of these morons have never actually even seen a college campus. The hawkeyes have one of the worst fan bases in the country.

I don't know many people that live in either state that wished they were Minnesotans.

But in terms of fanbases Wisconsin's is worse. When I have been to Iowa City their fans were much more hospitable.
Hawkeye fans are intolerable here, there, and everywhere. I live in Iowa and it's ridiculous how they feel entitled to be a top 10 team in everything for absolutely no justifiable reason whatsoever.

I hate the Packers more than Iowa and Wisconsin combined.

I can’t stand Iowa. Seems like their traveling fans are the worst… interestingly enough I have had great experiences in Iowa City.

The Iowa-Minnesota rivalry is mostly Floyd and 1.5 basketball games a year. Wrestling, too.

As others have said the Wisconsin-Minnesota sports rivalry is the Axe game, basketball, men's and women's hockey, baseball, and pro sports
Get a baseball team cowards!

I hate the Packers more than Iowa and Wisconsin combined.

I can’t stand Iowa. Seems like their traveling fans are the worst… interestingly enough I have had great experiences in Iowa City.
This. Iowa is a pretty nice place, and in general the people there are nice. But the traveling Hawkeye fans are among the worst humans on earth. North Dakota hockey fans, and North Dakota State football fans are in that same rarified club.

I know few Wisky fans that are real A-Holes and it extends to Hockey season as well, so I lean that way. However, I also need to chime in for my Dad as he hands down hates Iowa. I remember being a kid south of Rochester and people for NE Iowa would come up to shop in Rochester and dozens of times with my Dad I saw people pass us on the shoulder in town and it was always an Iowa plate. I'll spare you the verbal tirade, but this extended to my grandpa as well. "Who Hates Iowa"

I feel like there's a bit of a generational difference at least in terms of football. My dad and some of his fellow you graduates from the early 60s absolutely hate Iowa more on the gridiron. Wisconsin was nothing then
Agree 100%. I had a conversation years ago with Gopher AD Tom Moe who told me that in his playing era, Iowa was the biggest rival, and that he always regarded Iowa as the bigger rival.

Hawkeye fans are intolerable here, there, and everywhere. I live in Iowa and it's ridiculous how they feel entitled to be a top 10 team in everything for absolutely no justifiable reason whatsoever.
I interacted with numerous Iowa fans at the men’s and women’s Big Ten basketball tournaments at Target Center, many accompanied by their children. All were good people, or at least acted that way. Likely a different sort than the Iowa travel football horde.

I don’t “hate” anyone (although I will gladly join in a “who hates Iowa chant, because I know how much it bugs them).

They are both good rivals, with the rivalry stoked by great meaningful trophies.

I will say that the venom I feel for both has subsided since the Gopher move back to campus. The Metrodome years were nearly intolerable as both Iowa and Wisconsin got better in those years while the Gophers hit rock bottom. The Metrodome half filled with drunken Ioweigians or Sconnies was an awful experience. The classless things I saw with my own eyes there were enough to last a lifetime of continued rivalry.

Today, I am hopeful that Wisconsin turning their backs on the Alvarez system that built them and served them for so long, will return them to their rightful place in mediocrity. And I hope the chronic offensive issues now endured by Iowa is matched with defensive woes when their current coach finally retires.

During Oktoberfest in New Ulm lots of Iowans come up. If they are wearing Cyclone gear I try to chat with them. Cyclone fans are the nicest people you will ever meet...and they HATE Hawkeye fans.

"WHO HATES IOWA?!...WE HATE IOWA!" was the chant on the stairs exiting the Bank.

During Oktoberfest in New Ulm lots of Iowans come up. If they are wearing Cyclone gear I try to chat with them. Cyclone fans are the nicest people you will ever meet...and they HATE Hawkeye fans.

"WHO HATES IOWA?!...WE HATE IOWA!" was the chant on the stairs exiting the Bank.
Definitely. Iowa State fans are a much nicer crew than Iowa fans.

Wisconsin..... They inhabit the same state as Green Bay.

One little thing that I also can't get around - regardless of how Iowa fans are thought of, The Wave to the Children's Hospital is the type of tradition everybody should have.

I've personally been more annoyed with Badger fans in my life, however, the whole Pantherhawk stuff was crazy. He is like the ChrisChan of college football.

Picturing his reaction when Cooper DeJean got caught cheating last year on that punt return will always make me chuckle.

During Oktoberfest in New Ulm lots of Iowans come up. If they are wearing Cyclone gear I try to chat with them. Cyclone fans are the nicest people you will ever meet...and they HATE Hawkeye fans.

"WHO HATES IOWA?!...WE HATE IOWA!" was the chant on the stairs exiting the Bank.

Of course Minnesota and Iowa State fans are going to get along very well. They rarely play each other in football & both hate Iowa. For Iowa State they are without a doubt public enemy #1 and for Minnesota they up there but probably overall not quite at Wisconsin level.

I won't argue about their traveling fans being awful. You take a lot of small town folk who think they're big fish in whatever small pond they crawled out of and give them a short drive and relatively affordable weekend to a big city (Minneapolis is huge to them) and watch Iowa play and you're going to get a lot of the lower gene pool of the state.

Wisconsin & Iowa have large portions of the fan base that are not alumni and have zero affiliation with the university outside of following their football team. So get a lot of what I refer to as Walmart fans in both fan bases who don't have much respect for anything, including themselves.

I feel like there's a bit of a generational difference at least in terms of football. My dad and some of his fellow you graduates from the early 60s absolutely hate Iowa more on the gridiron. Wisconsin was nothing then
Yup. Growing up in small-town Minnesota way back when, all I heard were Iowa jokes...even on the radio. Any encounter with someone south of the border was a volley of insults and one-liners.
Then as a young adult in the early 90s I worked in St. Paul and was exposed to a litany of daily border-crossers from the east that had a lot of bad things to say about Minnesota except for the source of their income. My inherited hate for Iowa was but a memory and I instead had to face a wave of "die-hard" Badgers fans who recently came out of the woodwork...they really liked what this new guy, Alvarez, was doing. One of the nice ones told me that just a few years prior the only reason fans stuck around at Camp Randall was to watch the U of W marching band perform after the game. Even he had to joke how quickly they forgot that.

Of course Minnesota and Iowa State fans are going to get along very well. They rarely play each other in football & both hate Iowa. For Iowa State they are without a doubt public enemy #1 and for Minnesota they up there but probably overall not quite at Wisconsin level.

I won't argue about their traveling fans being awful. You take a lot of small town folk who think they're big fish in whatever small pond they crawled out of and give them a short drive and relatively affordable weekend to a big city (Minneapolis is huge to them) and watch Iowa play and you're going to get a lot of the lower gene pool of the state.

Wisconsin & Iowa have large portions of the fan base that are not alumni and have zero affiliation with the university outside of following their football team. So get a lot of what I refer to as Walmart fans in both fan bases who don't have much respect for anything, including themselves.
Ah, I see you're one of those guys who thinks someone is a lesser fan if they are not an alum.

Academic elitism is not cool FYI.

This changes almost as much as the weather!

This week it is all Iowa!

Depends on the year, or even the season. But usually Wisconsin, in part because of envy. They’re a lot like us on paper, but always seem to do better in recent years. Lots of love from the national media too.

Doesn’t help that most of them are Packers fans too.

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