Which Team do you hate more Iowa or Wisconsin?

Who do you hate more as a gopher fan?

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Apr 4, 2023
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Was talking CFB with my family and I was wondering which team the fanbase hates more?


I consider Ioaw a pathetic also ran of a state that has very few similarities with us aside from a shared border whereas Wisconsin is one of those states that wants so badly to be Minnesota in everything it does but is and always will be nothing but Wisconsin. I hate Wisconsin.

Also I know this isn’t the question being asked and not everyone here is a hockey fan, but North Dakota hockey fans are worse than either of these two.
They are worse for hockey (compared to Wisconsin hockey fans) but I think they are pretty similar if you compare to Wisconsin or Iowa football fans.

Refusing to vote in this as I have equal hate for both. Want to beat Iowa and Wisconsin as badly as possible, both elite rivalries.

We have more of a historical sports rivalry with Wisconsin, the only thing Iowa have that's better than us the their college football team.

Wisconsin, probably because it also extends into both basketball and hockey, there's also crossover hate with the Packers.
This! Plus I worked with many more Wisconsin transplants than those from Iowa. Also, I seem to have more neighbors and friends that are from Wisconsin. So I have to hear about the Badgers and Packers all the time.

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