Which section at the Bank has the most energy?

It's only my second year in the last 3 in the 212 section. Were they by chance dancing with the "we hate Iowa" shirt and leading the cheer last week?

Thanks Bleed and Maverick. People with seats immediately in front of us move away if they can. On top of it I'm usually having to hold Mrs. Billd back!

Oddstack, that wasn't us. We're the ones in the middle of Row 24 constantly yelling "Go Gophers" when whoever's the other team is on defense. Both ButchNashGuy and Darren the Greek are in the vicinity too.

I've posted elsewhere that The 12th Man can make the difference. For 212, we've got some standers in the lower rows that are energetic and get things rolling, while the Billd's get the rest of us revved up.

Very confident 212 will be there in spades!

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust to Beat the Hawks!

P.S. Briefly met Bleed and Bleed Jr. on a corner on the way to a game last year. In my mind BleedGopher ranks with DL65 with what he does for this site and his relentless search for all things media and Gophers. Thanks again Bleed!


I was in row 16 two years ago, moved to 209, and added two more seats and got back to 212 this year. I'm one of the standers in the lower half. 209 was alright, but 212 is better!

I wish I could go to a game this year. I just gave up my Saturdays to volunteer teaching math and lit to middle school kids. My heart is with you all.

My section (219) is not doing good enough in my book. Not by a longshot. Look at these arm-folders and hand-sitters in the background. I may as well be in Ann Arbor.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>My best pic from the Minny-SJSU game - I present, the ham-fisted approach to Gopher fandom. <a href="http://t.co/cTOqVL7RYW">pic.twitter.com/cTOqVL7RYW</a></p>— Jon Tortomasi (@JTorto40) <a href="https://twitter.com/JTorto40/statuses/381961005938401280">September 23, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Though, I will say my cohorts immediately behind me get it pumped up on occasion.

I'm in 213 and 212 looks like a fun section. Always standing up and yelling on key downs.

I'm thinking the section right under the jumbotron scoreboard has the most energy... :cheer:

212 is alright but we have work to do! I agree that BilldGopher and Mrs BilldGopher are 2 of the best fans around. Bleed is in my same row and ButchNash is a couple rows behind me so you know the brainpower in our section is off the charts. :)

DarrenTheGreek is right, we have lots of work to do in 212. Relative to what I see around me however, I really like my seats and the people around where I sit. More likely to get up at important times in the game. BillD and Mrs BillD never let up, great fans. Darren you get standing cred and getting people going. Once you and the crew around you get up the rest of us pop up pretty quick. Looking forward to Saturday! Rescue Floyd!

We are in Section 212, rows 5 & 6... (12 seats total). We like our section although there are always a couple of debbie downers around. We always stand and yell on 3rd and 4th, and we were the ones wearing the "Why wait... Hate Iowa Today" shirts, and leading the Who Hates Iowa chants. This week should be interesting to say the least.

I'm in 212 and got yelled at to sit down by a guy 2 rows behind me. Yelled back at him and he quickly shut up. It's a decent section overall. I think I probably recognize Mr.Billdgopher and his wife. If so, they are awesome.

We're in 111 and we have a hard time getting a lot of people up. The four of us get it going and some folks behind us get into our first down bit, but even on fourth down there's a lot of butts sitting on hands. And they are always the first to leave or make some comment when we get beat or the other team converts.

Section 111 FIAL. Although, 109 and 113/112 seem to get into it pretty good, my section seems to be the followers once those sections get going.

We are in Section 212, rows 5 & 6... (12 seats total). We like our section although there are always a couple of debbie downers around. We always stand and yell on 3rd and 4th, and we were the ones wearing the "Why wait... Hate Iowa Today" shirts, and leading the Who Hates Iowa chants. This week should be interesting to say the least.

I enjoyed that last week!!!! I'm 8 rows behind you (about half way between you guys and the 20smthg row groups. I'll try to be a bridge between the two...unification!!!

I'm biased but we have a great time in 117. The first few rows often stand for most of the game. The first couple years there was grumbling but that seems to have died down for the most part. We're right next to the students, which I feel gives us some more leeway. Lots of noise coming from our area.

I have to agree the first few rows are usually quite active, and the middle parts of the section (rows 12-15) have a good deal of energy throughout the game as well. I love 117 not only because of the fans there, but also Goldy could technically be part of our section as well so I think we get a little bump there!

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