Which MN Media Member Will Mention Tubby to Maryland first?

Which MN Media Member Will Mention Tubby to Maryland first?

  • Doogie

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Marcus Fuller

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Myron Medcalf

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Reusse

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Sid

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Souhan

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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my money's on Doogie, but Souhan's certainly a strong contender.

FWIW, Doogie's already tweeting about it. He wins.

Charlie Sheen inspires me... I win! It's his dream job, but as I tweeted, with no insight outside of knowing what he thinks of the job, will be very surprised if they even call Tubby... it's a top-15 job... why would they hire a soon-to-be 60-year old when Sean Miller, Jamie Dixon, or others could be in play?

I chose "Other", because of the fact that our "Media Experts" are all here on the GopherHole.

Charlie Sheen inspires me... I win! It's his dream job, but as I tweeted, with no insight outside of knowing what he thinks of the job, will be very surprised if they even call Tubby... it's a top-15 job... why would they hire a soon-to-be 60-year old when Sean Miller, Jamie Dixon, or others could be in play?

Even if they can't get someone of Jamie Dixon's calibur (Sean Miller's not leaving Ariziona for Maryland) Tubby and Gary Williams are way too similar. It would go over like a lead balloon.

One thing we don't have to worry about is losing Tubby to another job. He is not considered a good hire by any program that would be a lateral move. And it's laughable to think any of the real basketball factory programs would be interested in him if they had a vacancy. Reality is, any program that could afford to match a $2 million salary wouldn't even put Tubby on a search list.

Coolhand, I think the more relevant question is,

Which media member will be the first to pat themselves on the back if Tubby does indeed bolt for Maryland?;)

it's a top-15 job

Not even close.

Sean Miller, Jamie Dixon, or others could be in play

Maryland will have no interest in Tubby, but Sean Miller and Jamie Dixon are not leaving their current jobs (both of which are much, much better than Maryland) to replace Gary Williams.

3rd-best in the ACC... D.C./Baltimore is a great area for high school basketball... great, modern arena... list 15 better jobs.

hear you on Miller... and AZ is a better job... and while Dixon may have no interest, Pitt. is not a better job than Maryland.

Doogie...Findlay Prep, Hopkins, uh uh, uh, forget it.

3rd-best in the ACC... D.C./Baltimore is a great area for high school basketball... great, modern arena... list 15 better jobs.

Agreed. Maryland is a top 15 job and a better job than Pitt. Arizona is at least as good as Maryland though, so unless Sean Miller has some reason to want to be back on the East Coast he's not not going to bail on AZ.

list 15 better jobs

In no particular order:

Michigan St.
Ohio St.

There are also several more I would place ahead of Maryland. Top 25-30, at best.


Without any research, my instant thought is that Maryland is a better job than those three. The rest look good.

dpdoll, we both came to roughly the same conclusion, though I would put Maryland more in the 16-25 range.

I did a quick list as well, and we agreed on 13. The only 2 we differed on. ... you had Georgetown & Pitt in your top 15, in their place I had Illinois & Ohio State. I say that even knowing Williams left Ohio State to go to Maryland (his alma mater).

For what it's worth, my top 15 BCS programs with data since 2000 through the 2009-10 season using 7 different criteria (still updating my rankings so yet to add 2010-11):

1. Average RPI ranking
2. Record vs. NCAA qualifiers
3. NCAA Tournament winning percentage
4. NCAA appearances
5. Final 4 appearances
6. Runners-Up
7. National titles

the top 15 are:
1. Michigan State
2. Duke
3. Kansas
4. Florida
5. North Carolina
6. UConn
7. Arizona
8. Syracuse
10. Illinois
11. Maryland
12. Texas
13. Wisconsin
14. Kentucky
15. Oklahoma

After adding the 2010-11 season, I expect MSU to drop a couple spots, with Duke or Kansas likely taking over the #1 spot. OU will certainly drop a lot.

I was thinking Ohio St. earlier, and I totally whiffed when I typed it down. They should be borderline top 10. I would also for sure include schools like Villanova, Arkansas, Washington, etc. well before Maryland. What's so great about Maryland? They won one national title 9 years ago (the only one in their history), and have gone to one other Final Four. They are barely over .500 in ACC play all-time. They are not an historically great, or even good, program. They were a complete non-factor until Lefty Driesell was hired, and they made it out of the first weekend 7 times in Gary Williams' 22 seasons, and have failed to do so for 7 consecutive seasons. They have missed the tournament altogether 4 out of those 7 years. Nothing about their resume says Top 15, or anything approaching it.

In no particular order:

Michigan St.

There are also several more I would place ahead of Maryland. Top 25-30, at best.

Well, we can agree after all. Not sure I could come up with 30 though, if I looked long term. Maybe if you're only considering who's hot right now.

I was thinking Ohio St. earlier, and I totally whiffed when I typed it down. They should be borderline top 10. I would also for sure include schools like Villanova, Arkansas, Washington, etc. well before Maryland. What's so great about Maryland? They won one national title 9 years ago (the only one in their history), and have gone to one other Final Four. They are barely over .500 in ACC play all-time. They are not an historically great, or even good, program. They were a complete non-factor until Lefty Driesell was hired, and they made it out of the first weekend 7 times in Gary Williams' 22 seasons, and have failed to do so for 7 consecutive seasons. They have missed the tournament altogether 4 out of those 7 years. Nothing about their resume says Top 15, or anything approaching it.

I also look at high school talent in the area... facilities... & commitment from above. Maryland seemingly fares well in all.

I also look at high school talent in the area... facilities... & commitment from above. Maryland seemingly fares well in all.

+1. For example, you can't look at Maryland and Georgetown and say Georgetown is a better job unless you are purely basing it on historical results. They are in the same metro area. Maryland is a large public university with a great arena and great fan support. Georgetown is a small private university that plays most of its games off-campus and has often tepid fan support.

Georgetown may have accomplished more, but Maryland has better facilities, better fan support and more $$. And one title 9 years ago is better than one title 25 years ago, like Georgetown. The same can be said for Maryland vs. Villanova and many of the other small schools in the Big East.

As for whether jobs like Texas, Florida or OSU are better than Maryland, it really depends on the coach's ego. If you can accept being second fiddle, those jobs might be better. If you want to rule the campus, Maryland offers that.

I maintain that Maryland is a 'tier 2' school behind UCLA, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Duke, and UNC and in the same group as Arizona, Michigan State, Louisville, Syracuse and UConn, making it top 12.

Maryland and Minnesota being equal and it would be a lateral move for Tubby is just not reality. Maryland is in a basketball hotbed, Minnesota is really not. Maryland has more competion for the talent but for someone that truly believes they can compete and recruit it could be a top job. It will be interesting to see what names are mentioned. This is the top opening that has occured this year.

dpdoll, we both came to roughly the same conclusion, though I would put Maryland more in the 16-25 range.

I did a quick list as well, and we agreed on 13. The only 2 we differed on. ... you had Georgetown & Pitt in your top 15, in their place I had Illinois & Ohio State. I say that even knowing Williams left Ohio State to go to Maryland (his alma mater).

For what it's worth, my top 15 BCS programs with data since 2000 through the 2009-10 season using 7 different criteria (still updating my rankings so yet to add 2010-11):

1. Average RPI ranking
2. Record vs. NCAA qualifiers
3. NCAA Tournament winning percentage
4. NCAA appearances
5. Final 4 appearances
6. Runners-Up
7. National titles

the top 15 are:
1. Michigan State
2. Duke
3. Kansas
4. Florida
5. North Carolina
6. UConn
7. Arizona
8. Syracuse
10. Illinois
11. Maryland
12. Texas
13. Wisconsin
14. Kentucky
15. Oklahoma

After adding the 2010-11 season, I expect MSU to drop a couple spots, with Duke or Kansas likely taking over the #1 spot. OU will certainly drop a lot.

I understand how you have compiled your list, but as for what is attractive to a coach as a potential job, they're not going to evaluate it as you did. They're going to look at each job in the light of what advantages they think each program gives them, and they will all have healthy enough egos to think THEY will do better with the right advantages. No up and coming coach is going to look at Texas and Kentucky and put them any lower than 3rd or 4th. And most coaches actually aren't going to rate Duke so highly because they will feel despite their high profile, that their pool of recruits will be too restricted by the school. Krzyzewski is a special case, and
he built it from within. I doubt many would rate Florida in the top 5 either. Despite Donovan's success, that is still a FOOTBALL school, and while most basketball coaches can accept playing second fiddle, they don't want to play it AND ride in the back of the bus so to speak. And where in the pecking order I don't know, but I doubt that many caches would rank Arizona above UCLA on the list. LA, Hollywood, the coast and UCLA's history stacked up against Lute's tenure and senior citizensville in AZ, I don't think so.

I don't think Maryland is a top 15 job, but it is clearly a better job that Minnesota.

Doogs, we disagree on Florida. Florida is a better job because of resources. That's also why I think Ohio State is the best job in the Big Ten without question.

Fifteen jobs I think are absolutely better than Maryland

ACC (2): UNC, Duke
Big 12 (2): Kansas, Texas
Big East (3): Syracuse, UConn, Louisville
Big Ten (4): Ohio State, Michigan State, Indiana, Michigan
Pac 10 (2): Arizona, UCLA
SEC (2): Florida, Kentucky

Plus there are several jobs that I would put in the same class as Maryland:
Big 12: Missouri
Big East: Pitt, Villanova, Notre Dame
Big Ten: Wisconsin, Illinois
Pac 10: Washington
SEC: Tennessee
Others: Butler, Gonzaga, Memphis

I think it is the third-best job in the ACC, though Virginia is also a good job. I think it's in the 16 to 30 range in terms of quality of job.

Dick Vitale tweet: "If I were Mr Anderson AD @ Maryland I would immediately go after TUBBY SMITH!"

Go Gophers!!

I think Maryland is definitely a top 15 job. Coaches are going to evaluate it on the potential to win big there, not necessarily on the record or results of the previous coach there the last few years. They have top flight facilities, a very fertile recruiting ground in DC and Baltimore, play in a great conference and good fan support. They also have alumni with deep pockets that are willing to support the program. They are also a basketball school first and foremost. They are a better job than schools like Arizona or Louisville. Louisville will always be the red-headed step child to Kentucky and Arizona doesn't have the level of local talent that Maryland does. Maryland stopped getting the local kids because Gary Williams lost some of his assistants and primary recruiters and he became lazy about recruiting himself.

Maryland and Minnesota being equal and it would be a lateral move for Tubby is just not reality. Maryland is in a basketball hotbed, Minnesota is really not. Maryland has more competion for the talent but for someone that truly believes they can compete and recruit it could be a top job. It will be interesting to see what names are mentioned. This is the top opening that has occured this year.

are you saying the 2 jobs are equal? Maryland is simply a better job. if Tubby left for Maryland it would a lot more than a lateral move.

It's interesting how people who view jobs as we all use different criteria and there is a lot of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think everyone is overrating UConn as a basketball job considering the lack on in state talent. Will another coach have success after Calhoun and how much of Calhoun's success has been due to "cheating"?

I think Maryland is one of many schools that fits in to that group below UNC, Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc. Their recruiting base and ability to pay a top salary make that job very attractive to my line of thinking. Minnesota is not as good a job as Maryland, but it does have the ability to pay big $$$, has a solid recruiting base, and always seems to rank high in attendance. I don't think Maryland will look at Tubby, but I wouldn't be shocked if Tubby was interested.

I understand how you have compiled your list, but as for what is attractive to a coach as a potential job, they're not going to evaluate it as you did. They're going to look at each job in the light of what advantages they think each program gives them, and they will all have healthy enough egos to think THEY will do better with the right advantages.

I realize that. That's why I first listed what I really think are the top 15 jobs (only 2 differences with dpdoll), then I listed (using statistical analysis) which programs in my opinion have been the top 15 in terms of performance ON THE COURT over the last 11 seasons. Two different things.

It's a top 15 Job

Doogs, we disagree on Florida. Florida is a better job because of resources. That's also why I think Ohio State is the best job in the Big Ten without question.

Fifteen jobs I think are absolutely better than Maryland
Big Ten: Wisconsin, Illinois

Maryland is a better job than Flordia and Illinois, Wisky shouldn't even be in the conversation.


Is 60 really to old? He's got a good 6-8 years left to coach. I think lack of success here would hurt Tubby's chances more than his age.

I realize that. That's why I first listed what I really think are the top 15 jobs (only 2 differences with dpdoll), then I listed (using statistical analysis) which programs in my opinion have been the top 15 in terms of performance ON THE COURT over the last 11 seasons. Two different things.

Am I missing something? I only see one list.

Technically, I didn't list it. But I indicated I was in agreement with dpdoll, except I had Illinois and Ohio State in my top 15 instead of Georgetown and Pitt.

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