Which Gopher team would win: 2007 (1-11) vs. 2010 (1-9)?

Which Gopher team would win: 2007 (1-11) vs. 2010 (1-9)

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Nov 11, 2008
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Which Gopher team would win: 2007 (1-11) vs. 2010 (1-9)?

2007 Weber was way better than 2010 Weber.

Does Gray get to play QB for the 2010 team? If so, it is a blowout...

I'd take the under

It would be the resistable force vs. the displaceable object. A 2-0 final score wouldn't surprise me.

Bill Swerski: Alright, alright! Now, let me shift gears here for a moment. What is God's role in this? Obviously, he's rooting against Da Gophers.
Pat Arnold: Otherwise, he wouldn't have put 'em in Minneapolis.

Carl Wollarski: That's right.

Bill Swerski: That's right. Da question is: Now, did God create Da Gophers, and make them inferior to all teams? Or is he simply a huge hater, and Brewster made them inferior to all other teams?

Carl Wollarski: That's a tough one.

If the game took place anytime before today, they'd still be playing to a 0-0 tie.

Great poll.

Quick Question to get everyone's thoughts: Is the new coach going to inherit a worse team in terms of Players and where the program is currently at, compared to what Brew inherited in 2007?

It would me... this defense isn't capable of holding Eden Prairie to two points. '07 wins.

Doogie! Do you remember the 2007 defense? Zero speed, zero ability to tackle. Four letters sum up that defense...NDSU.

I think 2010 would win easily...with Gray playing QB.

I do... it was just about equally as bad... worst loss of '07: 27 points... worst loss this year: 42, with Iowa still to come.

I do... it was just about equally as bad... worst loss of '07: 27 points... worst loss this year: 42, with Iowa still to come.

That's right...Iowa still to come. I hope Iowa beats tOSU and is playing for a share of the BT Title on November 27th. Then Minnesota pulls the miracle of all miracles and we win. To quote the late Chris Farley, "that would be AWESOME!"

the final score would be 4-2 but really the 2007 team was way better than this years steaming pile. thye at least had some semblance of competitiveness in them that made the games halfway interesting

The 2010 defense is better.....well...maybe.

If those two teams played, and no one saw it, would they really have played?

Whoever watched that game would be the real losers.

September 2010 would beat September 2007, but in terms of where the team is right now, November 2007 would beat November 2010.

September 2010 would beat September 2007, but in terms of where the team is right now, November 2007 would beat November 2010.

You nailed it. 2007 started out much worse than 2010 but they started to piece some things together by the end of the year and played Iowa and Wisconsin to within 5 and 7 points respectively.

I said 2007 would win, as I indicated above...

but I think the more meaningful comparison is between the team that Mason was fired for (2006) and the team that Brewster was fired for (2010).

I said 2007 would win, as I indicated above...

but I think the more meaningful comparison is between the team that Mason was fired for (2006) and the team that Brewster was fired for (2010).

2006 Mason would've destroyed 2010 Brewster...

2006 Offense against 2010 Defense? Athletic Manslaughter...

It's actually pretty close....

The 2007 team had 6 losses by a TD or less, this year's team won't have nearly as many close games.

That's right...Iowa still to come. I hope Iowa beats tOSU and is playing for a share of the BT Title on November 27th. Then Minnesota pulls the miracle of all miracles and we win. To quote the late Chris Farley, "that would be AWESOME!"

That is not outside the realm of possibility. It is definitely setting up to be a trap game.

That is not outside the realm of possibility. It is definitely setting up to be a trap game.

Maybe from your end, MrHawkI. But this Gopher team has shown absolutely no signs of "upset capability". They always play down to their weaker opponents, and very rarely play up to the level of their more powerful opponents.

Whatever chance you give the Gophers to win that game, I'll say the Gophers have only half of those odds. I won't ever say there is absolutely zero chance we'll win though, but I have seen nothing but regression in every aspect of our game --- added to that the deterioration of the team off the field.

I think this is a stupid poll. Who would really care or want to watch this game anyway. Both teams are terrible and would play terrible.

'07 team. Easy. It would be a high scoring affair with the 2007 offense being better than the 2010 offense, and ultimately pulling away late in the 3rd quarter.

2007 would win. But the 2010 team would call a couple of timeouts late in order to score last and make it look closer than it really is.

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