Where's the game chatter - season starts tonight!


Gentleman and Scholar
Nov 20, 2008
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Have seen a handful of threads talking about tonight's opener against Tennessee Tech this week, but today is GAME DAY. Where's the chatter about the game? I know it's not a marquee match up... but, in no particular order, I'm hoping to see:

-A Gopher pull down 10+ rebounds
-A 2-to-1 turnover advantage for the Gophers
-A mind-altering Rodney Williams dunk
-Nice touch near the rim shown by Ralph and Colton
-At least one sweet dish from both Al and Justin
-Tubby to show the stare just once, even if things are going well.
-The Barn with at least 11 or 12,000 people and a much more robust student section
-The band playing instead of piped-in music

What are people excited to see tonight or hoping to see tonight?

dont think the student section will be much different, sad to say...

I'm hoping (and expecting) to see a Gopher win! Plus everything PLG said :)

Someone other than Royce White leading the team in "steals" and someone besides Bostick "lighting it up".

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Which game will more students attend? Tonight's hoops matchup against Tennessee Tech or tomorrow's football game against South Dakota State? I'll predict a draw.

In addition to the above I would like to see a suffocating press and about 40-50 % from three.

I also would like to not have had to order the game on the B10 network, for those of us not going.

I think the student section will be full. Friday night, season opener, coming off NCAA berth, highest expectations in years.

As for the game, I think (hope?) that Ralph and Colton will have big games. Tenn. Tech has no one listed on their roster taller than 6'8". These are the types of teams our big men should be able to dominate coming off a full year's experience.

All together now....

We are the Gophers.
The mighty, mighty Gophers.
Everywhere we go-o,
People want to know-o.
Who we are-are
So We'll tell them.

We are the Gophers,
The Mighty mighty Gophers.
Everywhere we go-o
People want to know-o,
Who we are-are
So we'll tell them.

Repeat, time after time............

Chem...I don't think so, he is currently recovering from surgery on his popcorn balls.

Santa told me he may have to work but hell "try his damn'dest" to get to the game

Don't ever compare the football student section to the basketball student section. There is no comparison...

or the hockey student section. wow. Anyway, I would like to see Tennesse Tech have more turnovers than points at some point during the game from Al Nolen running around at the top of the press.

Just like the night football games i think the student section will be full for the first 3/4 of the game then when it is hopefully in hand people will start to leave to head to parties.

I love Santa - he's great.
We'll be there, but given that the level of challenge will not go up significantly, no chills are running up my spine yet. Sir M doesn't key in as I do and was dismayed to look at our tickets and the pre-season line up. I quote him as, "This sucks - we aren't playing anyone! Who are these teams?"
Couple the lack-luster opponents and the off the court challenges, it puts a damper on the season opener.

Should be a fast paced game. T.Tech doesn't exactly take their time on offense.

I'm going and I'm excited. I for one, enjoy games that are so called push overs. I hope to see how the team will be handling the talents of the players. Most of all I am looking forward to seeing the new players get some game time.

Oh yeah, for a minute, I forgot.

In addition to the above I would like to see a suffocating press and about 40-50 % from three.

I also would like to not have had to order the game on the B10 network, for those of us not going.

-50% from 3-pointers on more than 10 attempts would be phenomenal
-I expect DJ to score 9, grab 8 rebounds, register 4 steals and block 3 shots.
-Blake needs to start hot
-Westbrook needs to stay focused and take good shots
-It would be nice to see Devoe carry over his momentum from the exhibitions
-Colton and Sampson III need to combine for 17-20 points and 15-plus rebounds

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