Where did the Gopher blogger MV go to?

He's at the Daily Gopher. He hasn't posted a lot lately because he just got a new real world job that has been taking all his time, but hopefully he will post more once the season starts.

prolly saving his best stuff for the BT championship. he hasn't written anything in awhile

he also recently got married. think he's toned down the blogger lyfe.

he also recently got married. think he's toned down the blogger lyfe.

Yea, I blame it on his wife. A while back he wrote part one of a two part article about the team and said he was going to write the second part later. Later has come and gone. I am afraid there is a new sheriff in town and it isn't MV. A great writer and a sad loss.:cry:

Sad to see MV is less prolific with his blogging than in the past, but it just goes to show you how hard it is to hold down a professional career and try to churn out articles on a consistent basis. I tried doing that for awhile, with a wife, two kids, and a good career. It's overwhelming, especially when you really care about the quality, which I am certain MV does.

Yea, I blame it on his wife. A while back he wrote part one of a two part article about the team and said he was going to write the second part later. Later has come and gone. I am afraid there is a new sheriff in town and it isn't MV. A great writer and a sad loss.:cry:

I remember that. He wrote about signing day and the new recruits right? I was looking forward to part 2 and checked for it often but it never came. It's a bummer he doesn't write much anymore.

I remember that. He wrote about signing day and the new recruits right? I was looking forward to part 2 and checked for it often but it never came. It's a bummer he doesn't write much anymore.

We shouldn't be too hard on MV. MV has done a good job on reporting about new verbals with his "Scroll of the Sworn" articles. The problem is that there hasn't been any new recruits lately.

I heard he was captured by a fringe fundamental Hawkeye militia and is being held against his will until he promises to write for their blog. Either that or he has been on Mormon mission without access to a laptop.

i'd say the latter. compare what he has written in the DG to the stuff he wrote on his own site and there is no comparison. i'm guessin he dosn't like someone editing his stuff. who would. MV set up your own site

i'd say the latter. compare what he has written in the DG to the stuff he wrote on his own site and there is no comparison. i'm guessin he dosn't like someone editing his stuff. who would. MV set up your own site

As someone who is fairly in the know about the goings on at TDG....he isn't edited. The writers write all their own stuff, no one has their articles edited. he has a new "real" job working 60-70 hours a week plus a new wife. His priorities have changed to not getting fired/divorced vs making you happy.

I heard he was captured by a fringe fundamental Hawkeye militia and is being held against his will until he promises to write for their blog. Either that or he has been on Mormon mission without access to a laptop.

I can confirm that he has not been spotted out here in Utah.

As someone who is fairly in the know about the goings on at TDG....he isn't edited. The writers write all their own stuff, no one has their articles edited. he has a new "real" job working 60-70 hours a week plus a new wife. His priorities have changed to not getting fired/divorced vs making you happy.

sorry to hear he is sad now.

As someone who is fairly in the know about the goings on at TDG....he isn't edited. The writers write all their own stuff, no one has their articles edited. he has a new "real" job working 60-70 hours a week plus a new wife. His priorities have changed to not getting fired/divorced vs making you happy.

Who said you could write that? I know who you are and where you sleep!

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