Where can I watch the NDSU game in Vegas?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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I have to go to Vegas for work this weekend, and will have an anxiety attack if I can't watch the game. Where can I watch it, either in a bar, or online. I think Ogee still lives out there...but wasn't sure.

Any Gophers living in Vegas that can help out?


You might not like this advice, but bet against the Gophers. It creates a win-win situation every time.

GL - your thread title is incorrect. it should be where can i watch the "GOPHER" game in vegas? please proceed with immediately updating it. :p


You can go to the NDSU bar if you want some laughs (yes, shocking as it sounds, there is one).

There's a bar in town, if not several, that represent just about any school you can think of. I'll try to dig up where the best Gopher bar is. Stay tuned, it shouldn't be hard to find.

EDIT: There are three different Blue Ox Taverns (one of them sponsors our softball team), but I only know for sure that they do Vikings games. Not sure about Gophers.

Easiest thing to do would be to hit an off-strip sports bar/tavern and ask them to change the channel to the Gophers game on one of the TV's.

Some Google searching found me this:
Big 10
PT’s Gold
2890 Bicentennial Pkwy.
(Anthem Parkway & Bicentennial Parkway)
Big 10
PT’s Gold
1383 E. Silverado Ranch Blvd.
(Silverado Ranch Boulevard & Maryland Parkway)
Big 10
PT’s Pub
4310 E. Tropicana Ave.
(Tropicana Avenue & US Highway 95)

Vikings Bars
Bailey's Sports Bar
4341 N. Rancho Drive
Blue Ox Central
6000 S. Eastern Ave.
Blue Ox East Restaurant and Lounge
4130 Sandhill Road
Blue Ox Tavern
5825 W. Sahara Ave.
Blue Ox West
3111 S. Valley View Blvd.
Danny's II
1750 S. Rainbow Blvd.
Four Aces Bar and Grill
5866 Boulder Highway
Pecos Saloon
3704 E. Owens Ave., North Las Vegas
Spanky's Pub
6720 W. Cheyenne Ave.
Sports Page Pub
4821 Spring Mountain Road

If a bar doesn't work out South Point Casino has a good sports book. There is also a bar adjacent to it that has TV screens all around. They've always had every Big Ten game televised on some screen when we've been out there. If the book doesn't have it, the bartender will usually turn a screen to the game if you ask. We've been going out there for a football weekend for years. Heading out there again next month.

Good Luck to you and the Gophers, Lady!:)

If a bar doesn't work out South Point Casino has a good sports book. There is also a bar adjacent to it that has TV screens all around. They've always had every Big Ten game televised on some screen when we've been out there. If the book doesn't have it, the bartender will usually turn a screen to the game if you ask. We've been going out there for a football weekend for years. Heading out there again next month.

Good Luck to you and the Gophers, Lady!:)

I love South Point (and I don't even go there often). Newer, very nice and clean, great sports book, HUGE rooms (that you can sometimes get for like $45-$55 on weekdays), great thongs on the cocktail girls, super easy access for getting in and out, never overly crowded. I would advocate SP all day long. Nice call, Iceland.

I'll be in Vegas next weekend and I'd like to hear from everyone as to what is their favorite sportsbook on the strip. I'm pretty sure I've been through most of them but i'd like to get your opinion. I'm staying at the MGM and the sportsbook is not the best. The shape of it, wide and narrow, just doesn't lend itself to good viewing. Plus I've never had more people complain about my cigar smoke. Whereas Caesars is the size of a football field and you can just hang a half a mile away and still see the screens.

So rating the sportsbooks in my opinion:
1. Caesars
2. Mandalay Bay
3. Aria (very very nice, but not that big)
4. Paris
5. MGM

It has been a couple of years since I've been to Vegas, but I always liked Bally's Sports book. It doesn't have especially nice decor and isn't really all that comfortable but they have many personal tv's and big screen tv's. If a sporting event is on the tv, they can get it for you. It usually isn't too crowded either. The same things, good and bad, can't be said for most Vegas Sports books.

I highly recommend Aria's sports book. Others who attended with me can attest to this. The hotel is practically brand new (opened late 2009, I think), so the decor is very sleek and modern, and the sports book is pretty small and not very busy. Throw a small bet on the Gophers, and ask them to turn one of the TVs to the game for you, and you can sit there all day with the drinks coming and no one bothering you. Also, it's non-smoking if that sort of thing bothers you.

Like GG2005 said, Caesar's is the best from a "sports orgy" standpoint. It is enormous and they will have everything from California dog track racing to Indonesian cockfighting on the screens. For a singular, focused event like you're looking for, I would go with Aria.

The "M" is awesome, at least in my opinion. But if you're a tourist you pretty much need a car because it's WAYYYY south on LV Blvd (as in, several miles past South Point even). Great sports book, great bar in the sports book, and I'm pretty sure the serving staff there is mandatory DD's.

Hilton touts the most options, and they probably do, although THEY don't even have a line for the Rodents game Saturday.

Lady Gopher: Another Vegas resident here. You have been given good advice IMHO. My 2 cents, if you are interested in doing a Vegas thing the big sports books that others have mentioned might be fun. Huge walls of TV's with most every game being shown somewhere. My guess is that the Gopher game will be one of them. Warning: Sports books can be smoky and crowded.

when i was in vegas for my honeymoon we went in and out of almost every sports book, the least busiest was circus circus, it was sort of run down compared to the others..but the guys were always cool and would put whatever game I wanted on whatever TV i was sitting in front of. I also went 4-4 on Canadian Football that week :D

I will be watching the game from the comfort of the couch in my family room. I also like the Aria sports book due to its smaller but excellent accomidations. My guess as to the best places to view the game would be at any of the large hotel casinos rather than local bars as they are more likely to have many more different screens to request a particular game from.

Thank you guys all so much! I really appreciate it. This may sound uptight, but I have no interest in going to a big, packed, smokey bar. I actually hate watching games at the bar at all - and would rather be at them or at home.

I'm staying at the Hard Rock, and Norman Dale informed me that was off the strip and I should be able to get them to turn the game on. Either way, I'm confident I'll be able to watch, which is huge relief - hopefully Ogee will join me, and any other Gopher fans that live out there. It's an open invite.

Thanks again!

If you want to go the generic route, Buffalo Wild Wings always has BTN where I live in Phoenix. I don't even know if they have those in Vegas or not.

Thank you guys all so much! I really appreciate it. This may sound uptight, but I have no interest in going to a big, packed, smokey bar. I actually hate watching games at the bar at all - and would rather be at them or at home.

I'm staying at the Hard Rock, and Norman Dale informed me that was off the strip and I should be able to get them to turn the game on. Either way, I'm confident I'll be able to watch, which is huge relief - hopefully Ogee will join me, and any other Gopher fans that live out there. It's an open invite.

Thanks again!

If you're going to be at the book in the HR, I may have to head over there for at least one. Check your msgs.

Hard Rock - Off-strip? I guess technically it is (not on LVB), but it's within walking distance.

Arbogast, too many kids at Buffalo Wild Wings for my taste, probably because it's one of the few places that people CAN take their kids and watch the games in LV. Can't take them to the casinos.

When asking about any and every sporting event being on TV, the easy answer is at any and every casino.

Sports book at the Wynn and at the Bellagio will have it on...and you can get a great drink and food at both places.

My vote for the best sports book in Vegas is easily LeGasse's Stadium in the Palazzo. Was previously a Jay-Z club. Sweet layout and the best food in any sportsbook in Vegas IMO. Definitely doesn't have the feel of a traditional book like Caeser's, MGM, etc. I know for a fact that GopherLady would like that place.

Last winter I watched the Gopher v Iowa basketball game that was on BTN. If you ask for a game, they'll put it on one of the TV's, plus there are alot of nooks and crannies to get a spot where you can turn up the volume listen to the game as well.

Aria's book would be #2 in my book. The best traditional book is in the Wynn. I'm not a big sports gambler at all so this comes from the prespective of someone that's been to Vegas 4 or 5 times over the years and when I'm there, I prefer to bet on sports than slots, table, games, etc. I've been to about a dozen of the books in Vegas.

It sounds like we've got the best Vegas sports books figured out. Now lets move on to strip clubs. Spearmint Rhino, anyone?

Remember this thread for September 1, 2012 when we are all in Vegas for the Gophers opening game against UNLV.

I think the winner will be Aria for my group next week. I'm at MGM, so it would be right across the street.
Ahhhh, nothing like Vegas and college football season. I love the 9am start times. Probably still drunk from the night before.

I think the winner will be Aria for my group next week. I'm at MGM, so it would be right across the street.
Ahhhh, nothing like Vegas and college football season. I love the 9am start times. Probably still drunk from the night before.

I don't know the difference between being drunk or sober. I haven't been sober for 45 years.

In fact, the last time I was in Las Vegas, I was so drunk I spent two nights in a Warehouse!

I don't know the difference between being drunk or sober. I haven't been sober for 45 years.

In fact, the last time I was in Las Vegas, I was so drunk I spent two nights in a Warehouse!

"Good night everybody! Drive safely and remember to tip your Waitress!"

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