What's with all the Iowa and Wisconsin trolls?

Living among them can do that to a person.

I didn't feel bad at all living among Iowans; culturally, they're not that much different than Minnesotans really - just less urbanized, less affluent, and have a bit more sense of regional identity but that is fairly typical of people from small states. I'd much rather live among them than the inhabitants of some other places I've lived or spent time (e.g., some southern parts of the USA).

Badger fans are among the lowest scum on the planet. They are unsophisticated and think they have a good athletic program when for decades they sucked. They got lucky in that Donna Shalayla quickly figured out having a good football and basketball program might be a good thing.

Badger fans are dumb. They think they have historically great programs when in fact they never even got respectable until 1995 in both programs.

This take is even worse than your bit on the hiring of Claeys. Well done.

I didn't feel bad at all living among Iowans; culturally, they're not that much different than Minnesotans really - just less urbanized, less affluent, and have a bit more sense of regional identity but that is fairly typical of people from small states. I'd much rather live among them than the inhabitants of some other places I've lived or spent time (e.g., some southern parts of the USA).

It has more to do with athletic rivalry than anything else. If you are say an Iowa or Iowa State fan, the day after the game you may have to work with your rival and put up with their gloating, bragging or whatever. For Minnesota-Wisconsin, after the game you each go your separate ways and usually don't have to deal with them for another year.

A Wisconsin fan, born in Minnesota and living in Iowa. I don't have the enmity for Minnesota that many have, but I do hate losing to them in FB and BB. I can't think of anyone that Iowa would play where I would cheer for Iowa. Living among them can do that to a person.

Hoping for a Gopher win tomorrow.
Did you go to Wisconsin?

Did you slash your wrists after Wisconsin crapped the bed against Western Illinois?

Rupie. Please keep taking the little pills the men in white coats give you with breakfast. Hiding them under your pillow isn't going to help anyone.

Rupie. Please keep taking the little pills the men in white coats give you with breakfast. Hiding them under your pillow isn't going to help anyone.

I take two Advil a night to keep my swing speed on the golf club at 110 mph. You're the one that has an open invitation to Flaky Acres. A paranoid troll on heavy depression meds.My guess is your wife has to prop you up on a pillow.

Ruppie you're my all-time favorite Gopherhole poster. When I thought it couldnt get any better - winters down south, beautiful Nisswa summer, limitless optomism, a son that will knock any badgers block off - you drop the "110 mph swing speed" gem. Living the dream! What's your handicap? You must be knocking that driver out there a good 275+, no? Does the son play golf?

You keep doing you, you're fascinating.

I take two Advil a night to keep my swing speed on the golf club at 110 mph. You're the one that has an open invitation to Flaky Acres. A paranoid troll on heavy depression meds.My guess is your wife has to prop you up on a pillow.

Paranoid about what? That Minnesota might beat Wisconsin? That would hardly register a blip on my emotional radar. Too much other real world stuff to worry about.

It's a GAME Rupie.

And this an entertainment website. I truly enjoyed Jerry Kill. I am not so convinced the Claeys 3 year contract was Minnesota's best choice.

I love Gopher hole because your fan base takes me back to the early Alvarez days right after I graduated from med school. The days where I was convinced every bad call by the ref was part of an anti-Wisconsin conspiracy, when I cared about moral victories, if a highlight package made it on Sportscenter or if the team was going to even make a bowl game.

Most of the fans here are awesome.

You are bizzare, not so smart and seem to have anger issues.

If ibuprofen is all you are taking, then you are seriously under medicated.

I'm not sure what is more funny/pathetic, all of rupperts posts or all the Badger fans who quickly come here to respond every time he mentions Wisconsin.

Ruppert, be honest: Can you point to the spot on the doll where you were touched as a child?

Paranoid about what? That Minnesota might beat Wisconsin? That would hardly register a blip on my emotional radar. Too much other real world stuff to worry about.

It's a GAME Rupie.

And this an entertainment website. I truly enjoyed Jerry Kill. I am not so convinced the Claeys 3 year contract was Minnesota's best choice.

I love Gopher hole because your fan base takes me back to the early Alvarez days right after I graduated from med school. The days where I was convinced every bad call by the ref was part of an anti-Wisconsin conspiracy, when I cared about moral victories, if a highlight package made it on Sportscenter or if the team was going to even make a bowl game.

Most of the fans here are awesome.

You are bizzare, not so smart and seem to have anger issues.

If ibuprofen is all you are taking, then you are seriously under medicated.

Rupie is pretty weird, yet here you are, on an opponent's message board responding to Rupie's posts.

Clearly you did not read my post.
No, I read your entire paragraph.
I think you missed the main point of my post though and I'm guessing you never will get it.

Paranoid about what? That Minnesota might beat Wisconsin? That would hardly register a blip on my emotional radar. Too much other real world stuff to worry about.

It's a GAME Rupie.

And this an entertainment website. I truly enjoyed Jerry Kill. I am not so convinced the Claeys 3 year contract was Minnesota's best choice.

I love Gopher hole because your fan base takes me back to the early Alvarez days right after I graduated from med school. The days where I was convinced every bad call by the ref was part of an anti-Wisconsin conspiracy, when I cared about moral victories, if a highlight package made it on Sportscenter or if the team was going to even make a bowl game.

Most of the fans here are awesome.

You are bizzare, not so smart and seem to have anger issues.

If ibuprofen is all you are taking, then you are seriously under medicated.

Anger issues? I laugh at that. You've a pathetic fan base ; you included. I have a half wit skunk questioning my intelligence. You come over here spewing dribble and expect us to think you helped Einstein with his theory. Why don't you jus stay on your side of the border? I'm the one wearing a dunce cap? You get sucked in every time a reference is made about Becky. Who is zooming who pal?

Anger issues? I laugh at that. You've a pathetic fan base ; you included. I have a half wit skunk questioning my intelligence. You come over here spewing dribble and expect us to think you helped Einstein with his theory. Why don't you jus stay on your side of the border? I'm the one wearing a dunce cap? You get sucked in every time a reference is made about Becky. Who is zooming who pal?
Pitch perfect.

Anger issues? I laugh at that. You've a pathetic fan base ; you included. I have a half wit skunk questioning my intelligence. You come over here spewing dribble and expect us to think you helped Einstein with his theory. Why don't you jus stay on your side of the border? I'm the one wearing a dunce cap? You get sucked in every time a reference is made about Becky. Who is zooming who pal?

You must realize that no one buys your whole "I'm zooming you" claim. Keep posting but realize you are nothing more than comic relief.

Anger issues? I laugh at that. You've a pathetic fan base ; you included. I have a half wit skunk questioning my intelligence. You come over here spewing dribble and expect us to think you helped Einstein with his theory. Why don't you jus stay on your side of the border? I'm the one wearing a dunce cap? You get sucked in every time a reference is made about Becky. Who is zooming who pal?

You are in fact the most entertaining part of my day Rupie.

I visit several fan sites of various teams regularly and you are truly one of a kind.

I particularly love the 80's pop references.


The next time I do venture to your "side of the border" I will stop into the home and visit you. It's bordering on malpractice that they won't give you your prescribed meds, but at least they allow you internet access and let you work on your golf swing.

You must realize that no one buys your whole "I'm zooming you" claim. Keep posting but realize you are nothing more than comic relief.

Just the way I like it! ( Hee, hee) We're not on here to all hold hands and sing " Michael Rowed the Boat a Shore" You don't know me from Adam and I couldn't care less about who you are, what you do, or your opinions. It's the Internet for god sakes. The only thing I take serious is Gopher footbal and related topics. The tit for tat stuff is comic relief for me. People who type cast an individual on a forum like this really need to get out more. .

You are in fact the most entertaining part of my day Rupie.

I visit several fan sites of various teams regularly and you are truly one of a kind.

I particularly love the 80's pop references.


The next time I do venture to your "side of the border" I will stop into the home and visit you. It's bordering on malpractice that they won't give you your prescribed meds, but at least they allow you internet access and let you work on your golf swing.

Well, if you're coming to Ely you've have about 3 weeks. We're leaving for Arizona in mid December after the birth of our granddaughter. I'll open the medicine cabinet so you have a look

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