What you have seen today is the absolute fleecing of a football team by the referees.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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At least that Indiana/Iowa screw job was at Iowa's HOME field. The refs nitpick every single little thing the Gophers do, yet let Michigan State get away with the same things they call the Gophers on. It's bad that the Gophers have to deal with horribly biased officiating every away game, but why do they have to get it AT HOME too?! The referees took this game away from the Gophers, and they will lose because of it.


I take it all back - the refs made their makeup calls in the final 8 minutes of the game.

See how much of a difference questionable calls consistently in one team's favor makes? For those who question whether officials make a difference in a game - one only needs to watch this game to see how much difference they actually make. Pathetic.

At least that Indiana/Iowa screw job was at Iowa's HOME field. The refs nitpick every single little thing the Gophers do, yet let Michigan State get away with the same things they call the Gophers on. It's bad that the Gophers have to deal with horribly biased officiating every away game, but why do they have to get it AT HOME too?! The referees took this game away from the Gophers, and they will lose because of it.

just because tim's spent the whole night arguing with the officials instead of coaching, doesn't mean the 15 penalties early in the 4th were all bogus.

just because tim's spent the whole night arguing with the officials instead of coaching, doesn't mean the 15 penalties early in the 4th were all bogus.

Yet you haven't seen any penalties not called on Michigan State? On Weber's INT, for instance, the MSU linebacker held out his arm to slow down McKnight on the crossing route. Nevermind that the umpire stopped McKnight's route altogether, resulting in the pick, the PI should have been called first...

BTN hasn't been reviewing most of the penalties, and the ones that they did looked pretty iffy; as if the officials have to be really watching the Gophers to make CERTAIN they throw a flag.

As I say this, they get flagged for a "late hit" OOB, while pulling the guy down. Now it's roughing the passer...but that seemed more deserved (hit to the head). Still, the same plays aren't called against MSU. Not even close.

There were a few crap calls, but they account for maybe 40 yards at the very most. The other 100+ yards of penalties were a result of careless play by undisciplined players. But you're right...we are going to lose because of the penalties. The fault is with our players and coaches...not the refs.

I take it all back - the refs' makeup calls gave the Gophers the game in the final 8 minutes, and the result was correct in the end - the Gophers deserved to win that game.

The refs were bad. We shot ourselves in the foot a ton of times. But the refs were still still bad. Had we lost it would have been because of things like the special teams breakdown or our inability to score when Troy put us on the 13. But the refs were still bad. :)

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