What was Bruce Pearl thinking?...


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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with this comment:

"I've got a tough job. I've got to put these guys from different worlds together, right?' Pearl said. "I've got guys from Chicago, Detroit ... I'm talking about the 'hood! And I've got guys from Grainger County, where they wear the hood.''


Go Gophers!!

I took it with a grain of salt, Bleed. Hell, up here starting in late October, early November we always wear the hood, or at least a cap with ear flaps, for the next 5 months. :)

with this comment:

"I've got a tough job. I've got to put these guys from different worlds together, right?' Pearl said. "I've got guys from Chicago, Detroit ... I'm talking about the 'hood! And I've got guys from Grainger County, where they wear the hood.''


Go Gophers!!

Maybe, he is trying tp show TN that he was a bad hire. He really is nothing but a cheerleader. My basketball IQ is higher than his which is realy bad considering how much I know.

Well, he's probably right. Not something he should have said in the public realm, but that does have to be challenging...especially in the south where there's still a lot of backwards thought.

Hardly a big deal. He stated that there is racism in parts of the south. Not shocking, not outrageous, not false.

His apology to Grainger County (wherever that is) was good PR. Probably warranted, but this is a non-story.

I thought it was a really funny joke. Hilarious. (edit: no sarcasm, I really thought it was good)

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