What type of coach should we hire as our new OC?

I bet not only did he live on the University of Texas steps and is friends with boosters, I bet he regularly dines with Mack Brown and probably babysat lil' Colt McCoy as a baby and plays Golf with the President. GopherGod is actually a god in Texas. Don't doubt his lies, ur ah, I mean legend.

I bet not only did he live on the University of Texas steps and is friends with boosters, I bet he regularly dines with Mack Brown and probably babysat lil' Colt McCoy as a baby and plays Golf with the President. GopherGod is actually a god in Texas. Don't doubt his lies, ur ah, I mean legend.

Idiot if you look at the NCAA definition of a booster it isn't that hard to be one, it isn't some exclusive club and if you knew anything about the University of Texas you would know that they have probably the largest alumni assocation in the country.

What about Davis? I'm not saying I think he is the best choice, but I could see Brew giving him the job, maybe that's why he left Alabama?

If the plan was to have Davis as OC I don't think we would have heard a report about a St. Louis coach being offered Dunbar's job after Davis was here.

You are speaking on the behalf of the "majority of fans" as one of your posts early said. Stating that you are exaggerating your position is pretty easy to do.

I grew up in Texas. The fans in my area knew not only the college coaches they knew all the high school coaches too. Your friends must have been pretty casual football fans then.

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