What to do?


Nov 20, 2008
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Now that my work week is over, what can I do to keep my mind occupied before tomorrow night's kickoff?

A. Drink heavily, pass out?

B. Convince my neighbor (from Iowa) to prove that you can run through a brick wall by continuesly running at it "up the middle"?

C. Update my facebook status from, "I'm going to go to a social networking website that appreciates my talents" to "Weighing my options"?

D. Breakdown the giant wooden Gopher I built for the USC game? I forgot to hide inside it last week when I wheeled it over to the hotel.

E. Other?

I'll take A, Drink Heavily, and pass out. Final answer.

D. Breakdown the giant wooden Gopher I built for the USC game? I forgot to hide inside it last week when I wheeled it over to the hotel.

Is this the definition of a Trojan Gopher? And who were you intending to surprise? I'd purchase it from you, by the way.

As always, A is a good option, though B could result in some modest hilarity. This is perhaps what's happened to the Pigeyes, as their rb stable is looking mighty thin at the moment.

As with A. there should always be an option B that involves your Iowa neighbor.

I would surprise your Iowa neighbor using the Trojan Gopher, ram his head thru the brick wall just because, head back home to change your FB status to "still hate the pig farmers", then drink with celebration until passing out. All key ingredients in surviving as a Gopher football fan for the last 50 years...

Is this the definition of a Trojan Gopher? And who were you intending to surprise? I'd purchase it from you, by the way

I think I'll keep it in the front yard. If I put red lights in the eye openings, it could end-up being the greatest Halloween yard decoration ever. What kind of noise does a giant Gopher make by the way?

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