What should the expectations be of this team now?

I think this season hinges only on Tubby's willingness to change and adapt to his team's strengths rather than forcing them into his system. We have enough talented players to make a go of things.

Sampson is an enigma. He has the strength, size and ability, but absolutely no heart. As a senior he should be a go too guy. I thought when he was named one of the captains he would show that responsibility on the court Not so, and with Williams showing up every 4th game I think the Gophers will struggle to get 9 wins in the BIG

I think Sampson looks like he is playing basketball because it was expected of him by his family.
Not sure he even enjoys the game that much.
So many times a great player has a son or grandson who is put under pressure to live up to the
name of the original. I really wonder if that's what going on here.

I think this season hinges only on Tubby's willingness to change and adapt to his team's strengths rather than forcing them into his system. We have enough talented players to make a go of things.

I think that is very unlikely to happen. No matter what happens, Tubby ALWAYS reverts to his style and system.
He will try and make the players fit into it. If they don't he will continue to try and then blame them for not doing
as he ask.

I think that is very unlikely to happen. No matter what happens, Tubby ALWAYS reverts to his style and system.
He will try and make the players fit into it. If they don't he will continue to try and then blame them for not doing
as he ask.
We shall see. They are DEFINITELY pushing the ball a lot more than in years past.

Let's see how it plays out tonight. Looking forward to the size of the crowd, no excuses for an 'early start' tonight. Hopefully the crowd, especially the Barnyard, will be worth a few points tonight .. The 'mature fans' may be asleep by the second half however. Should be interesting and thank God it's on TV and not being streamed.

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