What should happen to Eric Kaler, Mark Coyle, Tracey Claeys, certain football players


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
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Ultimately, there is plenty of blame and failures to go around.

How does the BOR & the University handle this crisis for the long term moving forward?

There is a failure of leadership at all levels.

IMHO, to start several players should be expelled, or force to transfer after they get their due process.

Should the university clean house? How does the university fix this problem?

There is a lot of public anger, and rightly so.

We were going on a positive trajectory - Eight-win seasons in 3 of 4 years, outstanding APR, the new Athletics Village is finally under construction.

It makes me sick to my stomach.

The main problem is that Coyle and/or Kaler decided to suspend the players from the team before the administration acted on the recommendations. They could have waited for the process to play out 100%. Those names are like toothpaste, once they are out, you can't put them back into the tube.

A committee of 20 people loosely associated to the situation needs to be created to decide whether or not another committee needs to be created to decide the actual fate of these people.

Wipe it clean from top to bottom and replace it with Eden Prairie. Or the University of St. Thomas. Whichever is cheaper.

The main problem is that Coyle and/or Kaler decided to suspend the players from the team before the administration acted on the recommendations. They could have waited for the process to play out 100%. Those names are like toothpaste, once they are out, you can't put them back into the tube.
So it would have been appropriate for the players to participate in the bowl game?

Have someone look through report, re-issue the recommendations filtering out the folks who were "just there"... suspend the folks who weren't "just there"... everyone else move on.

This is now a no win situation. Once the Admin reinstated the suspended players after the police investigation this all started in motion. They had to know the ugly facts surrounding this situation and know that no matter what the police decided to do that this was going to come out...this isn't the first EOAA investigation.

I think there has to be accountability for the initial reinstatement...was that Kaler, Coyle or Claeys? Those players who were involved with the girl and the visiting high school player should have been suspended for the season regardless of what else happens.

The second issue is the far reaching expansion of the punishment by the EOAA after a non-charge from the police that added 5 more players to the list to be suspended from school for a year. This is just slightly less than an expulsion and carries life long issues for the student. It is extremely serious and seems to be way out of reason to me since these kids had no sexual contact with the girl and in one case, might not have even been in the apartment during the incident. All these guys are being called rapists in the papers and on TV and their photos and names are being plastered everywhere.

Third, I think the U (either by choice or by legal action) will need to look at how they handle these cases of sexual assault/rape within the EOAA process and don't treat them like a broken window or a public intoxication by minor. The consequences are real and far reaching and there needs to an unbiased process, professional investigators and actual privacy throughout the process. Even more so if the student is not charged by the police and this is purely a University driven investigation and punishment phase. The liability and damage from both an investigation that fails to remove a problem student and a one that falsely punishes an innocent student requires a more substantive less biased process.

Doogie chimes in:

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Go Gophers!!

This is now a no win situation.

No doubt, and the players put everyone in that no-win situation by pulling the crap in the first place, then their teammates doubled down by threatening to boycott. Not that the coaches and administration don't deserve their share of criticism, but...

Last night, as part of my daughter's sociology homework, we got into the discussion of how adults have midlife crises. There's a lot that goes into it, but one factor is asking yourself the question, after a while, is my life nothing more than cleaning up children's messes? Especially when "children" are well old enough to not make big messes to start with or at least clean them up themselves. That has made many a man and woman go mental.

The players should have been suspended the whole year after the incident occurred, or they should have waited until all of the legal and university investigations were complete. You should not continually suspend then reinstate based on the information at the time. It sends a bad message and confuses everyone.

It is on Kaler, Coyle, and Claeys. I don't think anything should happen to any of them, but they are now on a short leash. For the players, I am going to wait until everything has played out before I suggest anything.

The players should have been suspended the whole year after the incident occurred, or they should have waited until all of the legal and university investigations were complete. You should not continually suspend then reinstate based on the information at the time. It sends a bad message and confuses everyone.

It is on Kaler, Coyle, and Claeys. I don't think anything should happen to any of them, but they are now on a short leash. For the players, I am going to wait until everything has played out before I suggest anything.

A short leash... form a very small number of football fans who don't actually have the power to do anything.

This is now a no win situation. Once the Admin reinstated the suspended players after the police investigation this all started in motion. They had to know the ugly facts surrounding this situation and know that no matter what the police decided to do that this was going to come out...this isn't the first EOAA investigation.

I think there has to be accountability for the initial reinstatement...was that Kaler, Coyle or Claeys? Those players who were involved with the girl and the visiting high school player should have been suspended for the season regardless of what else happens.

The second issue is the far reaching expansion of the punishment by the EOAA after a non-charge from the police that added 5 more players to the list to be suspended from school for a year. This is just slightly less than an expulsion and carries life long issues for the student. It is extremely serious and seems to be way out of reason to me since these kids had no sexual contact with the girl and in one case, might not have even been in the apartment during the incident. All these guys are being called rapists in the papers and on TV and their photos and names are being plastered everywhere.

Third, I think the U (either by choice or by legal action) will need to look at how they handle these cases of sexual assault/rape within the EOAA process and don't treat them like a broken window or a public intoxication by minor. The consequences are real and far reaching and there needs to an unbiased process, professional investigators and actual privacy throughout the process. Even more so if the student is not charged by the police and this is purely a University driven investigation and punishment phase. The liability and damage from both an investigation that fails to remove a problem student and a one that falsely punishes an innocent student requires a more substantive less biased process.


A short leash... form a very small number of football fans who don't actually have the power to do anything.

I am not saying they are on a short leash from myself. It was only my suggestion.

If you had followed the Jordan Johnson situation regarding rape allegations at MT in 2014/15, I thought that situation was handled pretty well. That situation was less difficult to deal with, as johnson's was a legal situation, and he was suspended from all team activities until that situation played out. The MN situation is more complicated in that this is a EOAA issue (not legal), and 5-10 kids are involved.

I really don't know what Kaler, Coyle or Claeys were supposed to do? You have people calling for their heads on all sides . . . didn't do enough, overreached, supported EOAA, didn't support the EOAA, supported the players, didn't support the players.

In the Johnson case and in this case, I truly believe the best course of action is to suspend the players from all team activities until there is final determination on legal/EOAA issues. Then you expell, release or reinstate, based on the results. Yes, by that time most of the players will be long gone, but that's the situation.

People think that would actually happen over this!?!?!


It definitely would not and should not happen over this exclusively. However (and this is coming from a huge Kaler supporter) the preponderance of incidents across the University since Kaler started is beginning to appear troublesome. These are balanced against some excellent accomplishments as well, but as some point you have to wonder how many more of these types of situations a University President can survive.

It definitely would not and should not happen over this exclusively. However (and this is coming from a huge Kaler supporter) the preponderance of incidents across the University since Kaler started is beginning to appear troublesome. These are balanced against some excellent accomplishments as well, but as some point you have to wonder how many more of these types of situations a University President can survive.

But what other situations? MEGATOUNGE? He tossed him ASAP. Wrestling team coach? Tossed him.

For one thing it might be helpful to have more serious training teaching players and coaches how to treat women. From what I read they currently don't have any special training on the football team. There is an on-line training for all students. Whether this is true or not I am not sure but whatever they are doing isn't working. I know that Pitino brought in a bunch of people over the summer to address just this issue. One poster mentioned that they have training a few times a year at his office and I would bet that it isn't because employees are gang banging women and getting accused of rape. Nearly every big company does this to avoid lawsuits. One would think when dealing with 18-23 year old men it might be even more necessary? It would seem to me that a good deal of this mess could have been avoided had a more extensive and adequate program been in place. Clearly Pitino didn't think what was going on was adequate and decided to do something with his guys.

So it would have been appropriate for the players to participate in the bowl game?

Once the names were out, privacy laws were probably violated.

I think it would take Solomon to figure out how to suspend players from playing and obey the privacy laws.

A committee of 20 people loosely associated to the situation needs to be created to decide whether or not another committee needs to be created to decide the actual fate of these people.

That reminds me of a time where one of my employees said we should schedule another meeting in a week to review what we had done at the meeting. I said, "you want to schedule a meeting about a meeting?" I about choked when he said "yeah". LOL.

This is now a no win situation. Once the Admin reinstated the suspended players after the police investigation this all started in motion. They had to know the ugly facts surrounding this situation and know that no matter what the police decided to do that this was going to come out...this isn't the first EOAA investigation.

I think there has to be accountability for the initial reinstatement...was that Kaler, Coyle or Claeys? Those players who were involved with the girl and the visiting high school player should have been suspended for the season regardless of what else happens.

The second issue is the far reaching expansion of the punishment by the EOAA after a non-charge from the police that added 5 more players to the list to be suspended from school for a year. This is just slightly less than an expulsion and carries life long issues for the student. It is extremely serious and seems to be way out of reason to me since these kids had no sexual contact with the girl and in one case, might not have even been in the apartment during the incident. All these guys are being called rapists in the papers and on TV and their photos and names are being plastered everywhere.

Third, I think the U (either by choice or by legal action) will need to look at how they handle these cases of sexual assault/rape within the EOAA process and don't treat them like a broken window or a public intoxication by minor. The consequences are real and far reaching and there needs to an unbiased process, professional investigators and actual privacy throughout the process. Even more so if the student is not charged by the police and this is purely a University driven investigation and punishment phase. The liability and damage from both an investigation that fails to remove a problem student and a one that falsely punishes an innocent student requires a more substantive less biased process.


Once the names were out, privacy laws were probably violated.

I think it would take Solomon to figure out how to suspend players from playing and obey the privacy laws.
I don't believe their suspensions were ever said to be because of this incident. No privacy laws were violated (technically) by that action.

Ultimately, there is plenty of blame and failures to go around.

How does the BOR & the University handle this crisis for the long term moving forward?

There is a failure of leadership at all levels.

IMHO, to start several players should be expelled, or force to transfer after they get their due process.

Should the university clean house? How does the university fix this problem?

There is a lot of public anger, and rightly so.

We were going on a positive trajectory - Eight-win seasons in 3 of 4 years, outstanding APR, the new Athletics Village is finally under construction.

It makes me sick to my stomach.
Disband the existing EOAA. Recharter it so it is a ten member board that requires two members representing Women's athletics, two members representing Men's athletics and a minimum of two male faculty members with a maximum of four.

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This is now a no win situation. Once the Admin reinstated the suspended players after the police investigation this all started in motion. They had to know the ugly facts surrounding this situation and know that no matter what the police decided to do that this was going to come out...this isn't the first EOAA investigation.

I think there has to be accountability for the initial reinstatement...was that Kaler, Coyle or Claeys? Those players who were involved with the girl and the visiting high school player should have been suspended for the season regardless of what else happens.

The second issue is the far reaching expansion of the punishment by the EOAA after a non-charge from the police that added 5 more players to the list to be suspended from school for a year. This is just slightly less than an expulsion and carries life long issues for the student. It is extremely serious and seems to be way out of reason to me since these kids had no sexual contact with the girl and in one case, might not have even been in the apartment during the incident. All these guys are being called rapists in the papers and on TV and their photos and names are being plastered everywhere.

Third, I think the U (either by choice or by legal action) will need to look at how they handle these cases of sexual assault/rape within the EOAA process and don't treat them like a broken window or a public intoxication by minor. The consequences are real and far reaching and there needs to an unbiased process, professional investigators and actual privacy throughout the process. Even more so if the student is not charged by the police and this is purely a University driven investigation and punishment phase. The liability and damage from both an investigation that fails to remove a problem student and a one that falsely punishes an innocent student requires a more substantive less biased process.

For the record the EOAA hasn't punished anyone. They submitted a list of recommendations that will be considered at a hearing. Coyle made the decision based off those recommendations to suspend all 10 players.

Nothing really unless any of them had any malfeasance related to the issue and controversy itself. Even if I don't like what any of them did, it doesn't mean they have culpability. The only one that may get forced on the sword is Claeys because he was the supervisor over the Football recruiting department Glasscock, and ultimately responsible for selection of recruit hosts (ironically based on grades) which the team finally had a decent EPR for a change. Being the recruit host even if you put the recruit in the hands of other students likely get's said host into trouble. Coyle even with the complaints about his silence has probably handled this the best. Because of the sensitive nature of the subject matter, and the fact that it is a student code of conduct violations accusation, he has done the best to limit his comments and share the least amount of information with the media and the public. Might not like the lack of communication and transparency but that was what was best for the students.

For the record the EOAA hasn't punished anyone. They submitted a list of recommendations that will be considered at a hearing. Coyle made the decision based off those recommendations to suspend all 10 players.

EOAA does not have the power to punish, just recommend. Did you read the cover letter from the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity/Student Affairs, which has that power?

For the record the EOAA hasn't punished anyone. They submitted a list of recommendations that will be considered at a hearing. Coyle made the decision based off those recommendations to suspend all 10 players.

They have not "punished" anyone but they outright accused these players of a criminal level offense the Title IX investigators. That report has rung true with the media and the general public and many if not all will be forever tied to this story, again without a hearing to dispute the recommendations of that committee. The accusations have had the effect they that investigative board wanted and intended even if it was ultimately the Athletic director and the President that carried out the suspensions. They would not have acted without those recommendations.
Nobody's a winner in this situation, all lose something in one form or another. I hope this stands as a reminder to anyone that remains or ends up attending the University for football that nothing good happens after 01:00 AM (as the ex coach used to say) and to avoid stupid situations like this event.

They have not "punished" anyone but they outright accused these players of a criminal level offense the Title IX investigators. That report has rung true with the media and the general public and many if not all will be forever tied to this story, again without a hearing to dispute the recommendations of that committee. The accusations have had the effect they that investigative board wanted and intended even if it was ultimately the Athletic director and the President that carried out the suspensions. They would not have acted without those recommendations.
Nobody's a winner in this situation, all lose something in one form or another. I hope this stands as a reminder to anyone that remains or ends up attending the University for football that nothing good happens after 01:00 AM (as the ex coach used to say) and to avoid stupid situations like this event.

You both really should read the cover letter. The letter stated effective immediately University of Minnesota studentship will be ended resultant in the loss of all student rights and privileges. Coyle is CC'd.

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