What record do you think the gophers will have by the end of the 2011 season?

What record do you think the gophers will have by the end of the 2011 season?

  • 3-9

    Votes: 13 7.9%
  • 4-8

    Votes: 30 18.3%
  • 5-7

    Votes: 61 37.2%
  • 6-6

    Votes: 36 22.0%
  • 7-5

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • 8-4

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • 9-3

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 10-2

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Other (Post a reply comment to post your other record)

    Votes: 7 4.3%

  • Total voters

I see between 5-7 wins, with 2/3 trophys. I think we keep Floyd and then we win the Jug. Wisconsin is a toss up. I feel good about this team and the direction it is headed. They really want toay hard and win!!!

I see victories over the three home non-conference games, plus three wins from the group of @Purdue, Iowa, @Northwestern, and Illinois. 6-6 and bowl game!

To be honest, anything over 6 wins is delusional. Pretty much every magazine has us with 2 or 3 wins. Some magazines have us with 4.

This is nothing scientific or mathematical , but here is what I think are chance is to win for each game...
15% @USC
90% New Mexico State
69% Miami (OH)
80% NDSU
25% @Michigan
34% @Purdue
14% Nebraska
33% Iowa
18% @Michigan State
23% Wisconsin
45% Northwestern
59% Illinois

That adds up to 5.05 wins and 6.95 losses, and I consider my prediction optimistic.

To be honest, anything over 6 wins is delusional. Pretty much every magazine has us with 2 or 3 wins. Some magazines have us with 4.

This is nothing scientific or mathematical , but here is what I think are chance is to win for each game...
15% @USC
90% New Mexico State
69% Miami (OH)
80% NDSU
25% @Michigan
34% @Purdue
14% Nebraska
33% Iowa
18% @Michigan State
23% Wisconsin
45% Northwestern
59% Illinois

That adds up to 5.05 wins and 6.95 losses, and I consider my prediction optimistic.

Personally I'd give us a little higher chance vs iowa and purdue...not too far off though I'd say.

Personally I'd give us a little higher chance vs iowa and purdue...not too far off though I'd say.

I pretty much agree with your assessment of Royals picks. At first glance I thought that they were low but realistic. Perhaps realistic for a pessimist rather than an optimist. Go Gophers!

Its fun to do predictions at this time of the year. But there are many factors that can influence the outcome.

Injuries are a huge concern with a thin team, especially on O. Not having a Mcknight, Gray, Lair on the field would be a huge hit as well as losing any of our experienced Sr. OL. Maybe Bennett as well. Same with Stoudamire. The D has a few more game ready players available but we are very thin right now on O.

Lets hope our guys stay away from the injury bug.

5-7 is not pessimistic.

The first websites that pop when you google 2011 college football top 120:

Mike DeSimone: ranks us 96, only BCS schools behind us are Duke and Vanderbilt
Sporting News: ranks us 77, 11th in B1G
Rivals: ranks us 102, worst of all BCS schools
SportsRatings: 75, 10th in B1G

I think the program is in better hands, but the record might not indicate it. Too many D and O coordinators during the past 5 years, no continuity every year has to feel like being a freshman. Inexperience at QB and WR, OL, and a DL that was ineffective.

I'm going 4-8. But we will see fewer bonehead penalties and guys playing better in November than in September. I think we could lose to Miami (OH) because of the adjustment, but finish the season 2-1 feeling optimistic about next year.

I see between 5-7 wins, with 2/3 trophys. I think we keep Floyd and then we win the Jug. Wisconsin is a toss up. I feel good about this team and the direction it is headed. They really want toay hard and win!!!
3 trophies? Are you feeling ok? I am yet to read anything anywhere that would indicate we win 3 Big 10 games period. If we go 3-0 vs IA, WI and MI, how do we only end up with 5 wins? Fuzzy math?

Im just going to point out we might only probably get into the 3 or 4 win range because we have a new coach. Whenever a team gets a new coach they usually dont do so great in the very first season and you also have to remember that jerry kill is great is left with brewsters crappy defense. He can maybe change the strategy or give the D some tactics but its still the same D. Unless kill has a very good tactic or strategy the D is going to be better than with brewster but it wont be changed a whole lot. As for the offense kill is left with a great top quarterback so if he could somehow like he mentioned in media day marry the offense and defense together we will have a great rose bowl competing top ten bcs school definetly.

I try not to make predictions, especially about the future.

6-6 NMSU, Miami, NDSU, Purdue, Iowa, Northwestern/Illinois

But we still have a chance against Michigan even with Robinson because he isn't all that great. He did okay at the beginning of last season but then totally tumbled had off games. He's not a great passer just mainly a runner and i think even our D can stop him.

We are going to get creamed by USC, and absolute beatdown

This is the only blowout I can see happening besides Nebraska. We cannot contain USC's speed on O, they will rack up points just
because of the speed difference and there ability to have so much time to throw. Gophers just cannot get to the QB.
QB play is still shaky in the passing game, you can tell Gray did not get a lot of reps as the back-up last year and that Brew did the program
no favors in making him a WR. The O-line still doesn't live up to pre-Brewster standards, they are just not that strong and with the exception
of a couple guy's don't really move anyone off the line well. The defense is
improved, they will not make as many mental mistakes but the inability to get any kind of pressure or pass rush will still
hamper and bring the defense as a unit down. If they could find a pass rusher they could sneak into school late at some JC that has the transfer credits and know a coach with that kind of Rabbit I would call on him. This lack of a pass rush, will cause far to many long sustained drives, the old nemisis the Gophers cannot shake.
It will take a lot to undo the damage the former head BS'er has done to this program. Even with improved coaching, Kill and his staff are
light years ahead of there predecessors. At best I can see is 3-9 to 4-8 type of record. We will lose a game or two that most
of us expect to win because of miscues and turnovers. We have the right coach, you can tell the players have bought in and are reflecting
there coaches attitude, they will play close and overachieve at times, but we still lack a lot of "seasoned" talent. The best players
are all freshman, RS freshman and sophomores not the desirable mix you would like. Kicking game is daylight and years ahead of any point in the last four years, they will be good at kick offs and returns. I am optimistic about Kill, his coaches and the future after year one, I hope people do not get down on him when we
struggle this year, it is just that start of the journey.

FWIW, you will recall that Alvarez went 1-10 his first year, with Morton's players. Hard though it is for me to say it, Brewster may have left Kill more than Morton left Barry. Brewster could recruit at least, even though he couldn't coach. One of Morton's players actually left FB for a year and came back for Barry - THAT'S how bad Morton was (Thought process: "I would rather not play football than play for him." Ouch).

I said this in another thread. I think it all comes down to us going 3-9 last year. With good coaching, we probably could have beaten South Dakota, Northwestern, and Purdue, giving us a 6-6 season. Who knows, we maybe even steal another to go 7-5. If we would have had that kind of season, I'm willing to bet the preseason predictions would not be the same.

September will tell us everything. If they are 3-1 heading into Michigan, they're playing in late Dec. or beyond. This should have been Brewster's progression year, at 8 wins or better. There's some legit talent, but the new system leads to a backslide. 6 wins is about right. The team is being built to be "matchup" opponents. There are plenty of games on the schedule that the Gophers can win.

Wins over

New Mexico

We are going to win at least one game with a field goal late. Probably Michigan. The Key to the season as it always has been is beating Purdue. Northwestern and Illinois are match up games. And playing Illinois last could be the swan song for Ron Zook.

I think 3-9, but it will be an encouraging 3-9. I think Minnesota will be in almost every game. I just don't think they have the depth to make a serious run at a bowl game. But that doesn't mean this won't be an exciting season. This team will give some really good teams a scare and maybe, just MAYBE, pull off an upset or two.

6-6. Win the first three home games, split Purdue, Michigan, and win the last two.

I said this in another thread. I think it all comes down to us going 3-9 last year. With good coaching, we probably could have beaten South Dakota, Northwestern, and Purdue, giving us a 6-6 season. Who knows, we maybe even steal another to go 7-5. If we would have had that kind of season, I'm willing to bet the preseason predictions would not be the same.

This is true. The team underachieved last year. Obviously we should have beaten South Dakota, if Collado had pulled down that pick against Northwestern, we would have won that one too, and we were also likely talented enough to beat both Purdue and Northern Illinois. Had we played as well as we were capable of playing, we could have had 6 or 7 wins last season. Hopefully Kill's coaching is able to get more out of our players than Brewster did.

I also believe the Gophers are capable of winning all of the games that husker70 listed, that said, I don't believe that we will win all of them. But we might also get an unexpected win against USC, Wisconsin, Michigan State, or Nebraska, and I suppose wins against Michigan and Iowa wouldn't exactly be expected, I wouldn't be too surprised if we won them either. Can't wait for the season to start! Go Gophers!

I said this in another thread. I think it all comes down to us going 3-9 last year. With good coaching, we probably could have beaten South Dakota, Northwestern, and Purdue, giving us a 6-6 season. Who knows, we maybe even steal another to go 7-5. If we would have had that kind of season, I'm willing to bet the preseason predictions would not be the same.

While I agree with all of this, we shouldn't forget that we could have easily lost each of the MTSU, Illinois, and Iowa games as well.

I think it is funny how we collectively convince ourselves the national media doesn't know anything about our Gophers. It always makes sense because we can "prove" it by highlighting the little inaccuracies in the articles that accompany the predictions. Hey, they mentioned a d-back expected to contribute that left the program last winter. Don't they know anything? They said that the starting left tackle is a tight end.

Then when all is said and done, the know nothing national media outlets get their predictions right and our inside knowledge results in predictions that prove to be too optimistic. At least that has been the story the last couple years.

So with that in mind I am going to go with the 3-9, last place in the division vibe so I can be happily surprised if things go better this year.

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