What is the Pioneer Press Looking For?

Regarding the Media: It's a sad but true fact in today's media climate - a "feel-good" story may be well-written, but TV ratings, newspaper circulation, and internet "hits" are driven by sensational or 'breaking' news. I guarantee that the Strib and PP websites are getting far more hits for the Amy Senser trial then for any 'positive' story.

Likewise, if the PP had uncovered any possible impropriety in the Tinsley Fund or paying of funeral trip expenses, it would have been a lead story (above the fold in newspaper terms). George Dohrman broke the Gangelhoff story, and it made his career. That's what (most) reporters want - the big juicy story that makes their reputation and puts them in line for a big payday at their next job.

If we don't trust the media, then the media has to assume some of the responsibility for that state of affairs.

I would imagine that anyone that donated a large sum of money did so anonymously so that their names wouldn't show up if such a request was made. For Brandon Hall's funeral, an anonymous donor made a large pledge so the entire team could fly to the funeral.

...I'm with you there, actually. I have plenty of issues with the local sports media (Reusse included) but it's mostly when they're lazy and/or unnecessarily negative. I just really dislike the sentiment supadupafly was espousing, that if the media is digging around for a story it's because they're selfish, malicious tabloid jackals out to smear good people to advance their own personal agendas. You can't fault someone for sniffing around for a story...now, if they write an unfair/inaccurate one, that's an entirely different animal.

I agree with you Red, I just think this is bad form.

I also think that the U of MN Athletics Department is the butt of endless jokes by our own media, to the point that it is delusional. I remember hearing on KFAN, Sludge talking about how he didn't go to Gopher football games when he was in college because they were meaningless (he went from 1999-2004). That's absurd. The endless tweets by Doogie about Tubby already accepting offers from other schools, etc. So I actually think in our local market, the fawning sycophants do wish for negativity to the Gophers. It's part of their gimmick.

No one wins a Pulitzer Prize for a story about college football players volunteering at a children's hospital.

F the pioneer press. don't trust those d-bags nor their counterparts at the star tribune. only is this town would a paper be digging for something related to flying a team down to FL and back the same day for their teammates funeral.

most journalists, columnists and reporters are scum bags who only care about ONE THING: i.e. themselves while promoting/furthering their career. no matter who they step on along the way.

that is all.


"Somehow, I don't think the Columbus Dispatch or the Wisconsin State Journal would do this. In those towns, the university wags the dog."

In the Twin Cities, the Vikings wag the dog.

"Somehow, I don't think the Columbus Dispatch or the Wisconsin State Journal would do this. In those towns, the university wags the dog."

In the Twin Cities, the Vikings wag their dicks in everyone's faces, and they all say "Thank you".


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