What if Sandusky is found not-guilty?

Heard an interesting comment on MSNBC today by a guest on one of their morning shows that predicted that Sandusky would kill himself within 6 months...which seems likely to me as well. It is an easy out for a sick individual.

It should? So when my 63-year-old father-in-law takes my 5-year-old son to the Y to go swimming, and they go take a shower in the locker room afterwards, does that make him a criminal?

How about your 63-year-old neighbor and your 5-year-old son? Get the picture?

How about your 63-year-old neighbor and your 5-year-old son? Get the picture?

That has nothing to do with what I said. He said that any grown man who showers with young boys should be called a criminal. Well, my father-in-law is a grown man who regularly (3 times a week or more) showers with a young boy. Hell, I shower with my son frequently. Is he a criminal? Am I a criminal?

Heard an interesting comment on MSNBC today by a guest on one of their morning shows that predicted that Sandusky would kill himself within 6 months...which seems likely to me as well. It is an easy out for a sick individual.

My fiance said something similar to that when this all came out.

That has nothing to do with what I said. He said that any grown man who showers with young boys should be called a criminal. Well, my father-in-law is a grown man who regularly (3 times a week or more) showers with a young boy. Hell, I shower with my son frequently. Is he a criminal? Am I a criminal?

Swing...and a miss. I didn't read "family member" in the comment. You might have been one of the very few to read it that way, which is fine. I think most of us read "stranger".

You are a criminal, but not in this matter. ;-)

Swing...and a miss. I didn't read "family member" in the comment. You might have been one of the very few to read it that way, which is fine. I think most of us read "stranger".

You are a criminal, but not in this matter. ;-)

Here is the quote:

He'll still be an admitted grown man who showers with young boys.

That, in itself, should be criminal.

Do you see any delineation of relative/non-relative there? I sure don't.

I just hate absurd blanket statements like this. Saying, in essence, "any grown man who showers with young boys is a pedophile" is no different than saying "any student who is successful must be white, because all black people are stupid".

If it was his intent to make a delineation between family and otherwise, he should've done so, or at the very least come back and amended his statement so as not to cast aspersions on perfectly healthy family relationships.

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