What happens when "Journalists" don't bother with facts

Who is J.C. Price? I thought Henderson was just a bit over 300 pounds and not already at 335.

Anyway, I'm not going to rip the guy too hard, but if he wants a serious career in journalism, he's going to need to step it up a bit.

I believe anyone who wants to can "write" for Bleacher Report (note that it says contributor by the "author's" name). A hint at this "author's" possible motives comes where he notes which teams dominated the Big Ten.

wow.....that was bad. Four times throughout I found myself stopping going....WTF is wrong with this dude. Next time after the meth binge you get off the computer dude...for the sake of everyone.

I think the guy just wrote it to get a rise out of Gopher fans. That's the only reasonable explanation I can see. No way someone can write an article that bad without that agenda.

I think the guy just wrote it to get a rise out of Gopher fans. That's the only reasonable explanation I can see. No way someone can write an article that bad without that agenda.

yeah it came off as somthing you would read over at pony-pokerville

I'm dumber for reading that. Antwan Fields is a freaking moron.

This guy's archive is filled with Chicago related content, why the hell is he writing about the Gophers?

Fishy. Or Fischy. Either way, terrible college level offensive coordinator.

when that happens you get a global climate change crisis and an Obama.

The guy thinks James Green left for Toledo. It was for lack of grades you dumbass

Three questions:

1. What was the "ripple effect" referred to in the title?
2. What was the point of this?
3. Why was it so poorly written?

Wow if only I read that article prior to my Journalism 4721 class to prove my point that professional journalists should do the journalism, not "citizen" journalists. Everyone has an opinion, this article just proves how not everyone's opinion is worth listening to or even worth being put out there to listen to.

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