What happened to Myron's update on Trevor's status?

hopefully that limit is put in place now, the dockets on the case have an annoying Deposition of: and blank, perhaps that was going to be the victim who never showed up? anyone with legal knowledge know about how long theyd give to find the victim before tossing the case? i mean something tells me she might have realized she had no case and instead of just dropping it ran away

i mean something tells me she might have realized she had no case and instead of just dropping it ran away

It's not "her case" because a criminal prosecution is brought by the state, not an individual. I don't know anything about Florida law, but I doubt the judge would allow too much time since the accused's life is hanging in limbo while it plays out. The prosecuting attorney, no matter how zealous, wants to bring a case she can win and, without the victim to i.d. Trevor, she almost certainly doesn't have that here. Remember, too, that they could drop the charges and re-file them if/when the victim resurfaces.


Is it just me or is Tubby much more open with national media than the local hacks? Also I'm really glad to here that Mbakwe may be back, partially because he'll help the team, but also because I truly think he's innocent and this has to suck for him. I also hope that Tubby sits White for the year or half the year because this kid honestly needs to learn a lesson. I don't know how good he'll be but I really think that if he gets cut loose he'll never get his act/life together. Tubby is a great coach but more importantly an honorable man and it seems like Royce needs that more than anything else right now.

ole... well said. I agree.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Hopefully the judge allows the electronic depositions, if that's what they're waiting on. It doesn't sound like our friend Coach Cal the Sleaze has any intention of allowing Trevor's ex-teamate to give an in-person deposition any time during the season and it doesn't sound like the former coach will either.

Is it just me or is Tubby much more open with national media than the local hacks?

It's kind of hard to blame him. Wouldn't you rather talk to Andy Katz then Myron P. Metcalf? Not to mention that he probably had an existing relationship with Katz and other national guys from Kentucky. Metcalf in particular has done himself no favors to get on Tubby's good side. Not that the reporters should have to brown-nose.

Well - just maybe some good news...We've had our share of bad news, so hopefully the ying and yang will be positive going forward.

If this is true, I will change my thoughts of maybe 2nd round in the big dance to possible 3rd or 4th rounds...ballllllliiiiinnnnnn

Myron sucks... I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but..

Also, today he writes: "A victory could propel the Gophers into other valuable matchups against the likes of UCLA, Portland, Long Beach State, No. 19 Clemson, Texas A&M or No. 8 West Virginia."

Terrible logic!

Of course a victory WOULD do that because there are only 8 teams in the whole field. A loss WOULD do the same thing. So this sentence is meaningless and adds nothing to his article: http://www.startribune.com/sports/g...si8cyaiUjc8LDyiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aULPQL7PQLanchO7D

It's kind of hard to blame him. Wouldn't you rather talk to Andy Katz then Myron P. Metcalf? Not to mention that he probably had an existing relationship with Katz and other national guys from Kentucky. Metcalf in particular has done himself no favors to get on Tubby's good side. Not that the reporters should have to brown-nose.

No but they should report honestly and accurately rather than Gotcha-style.

Is it the prosecution's responsibility to produce the victim and prosecution witnesses for the defense to depose?

If so, what is a 'reasonable' (?) amount of time for them to produce them before defense asks for dismissal for not providing them.

It's called "Discovery" and the prosecution needs to turn over everything that they have to the defendant upon request. Included in that information is the names and contact info of potential trial witnesses so the defense can have their own investigator interview them or subpoena them for a deposition. If that info is not provided, the defense can request dismissal.

FWIW...as a prosecutor, your ethics are that cases should not be filed unless you are certain they can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt at the time of the filing. It seems the Miami DA's office may have jumped the gun on this one.

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