What good is the NCAA?


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Sep 12, 2023
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They can't enforce the one-time free transfer rule. They can't enforce the true intent of Name Image Likeness and CBB has turned into outrageous pay-for-play arena where the compensation for many players is larger than what players could receive in secondary professional leagues worldwide. And now, we know that they don't even enforce prohibitions against tampering where players who aren't even in the portal are recruited. The president of the NCAA makes about $3 million. The six VPs below him make between $600,000 and $1.7 million. Under their watch, college sports has become an unregulated free for all.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.
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They can't enforce the one-time free transfer rule. They can't enforce the true intent of Name Image Likeness and CBB has turned into outrageous pay-for-play arena where the compensation for many players is larger than what players could receive in secondary professional leagues worldwide. And now, we know that they don't even enforce prohibitions against meddling where players who aren't even in the portal are recruited.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.
Will the May portal deadline mean anything?

Will the May portal deadline mean anything?
Depends on if there is a lawsuit.

There's gold in 'der 'dem hills. It's every man for himself in CBB. Everybody is staking claims left and right. Shoot first, ask questions later!

They can't enforce the one-time free transfer rule. They can't enforce the true intent of Name Image Likeness and CBB has turned into outrageous pay-for-play arena where the compensation for many players is larger than what players could receive in secondary professional leagues worldwide. And now, we know that they don't even enforce prohibitions against tampering where players who aren't even in the portal are recruited. The president of the NCAA makes about $3 million. The six VPs below him make between $600,000 and $1.7 million. Under their watch, college sports has become an unregulated free for all.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.
Throw them all out and start an organization that takes education seriously. There have to be enough schools in that category to get it going.

The thing I keep wondering is can they enforce a 4+year playing limit? Can they enforce the rules that state you must register for classes and maintain a certain GPA to keep playing? What is to keep college athletics from becoming just another professional league? To me, this is the logical next step to what has transpired so far. There are games, stadiums, workout & training facilities... all the things you need to be a professional league.

The thing I keep wondering is can they enforce a 4+year playing limit? Can they enforce the rules that state you must register for classes and maintain a certain GPA to keep playing? What is to keep college athletics from becoming just another professional league? To me, this is the logical next step to what has transpired so far. There are games, stadiums, workout & training facilities... all the things you need to be a professional league.
And this is what causes universities who take education seriously to ditch the enterprise completely.

They can't enforce the one-time free transfer rule. They can't enforce the true intent of Name Image Likeness and CBB has turned into outrageous pay-for-play arena where the compensation for many players is larger than what players could receive in secondary professional leagues worldwide. And now, we know that they don't even enforce prohibitions against tampering where players who aren't even in the portal are recruited. The president of the NCAA makes about $3 million. The six VPs below him make between $600,000 and $1.7 million. Under their watch, college sports has become an unregulated free for all.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.
The only thing the NCAA can legally enforce is the rule against NIL being tied to schools. They could come down harder on that charade but I guess I have a hard time blaming them when all of the other rules are thrown out the window.

The transfer rules are entirely on the courts.

The thing I keep wondering is can they enforce a 4+year playing limit? Can they enforce the rules that state you must register for classes and maintain a certain GPA to keep playing? What is to keep college athletics from becoming just another professional league? To me, this is the logical next step to what has transpired so far. There are games, stadiums, workout & training facilities... all the things you need to be a professional league.
At this point, college basketball would have to become way more tightly organized and regulated to be another professional league.

The thing I keep wondering is can they enforce a 4+year playing limit? Can they enforce the rules that state you must register for classes and maintain a certain GPA to keep playing? What is to keep college athletics from becoming just another professional league? To me, this is the logical next step to what has transpired so far. There are games, stadiums, workout & training facilities... all the things you need to be a professional league.
Retired college counselor here with some peripheral experience with student/ athlete eligibility. These are the basics. Student athletes must be full time students while playing, which means at least 12 credits per term minimum. Transfer students must be in good standing at their previous college. They also must successfully complete a minimum number of accumulated credits towards a degree, depending on their years in college. I believe the minimum GPA must be at least 2.0.

The NCAA is a member controlled institution. Nothing happens without the member University Presidents allowing it. Every rule and change is approved by the member schools. Hopefully, the schools will decide to bring some order to the chaos.

The NCAA is a member controlled institution. Nothing happens without the member University Presidents allowing it. Every rule and change is approved by the member schools. Hopefully, the schools will decide to bring some order to the chaos.
And those member school presidents have been led by the nose for fifty years by the NCAA bureaucracy that churned out money. The current consolidation of money and power into the hands of too few might just be the impetus for the rest to stand up and try to be heard as they demand a reasonable set of rules. Or go their own way.

The NCAA is a member controlled institution. Nothing happens without the member University Presidents allowing it. Every rule and change is approved by the member schools. Hopefully, the schools will decide to bring some order to the chaos.
What rules would you want changed at the NCAA level?

All the NCAA is good for is spending money. And hypocrisy. God knows they are good at that.
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The NCAA is a member controlled institution. Nothing happens without the member University Presidents allowing it. Every rule and change is approved by the member schools. Hopefully, the schools will decide to bring some order to the chaos.
It doesn't matter what the member schools want if the courts rule it unconstitutional.
If the case currently in the courts for retroactive back pay succeeds, it will bankrupt the NCAA.

And those member school presidents have been led by the nose for fifty years by the NCAA bureaucracy that churned out money. The current consolidation of money and power into the hands of too few might just be the impetus for the rest to stand up and try to be heard as they demand a reasonable set of rules. Or go their own way.
It also prevented them from having to make their own decisions and take ownership.

according to the USA Today the NCAA spent $1.17 billion in expenses last year. Where did they get this money? From us rubes.

I could argue that the NCAA has always been constructed on a house of cards. but until recently, everyone just accepted the status quo and didn't try to challenge it.

then, as I have discussed in other posts, starting with the O'Bannon case over video-game rights, people started going after the NCAA in the courts, and the NCAA has been on a losing streak that would make the 1962 Mets look good by comparison.

seriously - the NCAA is getting its ass kicked in court case after court case. when the Alston case went to the US Supreme Court, the Court found against the NCAA on a 9-0 vote. The Supreme Court never has 9-0 votes! that is how bad the NCAA is getting beat in court.

The Emperor has no clothes - or at least no legal defense.

Here's an article about one of the lawyers who is leading the fight against the NCAA. Long, but interesting.


Like most, I'm frustrated with what college sports has become. Change is always hard. But the courts ruled that college athletes should be treated like any other college student or any other working adult.

Why is that such a bad thing?

Like most, I'm frustrated with what college sports has become. Change is always hard. But the courts ruled that college athletes should be treated like any other college student or any other working adult.

Why is that such a bad thing?

That's not the point. The point is: Why support an organization that appears to be impotent?

That's not the point. The point is: Why support an organization that appears to be impotent?

Yes it is the point. The University of Minnesota is a business. So are college sports attached to the University. Whether you choose to support that business is up to you, just like any other business.

If you don't like the product, or want to support the product, it's on the business to create a better product. And Minnesota has the resources to create a better product today.

It also prevented them from having to make their own decisions and take ownership.
For them to do what they need to do will require the kind of courage that few bureaucrats and systems people have. I hope some leadership emerges from all this. I may not have the right sources, but it is shocking that more people involved in the education mission of universities have not spoken out about the absurdity and mockery of education going on right now.

What rules would you want changed at the NCAA level?
I’m not sure the NCAA can right the ship they were sailing. The courts have put a huge dent in their business model. The NCAA became a conduit for the success of a few schools. They unfairly applied their own criteria for transfers and punishments. They also failed to see the changing landscape after the NCAA Football video game lawsuit began the events that led to the current state of college sports.

However, it’s for the schools to adjust and either radically change the NCAA, start over, or let each conference decide how they want to administer athletics.

The NCAA appears pretty worthless where it comes to basketball and football.....guessing it still might have value for the other sports that have not been so wrapped up in the pay for play and roster BS that is going on now.

You know, the sports where the athletes are actually still students and mostly just competing for the love of the sport while getting their college degree paid for.....

Think we have a tendency to forget that there are other sports out there beyond basketball and football that make up the majority of the athletes in college.
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If you don't like the product, or want to support the product, it's on the business to create a better product. And Minnesota has the resources to create a better product today.

I don't see it completely that way. It's just as easy (even easier actually) to say that if you don't like the product, don't buy the product. If you don't like Gopher sports, then find another entertainment substitute (could be an athletic substitute but doesn't have to be). See, in a way I like Gopher sports because I have empathy for the underdog but you've never struck me as someone who has much empathy.

Think we have a tendency to forget that their are other sports out there beyond basketball and football that make up the majority of the athletes in college.

And forgetting them might be even easier in the future if the arms race results in many low-revenue sports being cut.

It's only Division 1 sports that are this crazy. And it has to do with the same thing that corrupts everything in society. $$$$$$$$ Greed is going to bring D1 college bball down and greed is well on it's way to bringing down the USA as well.

D2 and 3 sports are still pretty pure. But D1 ball has turned into a joke basically.

I don't see it completely that way. It's just as easy (even easier actually) to say that if you don't like the product, don't buy the product. If you don't like Gopher sports, then find another entertainment substitute (could be an athletic substitute but doesn't have to be). See, in a way I like Gopher sports because I have empathy for the underdog but you've never struck me as someone who has much empathy.

Then we're not really disagreeing on much.

I don't have empathy for being the worst basketball program in the B1G right now. I also understand that Minnesota isn't likely to contend for B1G titles regularly, or especially national titles. That's ok with me.

But Minnesota has the resources to be a significantly better program than what they are today.

It was a business decision to hire BJ, and it will be a business decision on if/when they decide they want to improve the product. It's pretty simple in my eyes and there are no excuses to be this bad with what we have to work with in the free market that is college basketball today.

It's up to you on whether you want to continue to support this product or come back to it when it improves or just never buy it again.

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