What does Sid know that we don't?


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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What is this tid-bit all about?:

"A year ago most of the Gophers basketball recruits spent the summer here attending summer school and working out daily with the varsity players. The same thing is expected to happen this year. There might be three or four players who won't be around because they still have academic work to do to graduate."


Go Gophers!!

Could this be interpreted as, "There are a few Gopher players who won't be in the gym this summer because they will be in the library so that they are able to be on the court this fall."

In other words, I think he is saying there are players who need to get work done this summer in the classroom before they are eligible to attend the U again this fall. Would that be a fair assessment?

Could it be that Sid was talking about the football recruits, not the basketball recruits? That seems the most logical to me, since he mentions recruits, goes on to say most of them will be here, and then states that 3 or 4 might not be here because they'll need to fulfill grad requirements. . .well, we only have 4 basketball recruits. My guess is he wrote about the wrong Gopher program.

The man is ............

89 years of age and not in full posession of his faculties. Justin Cobbs just played in an academic al-stars game in Cali....the other 3 guys are from this area so they most certainly "will be around," even if they are cleaning up some academic issues.

I did see Rodney toting a backpack at the Sabes this weekend. I hope he opens it once in a while.

I hope that backpack also has some 40 lb weights in it too....

Could it be that Sid was talking about the football recruits, not the basketball recruits? That seems the most logical to me, since he mentions recruits, goes on to say most of them will be here, and then states that 3 or 4 might not be here because they'll need to fulfill grad requirements. . .well, we only have 4 basketball recruits. My guess is he wrote about the wrong Gopher program.

i didn't read it that way. Sid's first two sentences are clearly referring to basketball RECRUITS. However, the object (as opposed to subject) of the first line is varsity players. In the last sentence, he then refers to players (eliminating "varsity" for succinctness.) So I think he is talking basketball, but not recruits, when he talks about grad requirements, and he's talking about college grad, not high school grad.

I'm not sure if he was talking about staying eligible--as Shik was thinking--or just that if the player wants to graduate on time, he needs to catch up on his credits. that's a common issue because a lot of these guys thake a slightly lighter than average load to counterbalance the time needed to practice and play a D1 sport, and the lighter loads add up after a while.

Royce, Rodney, and Trevor are locks to play in the Pulley league, no question, they already knew which teams they are on. Cobbs, who knows. I think the last sentence was talking about returning players who will be going to summer school like Westbrook, Johnson, and Bostick who may need some extra credits to make sure they are on pace to graduate.

i didn't read it that way. Sid's first two sentences are clearly referring to basketball RECRUITS. However, the object (as opposed to subject) of the first line is varsity players. In the last sentence, he then refers to players (eliminating "varsity" for succinctness.) So I think he is talking basketball, but not recruits, when he talks about grad requirements, and he's talking about college grad, not high school grad.

I'm not sure if he was talking about staying eligible--as Shik was thinking--or just that if the player wants to graduate on time, he needs to catch up on his credits. that's a common issue because a lot of these guys thake a slightly lighter than average load to counterbalance the time needed to practice and play a D1 sport, and the lighter loads add up after a while.

I too read it as Sid is talking about returning players, not recruits. But it was poorly worded so I'm not 100% sure on that.

Royce, Rodney, and Trevor are locks to play in the Pulley league, no question, they already knew which teams they are on. Cobbs, who knows. I think the last sentence was talking about returning players who will be going to summer school like Westbrook, Johnson, and Bostick who may need some extra credits to make sure they are on pace to graduate.
I think Johnny's take is probably the closest.
Johnny, maybe you could get a job translating for Sid.

Strib's shame

I think Sid should be commended for still writng. However I think the Strib should be completely embarrassed that they let Sid's things get to print without serious editing and fact checking.

This is from the same man that did an entire interview with Erin Henderson (Vikes) and called and thought he was E.J.! Erin played with it for quite a while :D

Sid has never been about using proper grammer, just providing the info. Now that he's in his late 80's everyone wants to take shots. In reality it wasn't any better 20 years ago. He sounds old on the radio some days, but I can't see how his columns are any different.

In any case, how anyone can read the horrible pieces put out by the 'Gopher beat writer' the Strib employs and still think that Sid is the problem I don't know. The one upside of a merged newspaper is that maybe between Marcus Fuller and Kent Youngblood they can actually put together a competant Gopher section.

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