What do you want to hear from pres. Kaler?

Thought of one more question:

Currently, the Gophers are one of a very few teams in the B1G to not have a basketball practice facility and on the football side of things we have one of the lowest paid coaches in the B1G. This type of information gives credence to those who believe that the University of Minnesota is not taking the steps necessary to be successful in revenue sports, how do you respond to those that believe the University of Minnesota simply doesn't care about winning ?

Why cannot Wren question the future employment of the lackey AD Maturi?

He need to go now, and everyone but you knows it.

No offense to Doogie, but i'd actually pay to watch the interview of Kaler done by Wren.

Gopher football has not won a Big Ten Championship in 44 years and has not been to the Rose Bowl since
1962. You have stated that you understand the benefits that a winning football program can bring to a university.

What is your plan, other than supporting Coach Kill with his very difficult challenge, to provide the needed resources to allow Gopher football to succeed?

I would like to know of Pres. K reads any, some, or all of the threads and comments to threads on GopherHole.

Ask him if he is going to ease admission standards for student athletes. Ask him what help coach Kill has asked for to be successful.Ask him why a student athlete walk on needs a 27 on their SAT to be admitted.We have been hearing about changes being needed for years. What are they and when are they going to happen

I know this, if doogieman throws nothing but standard, easy to answer "prexy" friendly questions at the dude, we will have to critique the lack of substance and progress being shown by the doogieman.

The time has come for this prexy to go to work. How much money will he get for the University System from the legislators? Will he be good at going to the hill with his hand out and make them believe the U is looking for a hand, and not just a hand out?

What does he really think about the condition of the Football Program? Who does he feel the guilty party is? What will he do to start correcting the situation?

When will he bring in at least an adequate athletic director? Why has he waited so long to fire bjm?

How much money does he believe he needs to raise for the endowment fund of the University of Minnesota to provide for the future of this university?

No soft balls now, doggieman. Be a journalist and give him no mercy and NO route to avoid your tough line of questioning. Be real doggieman...keep it REAL.

; 0 )

Ask him if he is going to ease admission standards for student athletes. Ask him what help coach Kill has asked for to be successful.Ask him why a student athlete walk on needs a 27 on their SAT to be admitted.We have been hearing about changes being needed for years. What are they and when are they going to happen
I assume you mean ACT? And you can get into the U with less than a 27 on your ACT, I'm not sure if walk-on athletes have different standards though.

I know this, if doogieman throws nothing but standard, easy to answer "prexy" friendly questions at the dude, we will have to critique the lack of substance and progress being shown by the doogieman.

The time has come for this prexy to go to work. How much money will he get for the University System from the legislators? Will he be good at going to the hill with his hand out and make them believe the U is looking for a hand, and not just a hand out?

What does he really think about the condition of the Football Program? Who does he feel the guilty party is? What will he do to start correcting the situation?

When will he bring in at least an adequate athletic director? Why has he waited so long to fire bjm?

How much money does he believe he needs to raise for the endowment fund of the University of Minnesota to provide for the future of this university?

No soft balls now, doggieman. Be a journalist and give him no mercy and NO route to avoid your tough line of questioning. Be real doggieman...keep it REAL.

; 0 )

+100. ask the tough questions that need to be asked of him, doogie. don't just keep it PC so you can get another interview in the future.

Gopher football has not won a Big Ten Championship in 44 years and has not been to the Rose Bowl since
1962. You have stated that you understand the benefits that a winning football program can bring to a university.

What is your plan, other than supporting Coach Kill with his very difficult challenge, to provide the needed resources to allow Gopher football to succeed?

PLEASE ask him, considering the above facts, does he and the Regents understand that the problems run deeper than just the football staff. Is he willing to do something serious about it. i have no hope that he does and that things will just continue as they have = mired in mediocrity at best. For the hopeful, time is running out and he needs to understand that.

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